In which ways are you different from all the NPCs?
In which ways are you different from all the NPCs?
well for one
i come here every day
i dont have slit eyes
>In which ways are you different from all the NPCs?
High iq and 9 inch pp.
My "mental disorders" bullshit. They are crazy.
Im pretty sure doing repetitive tasks every day makes you more of an npc user
I have an intense fear of standing out so I try to live as an NPC as best as I can
I sing in public to creep people out
I'm vegan and poor.
Idk, normal people don't feel like killing themselves because they are such a piece of shit.
Inner monologue, thats literally it. Do you newfags not remember why the meme started?
Perhaps they are like me, but I doubt it. They aren't as sad as me on a daily basis, plus they find things to enjoy while I am left aimlessly searching. They don't hide their face from others, they don't appreciate headpats. They have no idea how sock puppetdom is, to be like felt; they would see such a statement as just nonsense because they cannot empathize. To press your hand against a pane of glass, just to feel the presence of another world. They enjoy betrayal when I enjoy truth. They seek to judge others, when I just want to get along. They feel cringe at others, they sense what others feel, they change themselves as needed to appeal to others. They add emojis to their texts, speak when caps when they feel the emotion of anger, and can comprehend what love is and either have a girl they pine for or a waifu.
I'm not, we all are meaningless meatsack waiting to die
This, non-NPCs are always bubbly, fun and quirky personalities always looking out for an adventure! I love to travel, get wasted and have some fun all across the world! Hoping to find that special someone who can actually cope with a sassy, independent woman!
i listen to bladee unironically
based, but also incredibly redpilled
This is exactly correct. Ever notice how the smartest people who don't beleive everything they are told will go to the doctor for some minute condition but end up being told they have to go to the hospital to get put in some medically induced coma? They used to just lock up all of the "crazies" now they just legally vegetate them and wait until the family runs out of money and has to put them down.
Trump is a decent president doing his best in a shitty neolib/con system. Not the savior of the aryan race or satan himself.
what project are the NPC's working on? notice that their programming only covers using shame, approval and abuse as social capital. they are never programmed with agency, in fact most gentiles can't even define social capital in such a way that it allows them to take action in the first place. agency requires self awareness.
once an NPC discovers that it was programmed, that it's mind is a product of the acculturation process, it can decide how to live it's life and start taking action on it's goals. the first thing an agent discovers is that you're alone in a sea of shit talking patients that can't help themselves or you complete any work on any project. they are dysfunctional.
imagine a paleolithic society, a village full of cavebros. the problem is that they need water. it's normally not a problem, but the cavebros have noticed that the water isnt coming up from the ground anymore, it isnt there.
That's exactly it though, one of them realizes the relationship between the ground and the water, and starts digging. Eventually all of the agents are digging a well, and the patients are standing around talking shit.
"Why are you digging that big hole in the ground user?" "user our kids will fall in that, stop digging" "why arent you out hunting instead of digging a pointless hole" "all you idiots care about is holes, when are you going to find more water"
The story of civilisation is the struggle of intellectually normal organims attempting to create meaning by taking responsibility, while everyone else raises each other to do nothing except talk shit and be useless. eventually the agent design a system that protects their right to do what they want, and this eventually becomes the idea of human rights.
youre either working on something before you die or your birth was meaningless and you are disrespecting yourself by wasting your own life. it's a sever mental health problem, and once these shit talkers raise everyone else that way it becomes a problem with the entire population.
i dont listen to an artist just because jewtube says its trending. i dont watch a movie simply because its new. i have more than 3 video games. i dont chimp out because someone has different opinions than me. i dont believe its the governments job to pamper me
No, I've never noticed that because it's just bullshit you made up
>governments job to pamper me
this was my point, technically the rights of the people are a collective responsibility. for example your right to free speech is my responsibility to bear, and yours to exercise. the government is beneath constitutional law, which supersedes all law and allows for this humanist behavior.
im just lil old me ! and that all i can be! ^___^ yipeee!!
>i have more than 3 video games.
Good goy. Keep consuming
malpractice is always a felony because malpractice is fraud. ive never heard of those rumors.
on the other hand, many states now require doctors to ask patients if they have any guns in the home, which is a de facto felony and a de facto war crime because it violates your right to privacy as guaranteed by supreme and eternal constitutional law, as well as article 12 of the UN declaration of human rights. they do this to creat an illegal gun registry, even though all gun control is a war crime, and in the united states federal law explicitly says
>war criminals do not enjoy the right to due process
I'm more worried about the ATF existing at all than the type or medical malpractice youre talking about, and not simply because being 5150d violates your right to free travel as guaranteed by eternal and supreme constitutional law.
youre assuming he paid for them.
the npc always invite me on side quests
I can't fit in with society no matter what, even if I try. I also process independent complex thought which, surprisingly, some people don't, including inner voice. Was sitting in philosophy class recently and literally no one knew what the fuck was meant. Everyone just repeated what was on the sheet. And when I was at the psychiatrist they told me having some inner voice is bad and that I seem unhealthy.
I'm also one of the only few people I know who can actually communicate abstract feelings.
I have extreme compulsive tendencies that make me break the law a lot. Everyone despises me and I can't seem to relate to this fucking life.
I'm a voraphile and have other shitty sexual and violent fantasies a lot, which some doc said could be OCD
I haven't gotten into a trend in all of my life. Most of my taste is individual
I'd still say I'm a soulless fucking tool
If I'm an npc I'm just hardcore malfunctioning.
I don't buy into meme ideas and can empathise with people and make up my own mind who is a system tool and who isnt
I want to be NEET live alone and only travel to acquire food. Never enjoy enjoyed being around people or "building relationships" . all of my hobbies interests and passions are solitary and not lucrative at all. I don't even want a gf anymore. No idea what to spend money on besides basic necessities (shelter, food,electricity) and internet. I hate driving and traveling.
Alcohol and weed are terrible drugs. So are opiates. I only like dissociatives
>have written several novels
>proficient singer/dancer trained mainly in musical theater styling
>write screen/stage plays with dream of making it to broadway
>did some work with Opera
>amateur cartographer who makes maps
>also studied ballet and puppetry because I found them interesting
>briefly studied at a french clown school at the Gaulier workshops
People call me 'quirky', but I just consider these forms of art interesting. Ballet, buffoonery, puppetry, opera, musical theater, fiction prose. I like all of these.
Fiction is for NPCs
>having productive cultural hobbies
Yikes and NormalfagPC pilled
I don't follow bandwagons, and prefer to figure out problems and learn on my own. They hate me for this. I'm also pro-gun and believe in center politics. Of course nobody likes me. Pic related
>going to clown school is normalfag tier
What isn't normalfag tier then?
The bullshit I say pisses people off. It's not even edgy contrarian stuff like "lol orange man good" or "Hittle did nothing wrong"
It's shit like
>"I think it would be cool if instead of periods, girls just laid eggs"
>"You guys think flys get dizzy?"
God damn bugs are cool.
Constantly obsessing over or working on something no normie would ever enjoy or care about (even if they should).
So like being a clown?
Vivid imagination, weird esoteric sexual interests, somewhat creative and productive, internal monologue going 24/7, hallucinating a HP/MP bar above my head along with text boxes when people talk to me
it's still consumption of lifeless consumer goods
Clowns are normietier.
Try being the clown in a bondage porn team or something
Nope. clowns are actual entertainers and do stuff to please normies. Hence why they are peak NPC
Holy fuck this
Why do people get so pissy at retarded yet fun hypotheticals? I recently tried to get a hypothetical going with someone I thought had somewhat of a "random" brain, but he just said "nobody cares lol why tf do you bring this up"
What's odd is that I already thought "NPC" was a thing before the meme. Recognizing mouth breathers and fake people irl and url in my youth, the most fitting analogy was to call them an "NPC" since I was into gaming most of my life.
vvot vvaz the hypothetical
I'm a nationalist, slightly autistic, emotionally cold but soft when around family, treat women like I would treat any guy, Muslim, don't understand the concept of romance, and have fetishes of having a harem.
Not a trend person, never was never will be. Me questioning Trends has actually pissed some people off.
People find me weird and I do things and hold views some people just think are bad without being able to explain why.
I have some inner monologue that comes up in occasions and serves as a critic and analysis of life. I am constantly on a quest for meaning in life and to find some way of self carved way of living. Haven't found a goal yet but concretely know I'm fueled by a fire need to prove myself.
I'm not a person with life changing ideas and pretty much worthless to myself and society tho
So probably a cyborg half NPC.
Pretty fucking basic thing about what if you had your dream wife but during sex she would make babysounds, would you still do her?
wow you're just like every autistic 15 years old, grats
hahahahahha i vvould zay yez for zure hahaha
She also makes the loud nasty baby cry when she cums
Like the ones that annoy you on the bus
Why did you choose him out of all the ones that posted?
>subscribing to one of the Major faiths of earth
Pretty fucking normie chief
I don't post memes that were dead on arrival. Unlike someone like you.