>be me
>be black
>all my friends are white nationalists somehow
how the heck did this happen? am i the exception or something? I'm just an autist who plays vidya and watches anime O__O
>be me
>be black
>all my friends are white nationalists somehow
how the heck did this happen? am i the exception or something? I'm just an autist who plays vidya and watches anime O__O
>black female
>white nationalist friends
Is she really. Maybe "her" nationalist friends just want some of that bbc.
im not a female user but i wish i was though, maybe life would be easier
Any honest white nationalist in America would have to concede that blacks are part of America. They were dragged kicking and screaming into the country hundreds of years ago.
see originaldesudesu
they were dragged and owned by Jews
Do any of your friends happen to use anime pfps? If you've seen them irl do they happen to look a tad feminine? Like perhaps they might crossdress in private?
I was just speaking generally. I'm not even a burger.
if you're euro the chances are even higher
yeah most of them have anime pfps, as doI, but I'm meeting with a few of them next month at a convention. They all seem generally normal looking and are the christian type Jow Forums poster.
that (you) was to me dickhead.
Because of how most of your people act.
>that (you) was to me dickhead.
I think I mixed it up with the (you) above your post.
Jow Forums posters don't give too much of a shit about race, its mainly just that saying they hate niggers and kikes makes leftists and boomers seethe and considering both leftists and boomers have been raiding Jow Forums for quite a while now its one of the best defenses. I guarantee you that every single Jow Forums poster would have sex with a qt minority woman and make a mixed-race baby if they had the opportunity. Not saying its entirely ironic, Jow Forums posters do genuinely hate degenerate behavior typical more prevalent in certain races, however I am certain irl they judge everyone as individuals.
oh, sorry -__-
i think she means how can the contradiction work. You wouldnt expect them to hold those view and have black friends. They can admit getting to know blacks on a one to one basis and find them pretty normal but still believe in extreme propaganda at the same time
Because, ya know.
U sure that they are racist and not just being edgy and throwing the word nigger around? It's quite common in europe ye know. Prolly underage bait if I might guess.
It isn't about racism really. They think that white people shouldn't be the only people who aren't allowed to have a homeland. It doesn't mean they hate non-white people. Every other group on earth has aplace where they are allowed to live in their own culture except for white people. Despite being about 7 percent of the population of the earth, they are somehow expected to be the only ones that need to shifted around, replaced, and demographics bombed to oblivion in their own countries. hope that answers your question
Blacks dont have straight hair thats obviously an aztec
I bet you also think there's only one type of African
>my friends are white nationalists somehow
Did they actually call themselves "white nationalists" or are you a mentally/emotionally unstable retard and labeled them as such because they support Trump?
And their own ppl aka African nigger slave traders
Whites did nuffin wrong! Niggers and Jews owned 10x more slaves than whites anyway
Uncle Tom niggers and qt nigrresses are based and our natural allies
T. Incel Jow Forums
What the fuck is this comment supposed to mean? All I'm saying is that blacks are blaming the wrong people.
I mean niggers like chapplee who oddly sort of look up to whites (by playfully shitting on them)
And mudsharks who get bleached
T. Virgin
If black or Asian countries were under threat of becoming >50% white, I don't think they would like that very much either.
You've gotten bad information. There were virtually no Jewish slaveowners in the US.
Asians were smart enough not to bring tons of whites into their countries and then bitch generations later about them overrunning the places.
As for blacks, well, we know the consequences they underwent for letting whites into their countries.
They don't hate you if that's what you're thinking, they just feel suffocated by so the other nations invading their nations.
If being a minority sucks, why would you let yourself become one?
>implying they let them into their countries
The zulu's btfo'd the british, native americans also put up a good fight. The main reason these people lost was because of lack of numbers and whites bringing their disease with them from europe that killed millions among contact. Asian people breed like roaches and her tighter spaces unlike africa which was massive and each group separated by regions
because you're a coon
> non-white
>In a secret relationship with an open white-nationalist girl
The girl in your picture isn't black you stupid nigger. Stop stealing