Why don't robots just settle for an average asian like pic related?
Why don't robots just settle for an average asian like pic related?
that's unicorn tier, most asian girls are frumpy looking. Truth be gold most people are below average unless you are in certain areas
Because I am highly autistic. I just want an asian waifu, she doesn't even need to be anywhere close to your pic, OP.
>most people are below average
aren't most people...average
what's the point in dating if you settle
im white and race mixing is wrong
shes caked in makeup i bet she's a 6/10 with 0 makeup.
Without make up, most girls are a 3 or 4. She is still good then.
But she probably wont settle for a 6/10 man kek
yep, but a 6/10 wearing male makeup would be an 8/10 for her. Men need to wear makeup to combat hypergamy.
Got any of those pic related? I'd date her
they wouldn't settle for me retard that's why.
they're probably too embarrassed to look you in the eyes user
not possible if not white
the sad truth
well yeah, if they do they'd end up laughing at the pile of human crap on the other end. Nah, they wouldn't settle for me.
You should add valium#6486. She's a cutie azn girl who vcs and send pics of her eating food. I know there is a lot of server drama surrounding her but please remember she is a good girl user
Reikos used goods
Oh no no
its true i got ghosted because a woman was just trying to be nice
> jp qt gives me her number
>changes it few days after giving it to me
t. manlet spic
Not with modern diets. We dun goof'd
This bitch is a 9/10, i fucking wish i could "settle" for her
Why does Jow Forums like asians who look like this?