Why don't robots settle for a 2/10 like pic related?
Why don't robots settle for a 2/10 like pic related?
Let's post more 2/10s!
>Imagine dating an absolute bottom-tier like pic related
t. 18 years old angry shrimp dick incels
>he couldn't be cool
Absolutely sub-par
absolutely fucking disgusting ewwwwww
ow ow ow ow
she must be ugly
my balls ache just looking at her.
*fap* *fap* *fap*
Posting 2/10's.
I feel bad for her, to be honest.
what a bunch of disgusfing guttersluts
Actually could not pay me to even touch them
>not liking tomboys
Wow she's really ugly. Pixie cuts are just the worst on girls, aren't they? The worst. Yikes.
that's more like 2*10 desu
Lips look weird. Would not bang. Muh standards.
Absolutely Hideous user
Actual 2/10 fembot here. Pic of me from last year.
>this thread
>finally a chance for a man of quality to shine
2/10s can't get my dick hard, i need at least a 7 to be remotely interested
why are girls so pretty bros
nature gave humanity chances for reproduction user
plants and other animals also have such traits
you mispelled God.
it's literally nature
the uglyest people didn't reproduce as much as the attractive ones
some abominations still appear here and there, but hopefully the incels perish