would you pipe her?
Yes, I would fuck her mouth but she's probably a roastie down there.
>being this retarteds
>jew nose
Hell yea her cheeks are probably really soft, and makes some nice sounds when she takes dick though fuck lily before poki
yeah shes really annoying though i dont get how people watch her stream.
No, I don't fuck whores
Her voice sounds like a super basic bitch white girl. It's annoying but I'd mouthfuck her to the vocal cord to change that.
shes a streamer they usually all sound retarded from my experience.
No but I would rob her.
she will be piped
I'd literally eat her shit if she asked me to.
Hell I'd do it even if she didn't ask me to.
A man of taste I see
that's not even poki on the right.
god i want her to peg me so bad
Hasan breadpilled her. If you catch my drift.
Yeah, but only like 2 or 3 times probably
I'd nonce the shit out of that little mutt.
I want to breed her so so bad
it is, deluded low IQ pathetic incel
Hell yeah I would. I wonder what the rooms of the people who say no look like.
she's the same race as me (arab) and everyone likes her but when it comes to me people call me a sand nigger wtf...........
Are you a fucking qt3.14? Probably not sandnigger
moroccan women age badly
>implying you want to live long enough to see a women age anyway
It just shows how easy it is for e-girls to collect orbiters and money while having mediocre looks.
>this is her skin without filters
youd be amazed how many people think she's genuinely white
The good ol' average looking girl who never got attention in high school so she streams to receive payment from ubervirgins
Women live on easy mode. Attractive women live on tutorial mode.
I'd easily do the same
Why would anyone think she's white with a name like Imane? Also, even with all the makeup, she looks more Asian to me than White.
I'm not even mad at her though. If I could do it, I would. Just like if you could you would. Who would really turn down easy money. The people you should be mad at are men. They're the ones who put whores, hookers, steamers, escorts, etc on a pedestal. They're the ones who give these bitches a lane to make money. I bet if we looked up Patreon statistics it's like 99.99% Male that are paying and supporting these whore's Patreons. Just like I'm sure it's like 99.99% Males who pay for drawfags to draw them weird ass fetish porn and shit.
If men as a collective got tired and said fuck this shit, the Porn industry would come to a grinding halt. Escorts, hookers, streamers, e-girls, and all the like would have to actually get off their ass/back and actually learn a skill to make money or get an actual job. Women live on tutorial mode because men LET them live on tutorial mode.
Just think about all the chicks from Jow Forums and Jow Forums alone, who were orbited and became popular or ecelebs. That Pupina bitch would be a literal nobody if you faggots didn't orbit her and shill her shitty videos. But yet we're all mad at the dumb whores for capitalizing on niggas be thirsty as shit?
It's also hilarious when someone like us (Eggman or that black guy, I think his name was Clark or Kent or some shit) capitalize and cash in on the whole eCeleb shit, we immediately shit on them and call them faggots and the like and try to flag their shit and get their shit taken down when one of us almost makes it.
And for the record, yes I do know that Eggman was liked here, but he also had his haters. Just like the black guy incel had people who supported him, he also had people who hated him.
you're actually a faggot if you wouldn't.
>yes because she is asian originally lolololol
Oh yeah I don't blame her for at all, just saying it's just a textbook definition of what she is doing.
annoying egirl
you thought this would be a 3 digit reply thread huh? thought you would beat Kelly huh?
>not being satisfied with 30+ replies
look at this DOOOD
Why do we allow women to make any decisions at all if they have no agency or accountability? If all it takes for them to start whoring themselves is the opportunity? If what they're doing is not a problem, then how can the people enabling this supposedly harmless behavior be guilty of anything?
This kind of "subtle" whiteknighting is pure cancer.
i want to fuck her so i can know what its like to be bjergson
She isn't hot. Nor is she good at vidya. She has the personality of a social climber normie.
I don't get why fags watch her.
She fucked her way into popularity. Before she "made it" she was an groupie of the pro esports scene.
She'd stream and suddenly have the pros playing with her and it built her audience.
zoomies watch her bc it was in their reccs and they all are lobotomized adhd riddles austistic fucks
I want her bc Arab girls are my fetish