How's it going mu fellow blackbots? Life treating you good?
Blackbot thread
hanging in there the best I can. I hate seeing my parents get old
Uh, life is considerably better now. I'm back in school, moved out of parents house, even planning on getting a job. Still wish I could talk to (black) girls tho
How does black guys imagine white guys have it differently? Is it like you picture us listening to classical music and being nice to the teacher, while secretly admiring our order and cultivation?
user that's kind of dumb.
user that's kind of stupid.
Explain user? What troubles you?
Answer me, boy.
>tfw no black gf
I just want one user. It would be so nice
Im doin aight. Working. Working out. Looking for a new job for more money. Goin to church. Tons of single women with kids hitting on my nerdy ass in there. Not. FUCKING. happening. They're cute too, but fuck that shit. Im in my 20s; fuck that shit. Black girls are so bad at dual mating it's hilarious.
Atl btw.
They just want beta bucks.
What's atl?
Atlanta ga. I would rather live in Charlotte desu senpai.
Oh, I live in Canada so I wouldn't understand what you're saying.
i love black female robots. im white n hot so if u looking hook me up with a handle
>lost my job about a month and a half ago
>did some temp shit for about 2 weeks
>waiting to get paid
>relationship with parents is so fucking rocky, things have settled down but I still need to move the fuck out
>toxic as fuck relationship with my crazy ass ex
>love the shit out of her, but can't deal with the craziness and constant mood swings and just overall toxicity
>can't step away because I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her
>know that I can change and be a better person but all signs show that she won't change and shit will always be the same
>getting closer to 30 and still have no idea what I want to do as far as career
>thinking about going back to school, either for a trade or just a certification (not full blown degree, although I want to though, just know that I won't be dedicated enough to finish a full 4 years worth of school)
My life is an absolute cluster fuck. The only thing I have going for me is that I don't have any debt but I also don't have any line of credit which fucks me just as bad I imagine. I've come to the realization that despite everything I'm not a man and I have no idea how to adult at all. I'm scared the minute I move out I'm going to fail and end up a homeless bum. I want independence and to be on my own but I'm just so fucking scared of failing.
Get into trades user. They train and pay, it's recession proof. High end pay after training. Do it in a different city to get AWAY away from your folks and ex.
17 per hour to start is more than enough to be on your own user. You can do it bud. :)
Whats stopping you?
In the age of tinder why would a woman want to meet a virgin loser from Jow Forums?
Im white but from Zimbabwe
Can i post?
>he goes to church
c'mon buddy you got rid of one pair of shackles lets ditch the second one too
Can't find the one or they like white guys.
What's wrong with church? It's a nice place, and God is good.
your physical shackles are gone, but your mental ones are firmly in place
god is not real and you're wasting your time on a lie the white man told us hundreds of years ago. christianity was forced on blacks to control them
Didnt realised any liked whites
You're aware that during the age of slavery the white man forbid blacks to read the bible. The did not want us to know the light of God. And how do you know God is not real? Who told you to be so arrogant?
Not so good. Hate being black. Hate that my family are the kind to always blame the white man and now have also recently turned into the type that hard cope with "White people enslaved us because they're afraid of us and we are the real master race who have the greatest potential out of anyone else."type of idiots. They always talk shit about white people but somehow don't think they're racist. My family disgusts me so much that I am violently unnattracted to black women and hope to breed out all of my African DNA and have my descendants transition into being white.
Here in Zimbabwe we forced the blacks to convert to Christianity
But you're will always be black user. Nothing will change that. I understand your frustrations with your family as mine are the same, but you shouldn't let other people's attitude on race determine whether or not you love yourself. It should be your own opinion that decides that, not theirs. Do not let them haunt you.
In the west it was much different and in the west, they would never let us go near christianity. We had to sneak Bible into our hands and hide it for fear our masters would kill us for knowing the truth.
Yo blackbots. Whitebot quickly dropping by. What's crakin'? None of you in the Bahmamas I hope?
Sup dude. Nah, just got dun wageslavin. Ate a sandwich. Playing some total war. Wbu? Surfin? Enjoy the hurricane?
Sippin' some diluted rum to relax, I'll hit the hay soon. Nah, I just asked out of curiosity. The coloreds are having a helluva hard time in the Bahamas. It's always the tiny islands that get this, which is sad, I reckon. Anywho, keep on truckin', pal.
Black fembots can post too
Black women are actually the only group of women where a plurality prefer their own race over white. Go check out an Internet space for black ppl like LipStickAlley and see for yourself.
When I walk in the early morning I like going out of my way to spot white people who try to cross the street to avoid me and then moving to their side of the street.
I self insert as the girl in WM/BF porn.
Honestly it had more to do with concerns that slavery is immoral if done to other Christians, though somehow doing it to non-believers is totally ok. Laws had to be passed (at least in the US) that cleared up that it would be legal to keep Christian slaves.