Why do woman get to have all the fun and have better more intense orgasms ?
Why do woman get to have all the fun and have better more intense orgasms ?
Can't really speak for you moid since I don't got rod that pulses lust.
From what I hear moid orgasm is much better than femoid.
How do you know they have better orgasms if you arent a girl you stupid fuck?
Have a prostate orgasm.
because they generally seem better judging from porn amateur or otherwise and they get them more frequent in one sesion
female orgasms are more outspoken so to speak
they are quite good but its hard to actually optain them "i can't really achieve them" and it's kinda faggy
i guess the male prostate orgasm is the equivelent of a female normal one
of course you wouldn't know because you never had sex
Females tend to have trouble orgasming, I hear. So which is better, constant pretty good orgasms or occaisonal amazing orgasms?
Vaginas aren't all that fun the rest of the time
if women didn't stop sucking when the guy cums then they'd discover that men have more intense orgasms than women. women always stop right before the orgasm, that's why they don't understand the male orgasm. they stop.
second one desu
Yo. But isn't it like for males that they just laser cannon. Just single time after being tortured for like 1 day.
OP You should look at also
You guys are the lucky ones, I've never had an orgasm in my entire life.
I read somewhere that 20% of grills can't cum under any circumstance, so be grateful for being born with a benis user
Can't relate at all. Very rare that I fap and get a weak orgasm. I like to take my time, think up a specific vivid fantasy, edge a little, and tease my more sensitive parts under my foreskin until I can't take it anymore and have to cum. I get a toe curling climax every time and it even lingers for a few moments. Few minutes later, I can have another one. Feels like I still have the libido of a teenager.
Get a bean flicker.
20% seems widely exaggerated i feel sorry if it's true
"I've read somewhere" is an argumen't.
What you've got is laziness and frustration and you sort of latched on to an idea because "oh this seems sorta common, must be me"
Has a doctor told you that you have a medical condition preventing you from reaching climax?
When was the last time you went to the gynecologist?
Buying a sex toy would instantly turn me into a toasty roastie, that's a fact.
You and me both user
I've never been to a gynecologist because I'm too much of a sperg to let a random doctor touch my privates.
I've never had any vagina issues so I guess gynecologists are only for promiscuous girls who need the pill and yeast infection treatments.
Call your phone an put it to vibrate on the bean.
Everytime I try to stimulate my clit it feels overwhelmingly sensitive and I have to stop.
As if someone was tickling me to death.
I guess I'm a sexual autist
Depends on the guy. I usually jerk off 3-5 times a day
Women literally scream when they experience intense pleasure bro
t. never tickled his prostate
What happens if you don't stop though? Bean flicking is the only sure fire way to get orgasms, or so i've heard.
this i've yet to see a guy quiver in sheer pleassure from orgasming
I don't know, I'll have to try. And yes I'm aware that everyone and their mother says clitoris diddling is the easiest way to orgasm. Still can't achieve it though
try using a showerhead on a jet setting, or a faucet and holding it near your clit. i usually use fingers but when i want a more intense orgasm it works v well
>tfw I jerk off maybe once a week
>gf masturbates at least once a day
>more if she's on her period
I have. Whenever I give my bf oral and keep on sucking after he comes inside my throat, he ends up a moaning, shivering, exhausted mess. He says it's like being drained of your life force.
Thanks for the tips femanon, have a cute best girl
>don't have to do any work to have sex
>don't have to do any work during sex
>still get better orgasms
it's not fair
it's not faggy if you keep saying nohomo while doing it
>Sexually autist
Well shitballs, we're in the same boat, my dick is very sensitive, even with the foreskin covering the glans. Masturbation and washing it is always a pain