>the typical according to the liberal media is an angry racist white guy
>visit r/incelselfies
>almost all of them are minorities, browns and Asians seem to the most common
Holy shit, I was lied to
The typical according to the liberal media is an angry racist white guy
*Meant to say the typical incel
Another brown incel
Currycels are no joke
If they didn't spend all their time raping and harassing women who knows what Indians could achieve?
They might even build a toilet!
These guys aren't so bad looking. Maybe if they weren't self-loathing woman-haters they could get laid.
If you havent noticed the media fucking despises white men and make up bullshit about us to defame us. Vast majority of incels are Asians and pajeets.
They have toilets.
its hecking OVER for curry and rice cels
lmaoooo they're all so fucking ugly
Lmao true
Also true those are all average looking guys
Based and again also true
Not true
i cannot believe this!
so all the times the media blamed white and black men... they should have blamed currycels and ricecels???
i knew in my heart that white men could never be an incel
>ricecels and currycels
Take this girl's boobs user you earned it
sweet Zangetsu!
it is white people. stop spreading that Jow Forums shit around because white women love minorities while every other race of women are loyal to their own kind.
WE DID NOTHING WRONG! f*ck this, Kumar lets go to Whitecastle and mack on some qts
But they are not smart enough to use them.
look at the jealous betas, bro! we took all their girls, bud
Chang and Chadeep
*puts hand on your shoulder*
No reason for these 3 to be incels. I'm always amazed by the guys who post their faces that say they're virgins. What could you possibly be doing wrong?
Brown guys are literally invisible to women
Well you did it again you son of a gun
Have this girl you earned it
You can use the switch if you want
You again
No they don't user...
Shitty personalities
false. i'm brown and have no problem with them. their perspective, body language, and how they carry themselves is more than likely trash.
The average white guy can't be incel. Only if he's a midget or disfigured.
The average brown guy has lower SMV than a white obese midget.
It's over for browncels.
Even if that were true, brown women are crawling all over the place and they're all just waiting for attention from anyone.
Though I do think I'm starting to get it. These dudes probably have """standards""" and those standards are probably cartoon tier like Elliot Rodger.
>Even if that were true, brown women are crawling all over the place and they're all just waiting for attention from anyone.
from white men, yes. they want nothing to do with brown guys. the only women that actively approach me are white women. it's never been brown, black, or anything that even resembles me.
>you again
*grips your shoulder tightly*
>from white men, yes. they want nothing to do with brown guys.
lmao WHAT
you guys are nuts.
No we notice Indians. The ones I deal with are always either extremely rude or extremely creepy.
And always gross teeth and body odor
I was talking about mutts but alright tranny
Give me a few examples of creepy Indians. I don't want to be like them.
Fool *my body turns into your own body and you end up crushing the shoulder of your clone*
Heh ...
*is tricked and in much pain*
>All stereotypes are true exept the negative ones about my own race because liberals and Hillary.
>you guys are nuts.
i'm really not. the only girl that even remotely was a shade lighter than white who took interest in me was some syrian girl, but she was a devout muslim. so, yeah, that definitely wasn't going anywhere. she was a great friend though.
no hes not white women are the only women that would flirt with me. i just want an azn qt ;_;
I work in face to face customer service in a Missouri city with a high Indian population. They're almost all rude, especially the men. The men will touch my legs, try to smell my hair or pinch my butt. I have to have one of the white teenagers walk me to my car every night because there's always some Indian men waiting for me.
>go on there
>that one 5'5 guy with the chad face
Holy fuck, it's like God was assembling him on the "winner" assembly line but he fell off it onto the "loser" one.
Going on there and then comparing my own selfies made me feel good.
the mass shooters are always white tho. minority incels are too beta for that
>tfw extremely American Indian with carribean Indian parents
Seriously man I fucking would never go to India for any reason. A group of myfriends went to India to film some kind of music video bullshit and they came back and they were all like "yeah it's beautiful" and all that and I don't give a fuck
Browsed it and most of them were white, followed by indians, a couple of asians and a weird mutt here and there.
Why do brown guys look so subhuman yet are so normie/hyper nt at the same time?
Most likely because your racism is conflicting with what your eyes see.
You expect inhuman monsters looking for whyte wimmen, but get normal looking dudes
Jow Forumsjustbewhite is the real home of incels
Jow Forumsbraincels are pigskin pretenders
Why would anyone post their face in incel board like that?
There are two groups of indians.
The degenerate.
And the one who is genuine intelligent, who can bring up indias economy up in the coming years.
Guess which one they have a billion of?