Should i visit this one? Im really tempted to do so
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Id fucking smash so hard
Her thin eyebrows are so fucking ugly. Would put me extremely off
If you can afford it, and if it's legal. Do it!
It was the best decision I made. 27, virgin manlet autist. Full of anxiety and depression, but not anymore though.
It's very good for your mental health. Why do you think normies are like they are?
Well i have more picks but i like this one, more of my type, idk if it will be worth tho
Let's encourage each other to hire prostitutes. I haven't had sex since forever.
I did it for a while, but I couldn't justify paying after a while.
$80 for 15 minutes, then I think of all the shit I could've bought after doing it a few times. Doesn't seem like much after a $1500 bi weekly pay check, but when you add up all the visits I think I would've just rather fapped.
It was nice to get all that stuff off my fetish checklist though. Got to lick her butthole while she sat on my face, which was really meh. Got to experience, a blowjob, and anal too though I had to pay a little more.
No you wouldn't, faggot. You'd barely get semi hard then cum after two pumps and stay up all night feeling embarrassed that she laughed at you
Is nobody going to compliment my quints?
I believe the same, but I think maybe once a year or every 6 months would be ok. Then just fap to the memory for the longest time. What would you say to that, senpai?
I guess, that's fine.
You should at least do once though. It's good, but it's overrated, and I mean overrated in the sense that I found that I really pedestaled and viewed pussy/sex way more than I should have when I was a virgin.
It's not that important
>caring about eyebrows
Nobody fucks eyebrows lol this fucking faggot.
I waste all my money on hookers. At least once a week. Sometimes raw. AMA
Why don't you buy index funds instead?
>index funds
idk how it works and how to make money. I earn minimum wage.
lol chill out there
Fucking that many whores is no good. You basically have the memory still fresh in your mind when you fuck the next one.
Basically it's the optimal way to invest. Just look them up. If you put in an index fund 95% of what you spend on whores, you'll get ahead.
It feels much better then masturbating?
yeah quints say we should do it
I fuck good ones several times. I wasted too much money on random whores.
Rate is $60 for 30 minutes.
I wish I had the quints on the index funds post, but ok.
Just reduce the frequency as much as you can live with. You already have the memories, so get a nice onahole and save tons of money. Then put them in a low-cost, well diversified index fund.
The perverts in the onahole thread can help you pick one. I got the R20 and it's fucking amazing. It will spoil you good and save money, even in the short run.
Godspeed, user. Buy and hold.
I'm absolutely going to do it. At least once.
I had several Onaholes in the past. They discontinues my favorite.
I just go to hookers because I don't want to end up being 60 and only have memories from jacking it in front of my PC. I want to clap them cheeks and look at gaped pussies and assholes.
I get it, but if you're doing it every week, you gotta admit that you can save bucks by reducing the frequency. It's not like young thots are going extinct or anything.
It's an addiction. I check the sites and forums several times a day for new reviews and ads. I jack off 3-5 times a day and I'm in my mid 30s.
>tfw can't find good looking creampie whores in my area
Remember, it's Trump's fault the ho game got so fucked up in America.
I have a nice thai that let's me creampie her for $80 for 30 minutes. She only wants a condom for anal.
Oh, so if you're already aware of the problem, seek help. I know it's harder in the US since you're cucked healthcare-wise, but seek help nonetheless.
In my case, jacking off to the adverts really prevents me from going and fucking them in the first place.
Best of luck, and vote for fucking Bernie.
op here, is it a bad idea to have a whipped cream tube with me tomorrow? I have a fantasy and wonder if she would fulfill it
I'm europoor. That's why I have cheap and easy access. I just converted the price for you guys.
No, the sex itself with a condom isn't better than your hand or a fleshlight.
An STD is not worth the creampie.