>you will always be poor
>you will never retire
>you will never understand how to enjoy selling your time and labor
>you will never get paid to do something you enjoy
>you will never get a gf because people can sense your infinite anguish
You will always be poor
Other urls found in this thread:
Generational poverty is a bitch OP. I couldn't break out into the middle class no matter how hard I tried. Now i realize I'm destined for a life of destitution rot and misery.
what helps you cope anons?
I tell myself once my parents die i will be able to retire
Cucked by the government too huh?
Well fuck them im going to be the autistic retard i have always been enjoying retarded stuff but at least happy
Fuck this whole clown world
Drugs and alcohol mostly. Originally
Being german helps. I can retire around 70-ish. I could also decide to stop working and getting caught by socialist system. I will never need to work more than 1 job. Just stop being a burger lmao
HartzIV is pretty shit too though and retiring at fucking 70 is a godawful future, but it'll likely happen
>retire around 70-ish
absolutely hell tier. i want to retire at 50 or now lol
>I can retire around 70-ish
Wow gee maybe you can start enjoying your life once your body is riddled with cancer and walking up a flight of stairs takes all of your energy. Also if you slip and fall you break your hip
Only 50 more years to go, lads! :)
Not saying it's perfect, but it's better than dying in a gutter like americans because they have to work until they die of not having healthcare
>he's not planning to suicide before 40
At least burgers have guns to kill themselves with.
50 seems the best age to suicide, 40's are manageable if you take care of yourself but anything after that is just your body going massively downhill until you shit yourself and die.
>dying in a gutter like americans
Kek no
>because they have to work until they die of not having healthcare
Nobody dies of not having healthcare. What happens is you get healthcare then the slap thousands of dollars of debt onto your credit. Nobody pays that shit
Also if you think your taxpayer funded healthcare will last until you're 70 TOP KEK
You make this thread every day.
>you will always be poor
Nah I make more than the average household income in the us
>you will never retire
On track to retire but I won't since my job is fun
>you will never understand how to enjoy selling your time and labor
I do and it's pretty great
>you will never get paid to do something you enjoy
I am and it's awesome
>you will never get a gf because people can sense your infinite anguish
Thots are bad financial investment. Unless you're leasing them as you know they're a continuously deprecating asset.
thankfully I have rich parents
A lot of Americans also save their own retirement thanks to fat stacks. Meanwhile we Europeans pay a fuckton for services we'll never use for "muh security" and literally piss away money so some NEETs can go eat at a fancy restaurant every month. And the best part: we don't even own the money until we are "of age". Until then some company or public service could fuck things up majorly and goodbye retirement, and you had no say in the matter.
Also what said
>Wow gee maybe you can start enjoying your life once your body is riddled with cancer and walking up a flight of stairs takes all of your energy
Oh look it's the normie who spends all day on Jow Forums to try to put others down so he can feel better about himself.
Nigger having a job that you enjoy doesn't make you a normie. I put you down specifically because you're just as retarded as DUI nigger and won't ever do anything about their problems and choose to post the same thread every day to attention whore for attention. I feel for many wageslave robots and understand the situation as I was moving over 3 tons of boxes a day in an unairconditioned warehouse. But I fought my way out of that misery. Its not robots I want to put down it's you specifically.
>tfw "rich"
>tfw spend all my time working
>tfw I will never have fun for the rest of my life
Why haven't you started working on creating your gf(self) yet, robots? Your gf will never leave you if she IS you, you know.
join the discworld
>Nigger having a job that you enjoy doesn't make you a normie
It basically does
>I put you down specifically because you're just as retarded as DUI nigger and won't ever do anything about their problems
There is basically nothing to do bud. You want me to go play the lotto every day?
I hate my job and it makes me miserable. but it's the LEAST HORRIBLE career of them all. So what am i supposed to do? Your assumption that everyone can find a job or career that makes them happy is just complete and utter bullshit. It's a lie. A lot of people can, virtually all of them normies. But a very large number of people can not.
Additionally there is no guarantee of any job ever. There is no specific action i could take to guarantee me a less terrible job. If there was you would have proven it by now
Incels have female brains. They act and think the way females do. Why don't they transition, it's the logical conclusion.
join the discworld
>It basically does
So all those who flip crypto on here or enjoy making money from their hobbies on Jow Forums are normies. I get it man. Envy is a very feminine emotion have you considered HRT?
>There is basically nothing to do bud. You want me to go play the lotto every day?
You could learn new skills that you can use to make money. Shit I got my real estate license for $36.75. Hell my employer pays for me to go to college. Do something after work to get out of it instead of bitching and wallowing in despair. I would still be destroying my body in a box factory if I was you.
>I hate my job and it makes me miserable. but it's the LEAST HORRIBLE career of them all. So what am i supposed to do? Your assumption that everyone can find a job or career that makes them happy is just complete and utter bullshit. It's a lie. A lot of people can, virtually all of them normies. But a very large number of people can not.
Nobody forces you to work at your job. Nobody forces you to stay at your employer. I had about 15 jobs before I got to where I am now. You literally have no fight to improve your own situation.
>Additionally there is no guarantee of any job ever. There is no specific action i could take to guarantee me a less terrible job. If there was you would have proven it by now
Education, social networking and constant job searching. Its been my key to success. Nigger it's a job, if your employer is shit leave it. I've done that about 7 times.
Fuuuuuck it was so hot, I met this guy from discord that said he'd adopt me and let me live with him, I was so happy cause I thought I'd have a friend but I got a lot more than just a friend, I got a Daddy. He has my pathetic beta cock locked up since I won't be needing it anymore. He put me on a strict diet of hrt cummies and onions so I can become a pathetic feminised sissy for daddy to use has his personal fuck toy. One time Daddy took me out for a special treat, I was so excited to see what daddy would do to his sissy slut. Daddy said I had been naughty and needed punished, he pulled over to the side of the road and kicked me out, made me strip naked with just a plug in and a cock cage on. He told me to make my own way home by sucking and taking truck driver cock. It was so fucking hot I must of got fucked by 20 horny truck drivers before I made it back home. I love my daddy and I'm so happy he saved me
join the discworld
>So all those who flip crypto on here or enjoy making money from their hobbies on Jow Forums are normies.
If you make money from "hobbies" yeah that's pretty normie. Not flipping crypto though. I'd do it if i had more money
>You could learn new skills that you can use to make money.
I agree. But what specific skill can i learn to get a job that would be LESS SHITTY?
>Shit I got my real estate license for $36.75. Hell my employer pays for me to go to college. Do something after work to get out of it instead of bitching and wallowing in despair. I would still be destroying my body in a box factory if I was you.
I do things after work, practicing more programming. i stopped all hobbies and interests because i need to stop enjoying my free time or else work will be worse
>Nobody forces you to work at your job. Nobody forces you to stay at your employer.
I agree. You're absolutely correct. I quit my other jobs before. It was the best decisions of my life
but i must pay rent and buy food. So i need A job. And it took me almost a year to get this job. I applied to over 1000+ places. i only got 3 interviews even though I was perfectly qualified for at least 10% of those positions and one interview was a fake company pyramid scheme. Some have argued that being NEET prevented people from wanting to hire me
I still have been applying to jobs since coming to this job. heck, i apply to other jobs while i'm on the clock! Literally only 1 person ever called me this entire time and it was some recruiter. The job wasn't going to be an improvement at all
> I had about 15 jobs before I got to where I am now. You literally have no fight to improve your own situation.
Yes i do. But you're not giving any real advice
Please dude, for $1000 i will pay you if you find one job/career, with proof, that is less horrible than my current job and also pays better ($20+ per hour)
this describes a typical life of guys when they are 20+yo from Eastern Europe. if your parents aren't rich you will be a loser for an entire life
you dumb idiots from the west, y'all can improve your life when you want.
Because like i said i have never heard of a better (= less terrible) career in my life. Additionally, if i quit my job it may be even harder to get a new one, don't you agree?
So i am basically stuck just working ontl trying to get a better job (higher pay, can work any hours i want & remotely) IN THIS FIELD.
I just dont understand why you think i would be better off giving up and starting some other activity, something that would be even worse. It just doesn't make sense
I want a job where:
- can wake up any time and work ant time (2pm to 10pm ideally)
- maybe even can work part time
- don't have to talk to people in person
- can work from home all or most of the time
- don't have to drive
And obviously high pay
I wouldnt say i could ENJOY that. I would just consider that minimizing the worst aspects of employment that i have experienced
Now tell me what is more likely to get me a job doing that besides programming (which i am actually good at)
A job like that? My companys it department is remote other than the people who deal with physical hardware. Actuaries have that sort of job as do consultants and architects. In fact many of the engineers I know who work for Navair up in Orlando for the most part are remote and visit the office for just a single meeting a month. Not to mention those are government workers as well.
>Nobody forces you to work at your job. Nobody forces you to stay at your employer
And i cant force anyone to give me a job
There is no such thing as an "enjoyable job" for me, it's like saying there is poop that is enjoyable to eat. Doubtless some shit tastes worse than others but it's all bad
Hence, all i can do is find a less terrible job. My current career is my best chance for that. But "Years of experience" is worshipped by boomers. Not that it really matters all that much.
Plus for some ridiculous reason employers discriminate against people not employed. So i'm not gonna leave this job until i have $5000 saved (enough to survive for a year) or have another job lined up (to date, nobody wants to give me one)
>A job like that? My companys it department is remote other than the people who deal with physical hardware. Actuaries have that sort of job as do consultants and architects. In fact many of the engineers I know who work for Navair up in Orlando for the most part are remote and visit the office for just a single meeting a month. Not to mention those are government workers as well.
It's not just remote
It's picking one's own hours. they can pick their hours? they dont have to wake up before noon (worst thing about my job honestly)?
Do i need a master's degree for that? Because i'll have to save up for years to get something like that. I can't take any risks since there is no guaranteed job
Like i said before i applied to hundreds of jobs i was perfectly qualified for. So it's an enormous hurdle to surpass.
I did apply to various actuary jobs because i have an economics degree. Nobody wanted to hire me.
From what i understand most of that stuff takes years at a company before they trust you with that. I applied to loads of "remote" jobs and virtually all were programming. Applying to jobs was basically a full time job for me for over 6 months. i also did freelancing but only made about $100 a month
See what i mean
I know it's a clickbait site but my current position / career is the 3rd highest paid in that list plus the highest paid ones you have to talk to a lot of people or travel a lot
So unless there is proof i would be more likely to get remote work in a different position i can't justify choosing some other career and totally giving this one up when i have natrual ability, i traded my youth and endured years of suffering just to get "relevant work experience" ... and the other ones don't seem enjoyable at all just possibly will let me sleep in and work from home (according to you)