>white boys have to pay to not get their asses kicked
The absolute state of white "men".
>white boys have to pay to not get their asses kicked
The absolute state of white "men".
Other urls found in this thread:
This is what happens when you don't hand your wallet over willingly.
based and money pilled
Who the fuck keeps making racebait threads?
How pathetic is this really when you consider hes still smashing the thottie
i'll give you a hint: it's not anyone that's black.
its definitely a black in that case
You can shit post about masculinity all you want, I wouldn't fight some Bubba one head taller than me either if I didn't have to.
That dirty nigger is now doing time. For over $20. Niggers are retarded.
so some white or asian guy who got bullied at school is lashing back out on whiteys on a mongolian basket weaving forum? doesn't make sense
>they don't know about the seething incel hapa who accounts for 90% of racebait posted on here and reddit
White people are so weak. Black people shitkick them so easily.
>i am white
Are you dumb? This post is clearly meant to convey that blacks emasculate whites and that they should finally fight back. If it's not a shit poster, there's probably some stormweenie behind it.
>dindu nothin
>they dont know about the White Retreat
You're glowing bud
now compare SAT scores
blacks are functionally retarded
>send a specific group of people to the gum everyday for 300 years
>breed the strongest of their women with the strongest of their men
>surprised when their descendants are cartoonishly intimidating and hold you upside down and shake money out of your pockets
I take my dog to the vet and drink craft beer. I also enjoy hiking outdoors and feel strongly about environmentalism.
When you look at it from a sexual standpoint, it makes perfect sense.
all the true Whites are partying 24/7 with other Whites in Valhalla (an underground city-state in Greenland).
sux 2 b u
false white detected
But I never litter. I've got blue eyes. I like Harry Partch.
Carry a knife on you guys
No one is gonna fuck with you if you pull out a knife when they go to attack you.
your eyes are hazel at best
just carry pepper spray
no need to escalate to potentially lethal force
if it can put down a bear it can put down a feral buck
>I'm so intelligent, but im a depressed idiot who spends his time on this board
Imagine this happens to you and you do nothing back.
whites are leaving us, bud. we treated them too shittily.
this whole "whites will be mixed out" meme is just a smoke screen. Whites are preparing to depart back to Asgard on Vril Starships
just remember all black males are drug dealers w/ guns. paying him was not that bad of an idea.
when whites leave for Asgard, only curries and rice will have nukes. you'll wish you treated us better then. you'll wish you treated whites better then
that is actually the alpha chad move
holy shit , i thought the uk police were a bunch of cucks , turns out they are based
>thread dies after i start talkin about Asgard
>who got bullied
No, I don't even think OP was bullied. It's clear this is a deliberate attempt at dividing people. If you look at the demographics that come here, it's mostly a mix between underage and young adult impressionable white guys. Black people generally just don't give a shit about making some kind of "superiority" rant; they want solidarity for their people. The last thing they want to do is demonstrate how they're going to harm the very people they have to negotiate with for that type of standing in society. The type of propaganda that OP is engaging in has been going on for generations. Seriously, just go find old flyers. This is the typical responses when impressionable white people see what OP is posting:
Now look at the number of replies vs posters: 36/15. Yeah, nah. OP is iridescent.
I love that one, it represents beta white men so well. They just sit there and take it while we beat them and fuck their women.
when whites leave earth, this time they will be sure to not take any non-whites with them.
why is this being slid~
Damn, I guess there are some upsides of being eastern yuropoor
Hoowee, sorry lil nig-nog, my baton slipped and fell down on your face
Hehehehe give me dat hard earned money white cracka mothafucka for slavery and I need some white pussy shieeet *inhales crack smoke*
>tfw youre from the country where niggers are on the same level of exoticism as monkeys in zoo and they usually get bullied to the point they don't leave their accommodation area
>tfw america and western europe is a laughing stock to you
Eastern Europeans are to Western Europeans as Cambodians and Thais are to Japanese and Koreans.
sure, have fun with tyrone stealing your women like they were his in the first place you beta subhuman
kid looks like a psycho jew that is going to ram his car into that guy's mother
Your country is so shit not even refugees want to go to it.
Is that Ciaras boomer bf?
and that will in term ruin your "greatest country"
i can only kek at the fact that your crush is getting raped by gerome and his butt buddies in a dark alley and probably enjoying it
what kind of an insult is this when those so called 1st world countries are dropping on the level of 3rd world countries each passing year?
Survival mode.
That mofo almost knocked his head off.
If I was a guy I wouldn't of done a damn thing either.
>i bet you got that advice from your wife's boyfriend
it was crack money dumbass
She fucked the nigger shortly afterwards.
>The absolute state of white "men".
Don't fucking lump me in with that pussy faggot
I'd rather get my ass kicked than pay that fucker anything
that's cause grown up with abusive parents and gangsta mentality makes you physically tougher... but objectively stupider
nothing to be proud of
Black male here.
I think the problem is that a lot (not all) white people are just way too sheltered from the realities of the world to know how to deal with real confrontations. They've been jewed into ridiculous notions that the law or the threat an assault charge or the social contract are enough to keep them safe because they assume that they mean as much to everyone else as they do to them. Not the case. Not everyone grew up in safe little suburbia. In the real world, people will hit you.
>"Go ahead, hit me! That's assault! You sure wanna risk that, fella?!"
And it's because of this misguided belief that they do stupid shit like try to skirt the line of physical altercation because they assume no one would actually cross it, when in fact, plenty of people would. is too fucking surprised to actually fight back. He can't believe it happened and doesn't know how to respond.
I marvel at vids where dudes get into a screaming match in the streets and some white guy squares up on another guy with his arms spread like "Come at me bro!" because he thinks he's gonna get to posture and look like a badass and just walk away, then gets BTFO. I laugh at the entitlement whenever little white girls decide to get in a guys face pushing him or hitting him and then gets KO'd because she genuinely believes men don't hit women and that one wouldn't hit her back.
Pretty much every vid in this thread is an incident where anyone in the know has turned on "fight mode" because they just know shit is about to go down (or at least has the potential to). I saw probably two fights a month through all of high school and if I learned anything it's that the 95% of the time, the person that wins is the person who was first to decide "Ok, this shit is gonna be a fight" and swung. And when you know that, you know how to recognize and not to be on the receiving end of that sudden decision wholly unprepared.
White people need to learn.
>Black male here
lol ok
> I can only solve my problems with violence
cool, thanks!
>Pretty much every vid in this thread is an incident where anyone in the know has turned on "fight mode" because they just know shit is about to go down (or at least has the potential to). I saw probably two fights a month through all of high school and if I learned anything it's that the 95% of the time, the person that wins is the person who was first to decide "Ok, this shit is gonna be a fight" and swung.
Just chiming in to say this is correct, when two people are equally untrained and unexperienced, with similar strenght and physique, winning comes down to whoever is most willing to beat up the other person, even if he has horrible footwork and can't block.
I'm single grill. Idiot.
They're dropping because they are importing people unlike themselves who can easily be kicked out someday. Eastern European countries are third world because of the people who already inhabit them.
sup tenda spencer how are you doing with your miserable existence?
And it wasn't always that way, user! Our white grandparents all grew up eating and serving punches. If you were an American boy that made it to adulthood without some fighting, you were either a pansy or rich. You know what? Not even the rich! They beat the crap out of each other on the prep school wrestling team. What the fuck happened, man? Is it just a general lack of adversity?
>Is it just a general lack of adversity?
Have you not been observing anything around you? All things end eventually.
>keeps swinging on a dude who has no intention of fighting
Chimpie's a bitch with anger issues
I'm white and unironically agree with this 100%. More people need to take kickboxing or MMA classes so fighting becomes normalized to them and not this huge traumatic event that causes them to freeze up before the fight even starts. Many such cases. Happens with asian dudes too.
aye, i want to see how you kick out those billions of chimps and sand niggers. i can wait
>I can only solve my problems with violence
You're literally proving my point. Good luck with talking reason to a guy in a bar that is just in the mood to start shit that night. I'm sure that will work out great for you.
each and every video of a black guy beating a white were carefully picked to present a point that isn't true. white men aren't as weak as you are trying to make them, for whatever your reason(s), nor black men are unbeatable brutes
Shit will work out when i pull out the strap, either i walk out clean or he walks out in a body bag, either way im in the right, just keep your actions legal and negroid spaz's cant do anything
Blackie can swing on my heat, i hope he likes lead.
This is the true redpill. That guy looks huge and strong as heck. If you do anything back, you would just get stomped into the floor.
no just fight back and don't be a puss, niggers are weak
100% True. It's a shame that white people can't see it themselves.
Fight back and get pulverized like this guy? Yeah, real weak. I'm not going to bet my life on some huge fat nigger actually being very weak.
>hear doorbell ring
>answer door
>this happens
wat do
>76 replies
>35 posters
OP is a racebaiting faggot and everyone keeps falling for this shit.
something something about good times and weak men.
dude i know it's racebait but i'm not even taking him seriously, i post mostly low-effort one liners, i find op amusing
>Shit will work out when i pull out the strap
I'm confused. How is that not solving your problem with violence? Or at least, the threat thereof?
what isnt some sort of baint here on Jow Forums anyways?
That's not a white, it's a Jew.
>Niggers gonna nig
The onions emulating off this faggot
>has two dogs that he has no control over
>punched in the face trying to get them back in the house
>starts crying
Nice trips btw
10/10 post.
This is what I'm always trying to tell /gif/ when they have fight threads and bitch about niggers sucker punching people or how they "have no honor." It's a street fight, not a fucking duel. No one fucking announces that they're going to hit you.
Yeah who could it possibly be...
*handrubbing intensifies*
Damn he turned that guys face into smush. The weak should fear the strong
Not even the unpaid interns at the ADL give a fuck about Jow Forums
wrong. he didnt fight back cus hes too alpha. its beneath hitting that guy
White people would be much happier without niggers everywhere.
Context is actually important for this one, though. If you listen to the version with sound, the nig punches him cause the white dude called him a nigger. He still should not have chimped out, but somewhat understandable.
What do you mean 'understandable'? He IS a nigger.
>proves him right
not worth being assaulted over
>If you listen to the version with sound, the nig punches him cause the white dude called him a nigger.
If that actually happened, which it didn't, why don't you present the video with sound?
>not throwing the first swing when met with an act of aggression
Yeah poor decision
Think. (((who))) benefits the most from racial tensions
>be azn
>people call me a pusy cus we dont fight back over petty things
>but its because azns are more evolved than other huemans
>azns fight when its life or death
euroasiantiger he spams bbc porn, raceb8 threads and whatnot
>some white or asian guy
Literally only delusional pussies think that violence can be avoided or is even bad