Is it possible to make a friend in 2020 if I spend the rest of this year studying how to do it?
Is it possible to make a friend in 2020 if I spend the rest of this year studying how to do it?
yes it's possible
what kind of retarded question is this?
do you think it's impossible to make friends in the year 2020 if you study for 3 months? i don't understand your logic
I want to study and learn how to make friends so that I can make a friend in the new year.
Maybe you could make a friend but you'll just lose time studying for it.
...making friends is not something you can study for
it's all about practice
Study how to get rich and your wealth will attract people. All sorts of people. Then study political science and you will see who's behaviors are in line with trying to take advantage of you. In the end, you'll be left with real friends.
op im gonna be honest im extremely tired
i dont go on r9k like ever
but I'm always willing to make a new friend
If you're interested in a non-robot extremely nerdy friend I can post one of these filled out I have
and then like, what are you gonna do, you need a common goal to work towards together to have a lasting friendship
otherwise it's just a person of convinience that can be easily replaced for more convinient activities
gaming together is helpful for that
for a while but unless you both aim to be esports athletes it's not gonna be a cohesive enough thing, especially if one of you gets tired of playing games, or playing multiplayer games
Playing through a campaign together helps with that too. IMO the best thing I'd do is play through, like, Divinity original sin with someone if they had it.
divinity is a slog and a clusterfuck to play, and then once you finish the campaign then you're in the same position of well, what now
friends aren't a thing you should be aiming for, you should aim for a goal in life and as you progress towards it you'll meet people who head to the same goal and become friends with them
you probably play enough games and watch enough anime to know that the friends join the main character because they share a goal, the main character doesn't go around the town asking people if they want to be friends
Aw, I like it. But I'm a sucker for semicrunchy rpgs. And there's always more campaigns to be cleared!
Don't misunderstand, I'm not op, I'm not aiming for that, I have my own goals. Primarily becoming a game designer. (traditional, not vidiya)
well I don't think it's fun to play and that isn't really true, there's a pretty limited amount of games with campaigns that you can play with other people, and most of them are shit
sure, more power to you, but things like multiplayer games can be nice to relax with friends you already have who share a goal with you and hanging around and playing games being the be all end all of a friendship isn't gonna make it last very long
>and then like, what are you gonna do
I don't know, that's why I need to study friendmaking.
And that's okay! Everyone has their own taste. I have LOTS of campaigns I'd like to clear with someone, desu...I'm sure I could find something. Or play baordgames on tabletop sim.
I have lotsa friends and no "common goal" for like any of em. In fact with one of em we became very good friends just hanging around and playing games all the time. It's not ALL you do, you talk and unwind together and stuff.
>ignoring the user that wanted to be your friend
off to a bad start sempai
I don't think you need to study anything, you should rather do something with your life and then friends will naturally form around you
>I wish I had friends to play with
>I play with my friends all the time
again I'm not OP
As for Divinity nobody I know wants to commit to such a long campaign
my girlfriend and I started a file but she lost interest after she went to japan to visit family for a couple months.
because it's a shitty slog, the story and the gameplay are annoying clusterfucks
but either way, seems like you have plenty of things you're working towards in life, and as a result you have friendships around you, op probably has nothing he's working towards and as a result he doesn't have friends, so rather than focusing on getting friends he should find some goals in life that he can work towards
I'll give you the story. But again I like crunchy RPG vidiya.
I don't think anyone in my life became close to me because I had something I was working towards user-chan. my very very closest friends, maybe, maybe, because we playtest the games I'm designing which brings us closer, but the rest?
I think you're the kind of normie who goes through his life without really thinking about anything then goes to a board like this, sees a person asking about a normal thing and the only reponse that you can muster up is "be yourself bro xD" because you don't even know what essencials he's missing that you just picked up without giving it a thought
nah I think about things a lot. Got pretty bad anxiety, I'm on pills for it. I didn't say nuthin' about beeing urself, just that you don't need a goal to make friends. Don't assume, dummy.
yeah you think about normie things
>you need to have goals in life for making friends along the way
>nuhhuh you don't, I have goals though, and I have friends but there's no correlation ;)
stupid normie
Just because I have two things doesn't mean they're related. I also have a sculpture I made sitting on my bed, are you gonna tell me only people who have sculptures they made sitting on their bed have friends?
Is this how friends work?
Nope! My friends aren't hostile to me.
>I can't see the relation that was clearly explained to me so it doesn't exist
whatever you say, and being artistic and having skills that require dedication is a decent way of getting friends yeah, not that you would understand because you have no clue what friendless people are like
I'd rather slit my throat than become friends with this retard desu
maybe if you weren't acting like a confrontational retard I wouldn't be hostile
Anyone can make a sculpture. Mine is absolute shit I did for college. You explained your point of view, yeah, but you didn't explain why it was the objective truth. The fact remains I have plenty of friends I met before I had a goal and was just sort of coasting.
I'm not acting confrontational, I think I'm being pretty civil. You're the one insulting me.
>anyone can do it! just be yourself!
classic normie shit talk that has no clue about what friendless people are like
it's the objective truth because if you have nothing to leave your room for then you'll never have meaningful relationships with people
the fact is you always had plenty of goals, you just didn't give it a thought
nigger this isn't your mom's house, drop this passive aggressive garbage, you've been bitching at me for an hour, drop this shitty act
I didn't say anything about just bee yourself, you're assuming again. Literally anyone can make a sculpture for a college course, yes. Pretty much all I did was glue a buncha wood to a base and slap some paint on. Anyone can manage that.
Mmh, that's not a bad point. But, I disagree. If you spend all your time in your room, talking to a specific person, you'll become good friends by sole virtue of spending so much time 'together'.
I really, really haven't. Its only recently I got an actual goal. Having a goal is different then having a reason to leave your room.
I'm not being passive aggressive, I'm sorry if I made you think I was. I'll try a different tone moving forward.
With social skills you need practice, not study.
>if I can do it anyone can do it!
literally the same thing as "be yourself"
why the fuck would you have someone in your room, what the fuck is all this stupid shit you're saying, it's like you assume people always have friends around them, you literally have no clue what friendless people are like, literally why are you talking
>Having a goal is different then having a reason to leave your room.
no it isn't, if you don't have a goal you don't leave your room, that's what people like OP are like, not that you would understand
stop being a bitch, if you have something on your mind then say it, no need for this smarmy shit here
Please explain the kind of person who wouldn't be able to glue wood and paint it, in no particular configuration.
I meant talking on whatever chat program you favor, user. Hence the quotes around together.
It really is. Even when I didn't have a goal I had to leave my room to eat n' stuff. And I worked a lot because I had nothing else going on in my life. Made pretty good friends with my manager at work. We still chat sometimes and I switched jobs years ago.
I promise, I'm just trying to be kind and understand your point of view. I'm really, really not trying to be smarmy or passive aggressive or holier-than-thou, just...kind, and discuss this with you without being mean to you. Why would I be mean to you for no reason?
you're just wasting your time at this point desu
people like are bitter and being mean for no reason is 99% of their personality he just wants to start shit
ditto this. just be nice to people and invite the ones that you don't mind talking to, to hang out. you'll get a friend before 2019 ends.
I'm getting really tired of this normie humblebragging shit you know
why would he have someone to chat to, again what the fuck, you don't understand what people who have no frends are like, one tip here, they don't have friends, jesus
>I didn't have a goal ;) but I was working
so you had a goal, to work, fucking autistic retard stop talking
beats me you're the one bitching at me for an hour confronting on everything I say while spouting the most basic normie lines, I guess this is just your style of trolling
I put out a very reasonable and simple opinion, this faggot started getting on my dick for an hour for no reason
I know, but I can't really help it if someone's actually talking to me instead of just ad-hominem attacks.
Ah, sorry if that came across as humblebragging, I just wanted to explain. Just because I had a job doesn't mean I had a goal. I was pretty much just working and putting the cash in savings for no particular reason. 'to work' was not a goal, it was a way to fill time. As for having someone to chat with, that's a question of MEETING someone online. When I was a NEET I spent all my time talking to guildies in an MMO I played. I promise, I'm just trying to talk about the topic.
what the fug, he doesnt sound bitter at all. i think he makes a good point, people like op clearly dont enjoy socializing at all but still need at least one friend, the way to make this happen is imho indeed having goals, something to work on that allows you to skip most of the nonsense small talk bs that people like the poster hes arguing with seem to enjoy. theres nothing wrong with that, of course, some people do enjoy socializing for the sake of it and the latter poster belongs to this group so hes speaking from his normie pov.
you're fucking trolling me
whatever just tell op to beee himself because it worked for you rather than giving actual advice like you know, that he should find work that he puts a lot of effort into, or play an MMO with a guild that he puts a lot of effort into, you know, FUCKING GOALS
that'll help him out, smarmy nigger
I'm honestly not.
Playing an MMO isn't a goal, neither is just working pointlessly. I literally never said he should bee himself. I was just saying that you don't need a goal to make friends.
>having these goals is not actually having goals ;)
>the fact that I gained friends while working on these goals doesn't mean anything
good troll, 8/10, bit too much of the obvious normie shit in there, try harder next time
Yes but I'd avoid "studying" it.
Just saying they're goals doesn't make them goals user. To be fair, neither does just saying they're not.
In my opinion, they're not goals because they have no endgame, nothing you're striving towards. They're simply ways to fill time.
>I'd rather slit my throat than become friends with this retard
>maybe if you weren't acting like a confrontational retard I wouldn't be hostile
>literally why are you talking
>stop being a bitch
yeah he doesn't sound bitter at all
you're either trolling me or you have actually 0 (zero) clue about friendless people like OP
friendless people don't work, they don't play MMOs with guilds, they sit in their rooms, and twiddle their thumbs until they fall asleep and then repeat
having a goal like, earning money, like clearing a raid with your guild, is not something they have at all, a goal isn't a grandiose thing, it's SOMETHING you fucking do, friendless people don't do anything, that's why they don't have friends, you're literally incapable of understanding this
but whatever you're just gonna keep trolling me with stupid shit anyways so I'm done, go and tell him to be himself, that's helpful advice
stop replying idiot
where do you think you are, stupid nigger, if you can't take the heat don't go in the kitchen
Friendless people CAN work. When I first started my job I was friendless. Just because you're not a NEET doesn't mean you instantly have friends, or a goal.
I disagree with your definition of goal, though. But, okay, we'll use it. In that case, I'll agree with you that you need a goal to make friends, because if you do nothing but sit there without doing anything, you cannot meet or talk to anybody. So yeah! You're right.
I'm afraid I can't do that user. Some small part of me will always believe people can be reasoned with.
I am out of slimes, though.
OP here I have a job and a lot of money, work and internet is all I know.
Do you mean online or irl user? I went from quite literally never having a single friend to having an IRL friend and a bf through MMOs so I'd say it's possible. I eventually learned that most people are too shy to message first so if you learn to start a conversation and always message first until they get comfortable enough to start doing it back you're pretty much set