>there is no solution to the incel proble-
There is no solution to the incel proble-
If i am to lose my dignity i'll just pay a whore for it.
kid looks like he is straight out of code lyoko
This doesnt solve the incel problem. You want men to look like women and then what? Get attention from men, and maybe one lesbian? Most incels arent gay, male attention is near worthless to them.
chyeah bro great idea
>he doesnt know that while transitioning you automatically develop a lust for cock and real men
Silly cis people.
they turn into trannies and kill themselves by the time they hit 30. excellent
would let him virtualize me into lyoko
>i wonder who ever could possibly be behind this very post...
not exactly true but taking HRT does effect your sexuality and lower your sex drive
Funny if you think about it. "Incel" is a made up category by the cybernetic world. This made up category of individuals, it's actually a reserve. There is a specific amount of people who can be indoctrinated in the society. Most of the people are integrated by the common tree, they belong to a community, but the "inceldom" is a reserve of free electrons, a reserve of lost souls who have found refuge in a made up community. Inceldom. This community is sucked by organised groups, right wing activists, intelligence agencies who work on radicalising them. But there is a particular group that makes the whole thing at least a small bit funnier than it is. The tranny and faggotry sphere. Can you fucking believe that literal asshole oriented persons are grooming lost souls in order to make them homosexuals, turning them into new material of lust ? It is happening right now. Fucking faggots trying to alienate post pubescent individuals by pure opportunism. Here is the teleology of faggotry. Pure parasites, this is genuinely amazing.
christ i hate them. also makes me feel like a literal faggot for self harming
Lets be real, he looked like a woman before even taking the pills.
op you are fucking retarded, no straight man wants to be a woman just to satisfy your sick fetish, do yourself a favor and kys fag
I used to be an incel, now I identify as a tomboy girl with a huge veiny uncircumcised penis and I convert lesbians for a living.
Why do Jow Forumstards get so easily triggered by men in dresses?
What are you going to do, stay in your room some more?
no you are fucking stoopid if you can't comprehend men aren't willing to become trans-women in order to get laid or whatever else is in that sick, perverted mind of yours
How do you know OP wasn't saying to fuck trannies. Are you so emasculate that you get grossed out by seeing a pee pee?
yep, sorry hon. i am only attracted to biological females, not mentally ill men
Good luck trying to find a woman who doesn't want Chad and won't steal your money then. I'm going to get laid.
Well its not healthy for the young blokes who transition