Why do americans move out at 18?
Why do americans move out at 18?
because they have no concept of family
american parents are just agents who are guiding you through the early years of life and then kick you out
If my parents didn't I could tell you I would of ended up as a neet who would of offed myself years ago. Shit gave me fire to live. I went from hopping railcars to now working for a fortune 500 company. Still freight hop tho.
americans are taxpaying cattle of the jews
They don't, they're kicked out instead. Boomers are so brainwashed by kikes they think it's morally justified to kick out their own children for financial reasons.
they dont really have a choice, their parents dont love them
That's a white American thing. 18 is the age kids go off to college, so it's customary for white parents to kick their kids out at that age. In other cultures, if a kid is going to college, they are more likely to go to community college or a nearby university so they can stay home. Black and Hispanic kids usually live with their parents until their mid 20s.
That sounds like a miserable time
Because people want their own independence. It isn't your place to force your lifestyle on others
And asian culture you are expected to live with your parents until you are in your 30s
Nobody cares, Chang
They dont move out by choice op.
Brainwashed American parents kick them out.
How am I supposed to bring a girl home if I still live with my parents, let alone get married and have kids?
Short answer-Jews and their allies want people to leverage themselves while losing touch with their families by going to college and renting shitty apartments and working to survive.
its also easier to brainwash someone at uni when they dont have regular contact with their parents and community
He is just stating his race shit like the post previous before.
All the "race shit" on this board is blatant US government psyops to make robots less rayciss and have them be more racially integrated
Nah man it was loads of fun. Granted nearly fucking dying of hypothermia in Kansas kinds sucked but I had loads of fun and made many friends. Not many Americas leave their state let alone travel from Florida to Alaska for free.
Can you job me?
Sure lad. I wouldnt mind at all.
shut up dumbass its not jOoS its de Irish we are all niggers in their eyes god why hasnt anybody thought of this yet
>now working for a fortune 500 company
Dude, any Walmart of CVS employees can say that.