>your height
>your weight
>108 Ibs
>your height
>your weight
>108 Ibs
God I could just throw you around like a toy
140 lbs
Who else here >slenderman gang?
5 ft 7
115 lbs soaking wet
fat fuck
5 ft 9
190 pounds.
Yes, I'm your average fat creepy rapist looking guy.
Lol these faggots think theyre fat
Rate fembots
idk whats worse, being fat or being a manlet
137 lbs
should I try to lose weight? am grill
183 lbs
I just want to be big and strong so I can be a good father to my future kids.
Its suicide time bois. Slowly killing myself with food...
At least I have a 7 inch dick.
But even that is too small for modern women.
>Check myself from the side
>belly isn't flat anymore
So I'm fat. You're obese.
Being a manlet ;-;
Being a manlet is 100x worse than being fat. Least if youre tall and fat then you can put the weight on a little better, that and you may be more intimidating. I dunno.
Nah, that's well within the healthy BMI range
Depends does your doctor say you should?
You arent even where fat starts, I am though. I think even BMI says your healthy, and BMI is a shit measurement system.
>170 cm
>57 kg
Stop using imperial units it's fucking retarded.
5'8" 96 lbs
Pretty underweight desu
you won't be dying any sooner, you will just be spending your last years suffering more
you see we keep people alive for as long as possible nowadays no matter how bad their dementia gets or how many organs start giving up
Not my fault I was born in a shitty country you retard. Its impossible to convert when people keep using imperial all the time.
No. Your weight is fine you should aim to maintain it. You may want to change your fat:muscle composition though.
5'8" 118 lbs
how did you get sick or something
i was very sick for a long time and i only managed to get down to 110
no but I used to be underweight when I was a kid and sometimes I miss it
like by working out? I don't think I have the discipline for that honestly
doesn't bother me desu
5'8 210
im too thick
Don't convert it, just use metric units to measure in the first place.
you can make yourself appear thinner but actually stay the same weight, like magic
If I recall I'm at the bottom of "healthy"
But I'm actually getting pretty fat. Face getting rounder and jawline dissapeararing etc
Tman wtf man we're same
your an obese fuck
you arent supposed to squeeze your fat with the tape measure lol
>I think even BMI says your healthy
I'm the 5'8"/190 user and recently I underwent a surgical procedure, you want to know what I had in my little info sheet under known health problems?
In reality everyone in the "overweight" BMI category is obese.
tl;dr: we're all fat fucks and should lose some weight for our own good.
But then again, most of us have nothing positive to give us any incentive.
Are you single fembot?
>197 lbs
Totally fucking hideous IRL
>It's cruel being a tall girl
>5' 9''
>203 lbs
I'm a fat fuck. I just got into the 200 lbs club last week and I'm ashamed of myself.
fuck imperial units
>182 cm
>between 60-65 kg
Yes we're both not remarkable in any way.
158 pounds
>How you doin I dig the height
>105 pounds
would a thick black girl ever take interest in me at this weight and height
Why do we keep doing these threads? 6'0", 170 lbs, Jow Forums
I was losing weight but I gained it all right back :(
Tall girls are attractive
123 lbs
on all levels including physical i am a goblin
i kind of like how i look boys but will my alcholism ruin my weight dya think
I've got a Dadbody.
I'm cutting to get back down to 180.
6'2, 210lbs
all the weight went to my ass
196cm x 97kg
Be my goblina gf
5'4, 100lbs. trying to gain weight because i have no butt
147 lbs
just do squats and work out your legs, it's about the muscle. Fat doesnt magically accumulate on your butt it will go everywhere
because of all the variety it turns me on how different people really are no one is near "average"
>it turns me on
wtf user
>Fat doesnt magically accumulate on your butt it will go everywhere
actually fat distribution does not just go everywhere, your genetics greatly decide exactly where your fat goes
Exactly, so who says she has the genetics for it to go to her ass?
hmmm, okay. i just think my fat distribution is weird - all my weight goes to my boobs and upper arms and looks gross, but maybe if i did more toning stuff i would look better and more proportionate.
which one are you
p-post your stats
5'9 or 5'10 idk 135~
Yeah fat upper arms is kinda gross, if it goes to the boobs that's not bad though. I dont know if you can really target fat in a specific area. Also post contact
relationships are a waste of time i thought robots knew this
It's the only thing that keeps me going, but you probably arent close by anyhow.
6'0 or 6'1
130 lbs
153 pounds
Gang Gang
Well I might as well ask where you're from now just in case you could be close.
Just don't be fat how is that so hard.
venezuela if you really need to know
i'm not
Damn it must be hard to be a bot in a 3rd world nation, Im curious just to talk about life there so add me if want to
why is everyone so damn TALL
Gotta live the skelly goth twink life.
I endlessly get hit on by unnecessarily tall people over the internet who have a sIzE kInK
>5 ft 10
>109 lbs
im fucked
5'10 average height is sugarcoating for little bitches. Average is 6'0
Don't argue against it.
5'9 145depends on where u live
353# (I hit 360#and decided I have to fucking do something about this, used to sit nice and tight around 190 10 years ago before grad school and desk jobs)
I lift weights 275lb bench, 375lb deadlift
been single since forever
Don't work out for anyone other than yourselves, its not gonna get you that girl.