Big FUCKING cocks: YUM!
Big FUCKING cocks: YUM!
good cock, post source
said no straight man ever
You see that bridge close to your house?
I need you to do a service for all of humanity and jump over it
I actually live right next to a very large bridge!
Shan't be jumping from it however.
bummer, we had such high expectations from you
I-Is a 9 inch cock b-big?
whats with the weird lump at the very tip of his dick?
no larping dicklet, your 3 incher cannot be considered a penis.
Add me on discord bigudigu#8810 and I'll s-show it.
You are easily the worst poster on this board.
W-Why I really have a big pp.
Lole, I was in a discord with you. Weebs on the prairie. God you're cringe.
I've seen your pencil dick before
No bulli pls;( meanies.
guys seem to talk about cocks more than girls do
You are worse than nigganon and the tomoko poster. Nobody cares about your dick but you
W-Why can't you be nice, baka.
Yeah I agree please shut the fuck up I see you here every day if you're gonna show off your dick just link to soc instead of making these shitty anime reaction picture posts all the time where you go "I-I-I-S MY 9 INCH DICK BIG?"
Holy shit how can you just make the same shitposts over and over?
Why can't you stop bulli me and be nice instead? Baka.
It is really sad that i fecognize that cock
why won't people answer my question?
the fuck is that lump on the end of his dick?
Is his urethra swollen or something?
You sounding OP? that shit is bad for you
Seems to be part of the flesh
Because you're an annoying parasite and nobody likes you
same dude it's posted in every cock thread
>Because you're an annoying parasite
>and nobody likes you
Pls stop bullying me it makes me really sad.
theyre just jealous fren
All you do is just post with stupid anime pictures talking about your dick like anybody asked or cares, like nice dude shut up
Thank you, friend. Your post made me a little bit happier.
>All you do is just post with stupid anime pictures talking about your dick
That's not true. I post a lot more without mentioning my cock.
Yeah is that why you don't? Literally you're the most annoying person I've ever seen, I'd rather have the whole board be nigganons then you
>Literally you're the most annoying person I've ever seen, I'd rather have the whole board be nigganons then you
Thank you, user. (You)'s are the only thing making me happy in my shitty life.
Fuck off, you're the worst poster on this board
Everyone is right, you're an annoying attention seeker who keeps looking for validation over his penis and bringing nothing else
>Fuck off, you're the worst poster on this board
>Everyone is right, you're an annoying attention seeker who keeps looking for validation over his penis
It's the only thing that makes me happy for a short time.
>and bringing nothing else
How can you know that? I'm almost 13 hours everyday on this board. I post a lot without mentioning my cock.
Holy shit get a life you're so pathetic
People like you are why we should bring back the bronze bull
Everyone laugh at this pathetic nigga
Thank you guys for your kind words.
Ill be damned. Im not considered the worst. Thanks user.
Haha youre worse than me now small pp tard
At least I made you happy. No problem, user.
Well my cock may not be 9" but it doesn't have weird tip tumors
most men on this site are gay or prison gay
why are you so against posting your dick on here?
it's not like we know who you are like yeah if we knew what your face looked like or we had your full name then you probably shouldn't post your dick but this is an anonymous board literally no one will shit on you if you post your dick and it'll give some credibility to all your bragging about having a big dick
>why are you so against posting your dick on here?
I'm an attention whore and I want to be associated with my dick. That's why I only send dick pics on discord.
>wants to be associated with his dick
>never posts it
>never posts it
I only send it on discord.
Thats pretty pathetic actually
Just attention whoring on Jow Forums to try and get dick orbiters on discord. Just fucking stop acting like "O-oh user-kun is 9inches big enough? Or is it too small?" to shittly humble brag about your cock. Get a fucking life
>to try and get dick orbiters on discord.
That's mit true.
>to shittly humble brag about your cock
My cock feels really small. I have cock dysmorphia.
>mit true.
not true* sry it's nearly 5am.
Girls talk about boobs more than guys do. People talk about their own bodies a lot.