>watching Joker
>someone pulls out a gun
What do you say/do to not get shot?
Watching Joker
clonk him over the head with one of my boots
Yell HONK at the top of my lungs
Pull out your gun first.
Quietly in his ear*
Go up to the doors first, block exit before shooting.
>What do you say/do to not get shot?
why would i do that? The shooter would be doing me a favour
>Hey loser, shoot me first.
Reverse psychology. Bossing him around will make him want to do the opposite.
*shoots u in the dick*
Jokes on you,i am waiting to watch it online
say wee live in a clown world.
>Run to the hot girl with her boyfriend a few rolls away
>Flash my massive tilted erection
>Cum on hers and his face yelling "DO YOU FELL IN CHARGE?!" as the shooter guns us all down
Gotta show your dominance over the niggers and faggots by cum shooting their faces
I saw the video of the guy shooting up the mosque and I feel like the shooter would have so much adrenaline going on that he'd just instinctively kill you
Do nothing, probably won't get shot. Or I will. I don't care either way
Indeed, but if he is recording the whole thing, at least you will be the one guy that did something retarded before dying
Wink whilst telling him we live in a society
>Hey! Come on! If you're gonna shoot at someone, shoot at me!
then get shot cause I'm not spider-man.
Basically this, the first rule of robotdom is...etc
This and Bottom Text.
>Looks like player 2 has joined the game
The code has always been "Poo poo pee pee, please don't shoot me"
>imagine crowds of people all dropping to their knees and chanting "poo poo pee pee" every time one of these things happens
(cont) while doing the macarena
*shoots person beside you*
Sorry bitch you get to go second
>dont shoot me im a gamer and we live in...hold on let me take a sip of my monster *sips* society.
im sure anyone can coerce the shooter with a promise of a fortnite skin or a steam key for a new game
This movie doesnt even have a plot, what is the movie about? i so fucking confused
the movie isn't even out yet. how can you judge it like this already? plus it's clear from the trailers it's joker's backstory
I don't know if I would be spared or instantly murdered for shouting that.