>Boohoo only chad gets pussy
Fact: Loads of average and even lower tier guys have gfs, literally just go outside and you'll see them.
Boohoo only chad gets pussy
yea, betabux. thats why cheating is so rampant
Above user is Russian psyops
Where are your sources to back up these claims
There is no point in telling them this
they've convinced themselves the world is against them and they have given up.
doesn't matter how many loser fat stupid assholes you show them that have women.
doug heffernan did it
>What is cheating?
>What is used goods?
No one is saying that non-Chads can't get relationships. The problem is that Chads are making more and more women shit-tier. No normal guy wants a woman who's sucked and fucked Chad and will always fantasize about him.
Daddy chill. This has nothing to do with me. Just because I can literally stand there and girls approach doesn't mean I'm at fault. Most guys literally have shit tier or underdeveloped personalities and social skills. Seething at me will not solve the problem. The betas that supplicate and ingratiate are because they drive them this way.
look at this loser larping as an alpha lmao alphas dont post on Jow Forums
Why do you automatically assume this is an attack on Chads? It's a problem with women first and foremost.
>underdeveloped personalities and social skills
would you say this person has an underdeveloped personalty and social skills?
This is the true final red pill. Any normal person can get laid; it's just getting laid in absurd amounts like incels want that is near-impossible. Even the biggest Chads will find themselves in a relationship. Why? Because even Chad Thundercock can't get laid every Tuesday unless he's monogamous with the girl.
If you're 5/10 and a functional human being, you can get a gf and have regular sex with her.
>what is effort
Trying to find and keep a girlfriend as an average guy will claim a piece of your fuckin soul, and it will destroy you when you inevitably fail.
>Any normal person can get laid
the times they are a changin
This is 100% inaccurate, like holy shit do you ever get out of the house and look around you?!
>would you say this person has an underdeveloped personalty and social skills?
Robots cant understand facts. They only operate on emotions and their emotions are telling them that they need an excuse to spend no time growing up or taking responsibility. Everything is easier when you pretend you know the future
you just described women sweetie ;)
anyone can get laid
except you fucking retards
normies get laid
ugly normies get laid
ugly stupid fat pathetic normies get laid
autistic r9k'ers can't get laid
its you
not everyone else
most of you would have been aborted or given up at birth even 50 years ago
>most of you would have been aborted or given up at birth even 50 years ago
And you'd be told to keep your cock holster shut and do the dishes shit happens lol
clearly this chart is entirely based on r9k lmao
holy f*cking epic and based
i live in coastal socal, even the "low tier guys" way outrank me.
get them to "outwank" you
No I described robots honey
Yeah considering more than 60% of modern men have Down syndrome or porn addiction
>normies can get laid
>therefore you robots should be able to
I know you are here from r*ddit just to instigate people because you perceive them as weird but you are surely smarter than that
you should consider transitioning because you clearly have a very feminine mentality
I've had a gf that was significantly better looking than me for 2 years. She ended up leaving me for a man twice her age who was married with kids and pretended to be wealthy. Turns out he wasnt wealthy and she tries getting back with me when she found out. Interpret that how you will
Normies are disgusting. Why do you people try and astroturf this shit? I'm a "successful" wagie, got Jow Forums, women are still repulsed by me. They can sense beta genes and you can't change that shit.
There's a reason drug threads are popular on Arcanine now. You only need money for them to make you happy. There's not a laundry list of bullshit that culminates in Chad. The true path for robots is to give up on fairy tale love, which doesn't exist and cope or suicide.
Its a miracle that women are still selecting the best genes in a time when there are few other selective pressures
t. hyper coping autist
issue is that girls dont go for their looksmatch. every couple ive seen had a better looking man
I just want to know why you called him daddy
all I had to do was ask...
r9k is prolific
now if we could only get all of you to show up in one location we could fix this "epidemic"
I see more fat ugly shitskins with cute white girls than white men these days
Dont know whos cucking who anymore but whatevers going on it aint right
I got laid a bunch and then gave up on humanity because it was so superficial and soul crushing
Fuck women and normies