Just woke up, pot noodle for 12am breakfast edition
Other urls found in this thread:
ur dads STILL well gay
In all seriousness, my dad could beat your dad
>Pilot, initiate starburst
*munches on a starburst while watching Farscape*
So tell me lid; "doyalikadikaday?"
F for all the anons who died making the crossing to the new thread
Waiting to here back from two jobs I think I've gotten, bit of a predicament though.
Do I want more days off during the week or have saturdays off?
KHHV gang gonna take over the whole world
>tryna upload a music mix to youtube
>blocked worldwide instantly because of copyright
how the FUCK do people get around this auto-content ID shit, it's happened on two mixes now
would you this long gf?
>it's a moya has a tummy ache episode
I would be nice if she had some meat on those twigs though
>ginger too
god this has set my giantess fetish into overdrive. she could give nice big hugs with her long arms too
Bad news, everyone.
what I don't get it is when someone posts a youtube link but its not available in our country, wtf are those anons yanks or is my internet being spazzy?
regional copyrights are fucking pants m8
Making due on my promise for the lads
Paki rat btfo
really annoying, not sure how these small channels are uploading mixes without them getting blocked, although they definitely have upgraded/changed the content ID AI because mixes i used to listen to from ages ago have dissapeared.
someone post the image guys
having a decent nite lads, got an interview tomorrow
>tfw hitler had a oneitis
might be a maccy's job, but money's money innit. it's a night skeleton shift too, so no need to alter my schedule
you're welcome mein tamagotchi
nice. hope the drunken louts on a friday/saturday/sunday don't make it too unbareable
right nitelads, feel free to post a few more funny piccys if you feel, but you've had enough payment for the request. man needs to keep his reaction folder sacricinct, don't want to reveal all of me secrets
Rastamouse creator charged with benefits fraud
kiss me goodbye
can't you see I tried
>a murder suspect is mistakenly put in a ward for 'homos and trannies'
well this is a weird one. Pretty much what you'd imagine; rape, drug addict guards, tranny fashion shows etc.
no leggy puppet gf
So my dad asked me to link him evidence as to why my life is over and I should just give up. I thought about stripping some of the academic papers used as references here and writing something myself, but maybe I should just link this. Do I need to be talked out of this? I'm not sure what I have to loose.
Do it lad, I want to see what happens
Jesus lad don't tell your da about blackpills and shit
>all that stuff about white men being more attractive
and yet you are white. Also you dont have autism
you're an idiot and didn't read it. Even spoonfeeding couldn't save you from your own stupidity.
rastamouse come now wogone its the polmice your surrounded
ok dickhead what have I said that's incorrect?
ffs can you stop posting these fucking camp tranny gays. really annoying.
Dad, despite the fact you have paid for literally everything for me, including 27 grand worth of student debt, and you're a loving family that takes me on holidays and gives me everything I want, my life is ruined because I can't get a girlfriend despite the fact I've put literally no effort in to it and getting one won't magically satisfy my desire for life.
Reminder that SP is
>not obese
>not deformed
>not poor
>not retarded
>hurr durr alcohol is a depressant
yeah but it doesn't mean what you think you fucking brainlets. the cns depressing effect is exactly what most people chase.
impressive cv, when can he start
a cute post in a sea of shit
>currently pay around GBP1000 per month in rent to live alone in a tiny flat in London
>can only save GBP300 per month
>could save GBP200-250 more if I moved in with strangers
Is this bearable for an ugly autist? I feel like a sucker for paying so much in rent but I'm unsure how bad living with others could be.
>>not deformed
27 grand + living costs, actually. Him and I aren't very material people though, and don;'t ask for much at christmas or birthdays. I even asked him not to pay it off but they have stupid money so may as well. He loves me and nothing anyone says here matters. He is a better person than anyone in this shithole and chad bro will thrive to pass on his genes.
I'm 100% sure you're at worst normal looking
>1000 bong a month for a flat
is living in London worth it? I pay 600 a month for a 3 bedroom semi detached
mummy says this too but mummy is a liar.
thats a sexy real woman you mong
I still would meet up with him in a heart beat but I'm very concerned with the direction SP is heading in
I'm only here because I can't get a good job anywhere else
I have been relentlessly bullied for a decade about the way I look
What direction is he heading in?
SP you are a dumb cunt
Perhaps the same could be said of anyone, but certainly in your case you need to get off of r9k
This blackpill garbage will ruin your life if you let it. I will only say this once
Of course you're a sucker if you live in London and aren't rich
it's the same as ever but he's telling his parents who will probably think he's going to end up a Elliot and section him
Elliot Roger level of narcicistic incel direction
I go days where I only get suicidal ideation a couple of times a day and no real suicidal thoughts. This is 100% the best I have been mentally on britfeel since I came here and probably in a decade. Don't worry fren
The black pill can't do any more damage than it has. I haven't given up yet, in spite of believing the future is hopeless.
mummy and daddy love me and will never give up on me. They and britfeel frens are my brother, my captain, my king.
This isnt me btw. Why are you posing as me?
been a pleasure lads
He is not blackpilled. If he were he wouldn't be hopelessly still clinging on to hope that Sophie nee Turner will marry him. He's just very naive and will be his little gimmick for a few weeks
Sp should come live with me and I could be his carer and collect bennies for while I deincel him
incels should able to get incel bennies like autists do
i just wanted a gf, not a glock ;_;
well thats just weird
yeah but they will just think your britfeel frens made you an extremist then make you choose them or us.
Go on, I'll bite. What's the story here?
u been trying to nob a gangsters missus?
Extremely bored
In that mood where nothing is appealing. Not even sleep
Got no idea what to even do
coz you're a boring enabler
Is it really a good job if most of it goes to rent instead of yourself?
>go on date app
>attractive girl seems interested, immediately suspicious
>asks my whatsapp
>pic related
>now getting death threats
lad why do I have to risk my life to get a gf
>a boring enabler
in what way? I dont encourage SP to think this way, quite the opposite.
nice lads like dm are the reason I didn't an hero. I will convicme mummy this is true
Huh that's bizarre, probably just some kid messing with you though, no?
timbo where art thou
yeah lad, hence the cheeky messages
imagine murdering someone for not falling for your scam
cant search mobile numbers on there lol
I've been listening to music and staring at the screen daydreaming of a better life
>tfw ywn get a designated cuddle fund payment from the government
this is how we get world peace
Imagine actually giving the girl money. Imagine being enough of a skanky roastie to ask guys on Tinder to send them money
not him but why not get 1 off yer parents.
they could be funding your sex tourism lifestyle.
Not appreciative that the lightfags are staying up past their bedtimes and shitting up the thread for the nitelads.
Better not carry on for the next few hours, half the appeal is avoiding their /soc/shit.
both were raised catholic and are pretty prude. Sex is a taboo, so are violence to some extent and swearing. They are nice and too pure for the evils of the world. I am the one in the family with a dark heart.
it's the personalities that want to meet and bum lad.
women who committed crimes should be forced by the state to have relations with incels, its for the greater good
if sex is taboo why are you talking about it with your father?
I have lost all desire to do anything
It is fucking weird
Really starting to annoy me desu
All vigour for life has just drained away
Got a phone call from someone once asking where their crack was. That was fucking weird.
nightlads should creep into lightfags bedrooms and fart on them while they sleep for tomorrows wage and they wake up with pink eye
wheres muh crack fren?
Where the fuck is SCEA?
He should be here to defend this user's honour.
ciminal girls sound scari. Why not qts?
idk, this is the nuclear option and he asked for why I think my life is over.
So... Did you help them find it?
what does your chad brother have that you dont?
Tfw cant get hrt cus broke
it's called apathy
do you not like how your life is but cba to do anything about it?
criminal girls can be cute, besides you like dommy women
Nah I am not talking about even a long term thing
Just in this moment, suddenly, I dont want to do anything
Rarely happens but when it does it is a nightmare
My life is okay
welcome to the new normal.
Makes me chuckle that Americans will be whiny all day today.
Chad bro has the most vibrant, incredible blue eyes. I'm slightly taller (5'10.5 vs 5'9 maybe) and he did much better at A levels (but I always win arguments between us. We are both a regression toward the mean compared to father's intelligence. I have a strong jaw line but his midface and hairline are better. He was blonde at birth but has now very light brown hair (which is probably better than my dark hair) . Mostly he hasn't fallen into a state of non-functioning from anxiety and depression. he is quite normal.
true lad. it would be a community service that really matters
just ride it out then
>My life is okay
I say this all the time. My life is okay I'm fine at least I'm not some sweatshop kid or Madelene Mccann