Remember ladies, men are only good for their money and resources. Use them to the fullest extent. A lot of them are really oblivious, especially the normies.
Remember ladies, men are only good for their money and resources. Use them to the fullest extent...
Why such a cruel mindset?
Remember guys, women are only good for their bodies and reproductive capacity. Use them to the fullest extent. A lot of them are really oblivious, especially the normies.
Glad to see we're all being honest on here
>tfw I am the one providing money for my man, he better get his ass up or else.
Welcome to the current state of Western Civilization
My post wasn't even sincere, it was just to call out OP for objectifying us, and show her why we don't appreciate it.
>Why such a cruel mindset?
because celebrities get paid too much
overpaid celebrities are the root cause of every problem in the world
>haha he still believes in love/soulmates/marriage/etc. what a retard
Yes, I fucking do. I haven't given up yet.
Men have been literally telling women this for centuries and they arent even subtle about it. Its even worse with porn and hookup culture. You need a taste of your own medicine, scrote.
This is what they took from us user
what about the guys that wanted to love one woman for life? should they get "used" for money too?
I didn't really live in any of those centuries, I didn't ever tell women any of that. Even the usual reparations arguments that blacks make don't apply here, since everyone is a descendent of both a male and a female. There is no inherited gender oppression.
Hellp fellow believes-in-marriage-bro
nice bait.
as a female, i don't need a man to take care of me.
if i ever did find a companion i would want him to contribute to the household financially (yeah a househusband would be nice and all but i don't make THAT much money). if he made somewhere around what i made then that would be great.
the only reason i would ever want a man around would be to have him as a companion. i make enough money to have what i need to get by and i don't see myself as materialistic and wouldn't want to be with a man who is.
companionship and physical affection (cuddling) would be his purpose.
but these things can easily be replaced with a pet, which is why i don't bother with a man. sometimes i think it would be nice to have someone to talk with but it's not worth all of the hassle and effort.
>use people for your own gain
not anymore im not. im post "wallet carousel ride" lol
No you aren't, you are special user. Men like you are like a rare diamond. I hope you find someone.
cheering for you king
Thanks - same to the both of you. Hopefully we can all find someone to love.
I wish you luck. I've given up on looking for someone. My path is now for me alone to walk. I pray you don't have to walk yours alone.
All sub-Chad men are looking for that, good luck lmfao.
Honestly, I am sub-Chad... but I could really not give less of a fuck about being a Chad - as long as I have one person who genuinely cares about me, what more do I need? I'm not really the type for one night stands and such anyways...
Thanks user - I hope you can find friendship, community and comfort in one way or another... whether it one day be through a romantic relationship or not.
I think being single is fine - I just don't believe anyone should walk through life completely alone.
Good job falling for the bait you retard
>as long as I have one person who genuinely cares about me, what more do I need?
That's the pussy beggar i.e. sub-Chad mentality, no woman wants a pathetic man like that.
I don't know. While I get sad sometimes, the ones around me get full depression. Now that I'm a state away from my brother, he's seeking mental help he probably wouldn't have if I was still around. Both times we were living one for away from each other (parents house and apartment) he attempted suicide. I'm so happy he's still alive, but I can't help but wonder if I want a good enough brother for him.
My old roommate also got his depression getting worse while I was around. After I left he too got into a better state (he wanted to move back closer to his family which he didn't want to do since we were good friends and both on the lease).
Several of my friends at work are probably better off at seeking other jobs with other companies. I
What they want isn't something they can get at the place I'm at.
So I don't know it's hard to be around people, because I see that their is to happiness is blocked by me.
Myself, I don't need much. I'm simple. I like to draw, write and recently am teaching myself guitar. Maybe this is just how one can make true art. It sucks. If those are my only options for expression, maybe I might take something worth sharing in the future.
I'm sorry to hear you've gone through all that. I'm sure that weighs heavily on you - I know it would on me.
Sounds like you're a good and caring person, and I have to believe that you are NOT the reason those around you became depressed. Don't let yourself feel responsible for what happened to them.
It makes me sad to hear you say you feel others are simply better off without you around... I believe each of us on earth are special and bring something uniquely special.
That's super cool to hear about your minimalist life style, and your creative endeavours. Any chance I could talk you into sharing a picture of one of tour drawings?
If you're a cute fat fembot who's going to marry me, sure.
>That's super cool to hear about your minimalist life style
It's called being poor you dumb bitch.
Well, the fat part is accurate... can't help you in the other regards.
Has it been fun to teach yourself guitar, or difficult?
& are different user
I don't have anything that's cool or neat to share since most of it was for D&D campaigns that fell apart because I can't get people around longer than 2 months these days.
Learning the guitar is fun and going well since I have some goals and already know how to read music and understand some music theory (though this is from playing tuba in highschool).
I'm not poor. I just am slowly not spending money on consuming entertainment because it's only fun to watch or experience things with other people.
So my money is going towards buying recording equipment to make something I hope others may enjoy.
If things go well, I'll have had the spare time to put up the first installment of my audio-drama by the end of the year.
I can't really let myself think other people will help, because in the end it's my vision. I find that other people give up on things I'm interested in too easily.
>I'll have had the spare time to put up the first installment of my audio-drama by the end of the year.
Meanwhile people who aren't mentally retarded will record thousands upon thousands of hours of podcasts, audiobooks, reddit creepypasta and other stuff that makes shitloads of money on youtube.
Why are you so slow, loser?
I'm not looking to make money off of it. Nor will I get any support for it. This is something I'll do when I'm not at work.
I have a loving partner, but I don't really care. You will get bored of them after a while. I would much rather be by myself most days to pursue my interests with an occasional fling on the side