Temperature is gradually dropping

>Temperature is gradually dropping
>Sun is setting earlier
>Leaves are starting to slowly change to yellow/orange/red
>October 1 is only 3 weeks away

Where are my /Halloween/ robots at?

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can't wait. i love fall weather, and i love the Halloween feel. favorite time of the year

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Fucking finally based trips
Hot weather is for fags


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Eh, spring is okay. It's still cool outside for the most part. Summer is worse.

spring is alright.

But fuck summer, honestly.

Too early for halloween posting, dumb frogposter

>Temperature is gradually dropping
This is the best thing about fall

>Live in Arizona my entire life.
>123 degree summers, very little rain, no plant life.
>Move to North Carolina two months ago.
>Rains constantly here, temperature dropping, so much green.
>Trees are starting to change colors.

Maximum comfy.

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It still gets around upper 90s here with like 80% humidity.
fuck the south