this basically btfo this whole board.
your stupid high standards arecruining your future
this basically btfo this whole board.
your stupid high standards arecruining your future
>best friend
ill bet 100 american dollars that mr george bruno has a sugar baby/sees escorts on the regular
I'd date any woman who would give me a chance
The only real issue is that they require me to approach them first, which I never do because I figure I have no chance
What actually happens is that all 10 women instantly eliminate you for being ugly, but all of them have vapid "personalities" that are more like constructs to make them good fucktoys but completely useless as genuine people anyways.
The argument is sound, except
a) tell that to women
b) if you're looking for good friends, chances are you'd eliminate all 10
>immovable idealism
somebody look up his marriage status
divorced? y/n?
I dated an unattractive mentally ill fat girl who then proceeded to cheat on me for someone who fucked her and then abandoned her.
Why do twitter normalfags think they have everything figured out?
its just posturing, theyre doing the social dance for status
Translation: Wanting a girl who isn't a gross slut
>a room of 10 women out of 7billion
>eliminate 7 out of them implying I'd find 3 of them attractive and implying that there is a full spread of the attractiveness spectrum 1-10 and my life companion is a below 7 in looks.
Man this is a stupid scenario.
Yes thats what you should do you fucking retards. Attractive women will NEVER be a nice kind wife. Get yourself a simple plain wife she will be based and every couple of years when you feel like it go fuck a hot escort. Any other way will lead to unhappiness.
LOL ! left that part out, you did
Was with you until the escort part. If you really loved her you would not do that to her.
how the fuck am I going to find a woman even close to being my best friend. They never have the same interests. hell I am lucky to find one that has any interests other than shit talking her bestie and binge watching on netflix from time to time. Women also make terrible friends in general and will try and use you to be her free ride when she is drunk at the club multiple times a month. No thanks. To be fair I stopped looking years ago got more important shit to do than worry about an incredibly expensive wet hole with the mind of an 8 year old.
>get youself a nice wife
>then cheat on her regularly
I hope you get raped by a pack of wild niggers
You should only ever try to shoot out of your league and go for the best of the best, because even the average and ugly ones will treat you like shit.
UH OH! mr bruno left that part out
women eliminate 8 and then fuck their dog when chad doesn't stay with them after fucking on first date
UH OH! xd
>every couple years
you mean everytime youre out of town??? xd
Because only men do this we all know women don't judge based on looks.
If I walked into a room with 10 woman, they'd all leave
I walk into a room with 10 women and I'm eliminated instantly 10 times
I have no set standards at all. As long as she knows how to dress and makes an effort to be a caring and interesting individual, she's already a candidate for long-term girlfriend.
Guess how many girls I've been with in my 19 years of living.
I dont even have to enter the room I just get out of my car and its fucking over before both feet even hit the parking lot. Getting real tired of these internet feminists trying to act like women are so kind and caring while also being interesting people. They are almost never any one of those things let alone all of them. Men are also pretty shit
The problem isn't with th women or "idealism" its with me. If I was a competent independent financially stable person I'd be looking for a "best friend" right now.
not true, I can be friends with fugly girls perfectly fine.
you know you can actually meet someone while you become those things right?
even better you can achieve all those things with her by your literal physical side.
>you should be looking for somebody who can be your best friend
Have you ever tried going on tinder or a dating website and talking to a woman like a normal human being? Trying to get to know their interests and hobbies and befriend them before saying or doing anything sexual? You know what happens when you do that? You get ghosted. Again and again.
So don't give me this "best friend" shit. Best friends don't ignore me when I start a conversation with anything but "wanna smash?"
I just want an ugly girl who loves me and isn't afraid to show it.
1. This scenario is fucking retarded and so is this literal who.
2. Go back to plebbit
3. Take your stupid fucking twitter screencaps with you
dilate, sodomite
Women don't give a shit about what you potentially can be, they want the results NOW. So unfortunately they won't give you the time of day no matter how great you are or how your progress is, because you aren't there yet.
Try looking for groups of people similar to you IRL. You probably won't find the one on a bootycall app.
Looks are like the biggest predictor of a successful relationship. Your relationship is more likely to last in the longterm if you resemble your partner than if not.
It makes sense because both parties are naturally attracted to each other
That's worse advice than "be nice". If you want to get laid by random sluts get good at manipulation. If you want to get married find a girl you don't have to manipulate as much. That's it.
Wait hang on a minute..Are you fucking baiting me cunt? you mean to say ((women)) do this, right?? It must of been a mistake because from my 4 decades on this planet my first hand experience was that i was only the women rejecting men in the room.
Op and readers you need to pull your head out of your ass. It has only ever ended up like these two
triggered me hard op enjoy the free (you). :)
>Women don't give a shit about what you potentially can be
this is mediocre loser cuck cope.
I found my best friend. She was a neet and we were together (erelationship) for many years. She wasn't attractive but I loved her for who she was. Then she left me for a guy who hated seeing us together. Moral of the story: Fuck the hottest women you can because both ugly and hot women are both fucking mentally worthless.
Retarded argument, since actual statistics from dating sites and even popular entertainment media like those elimination dating shows disprove it completely.
If you really love her, she won't love you and she'll fuck you over as soon as possible.
If the 10 women are the same age and race as me and weigh less than me, there is no way I'd eliminate 7 of them.
I don't know. If you used that argument on women, you would sound really sexist and patronizing. Its not like guys have measurably higher standards than women.
well said brother xd
nigga what. i walk into a room and the 10 women leave it lmao.
have women do this same test and they'll eliminate 9 of 10 men for more shallow reasons
>walk into a room with 10 girls in
>eliminate all 10 immedietly because i look like a troll
imagine thinking you can make a best friend out of a woman. Most of them are vapid narcissists with massive senses of entitlement. Most men wouldn't put up with that kind of shit women pull in a friend, literally only tolerated because of mens pathetic eternal thirst.
I tried the "connection is most important" route. She left me because I wasn't attracted to her enough. Not enough sex/passionless sex.
This. It's not much better in real life either.
und ihr habt doch gesiegt
Elimiminate them from what? Potential mates?
Who sees the world like this?
I put some thought into dating recently(for the first time and I'm 22) and I realized that it probably won't amount to much for me.
Most activities that I enjoy are ones I do by myself and can't really be done with more than one person. Plus I have no friends that I hang out with(I have good acquaintances that I would talk to for a bit if I see them somewhere though)
I guess I just don't really know what dating entails. I don't care much for the physical parts of it like skin ship, kissing, etc. I don't really enjoy going out much either and like I said the stuff I like to do is by myself, I don't watch tv or movies or play board games or what have you, so I have no clue what to actually do with a girlfriend
seems highly overrated to me, but still >tfw no gf
>Immovable idealism
Sorry man, but not wanting to be a whores life jacket for when she stops fucking strangers is a standard I'm not willing to give up.
If I can go my whole life not fucking random people on a whim I feel like it isn't that much to expect the same from my girl.
What does it matter if I won't talk to any of them anyway
>eliminate 7 immediately
dam straight nigga
Eliminate them from life.
I don't have high standards, I just want a girl that isn't fat and doesn't have a disgusting face. She can be a womanlet or a Amazon with no it's and I wouldn't mind. There's a difference between respecting yourself and having too high of standards, frankly you should be pointing the figure at women more then men. It may sound incel but it's true, every woman seems to think they deserve a super model
Based. Someone should tweet this to him. If no one does I'll do it tomorrow.
If life was a footrace, women wouldn't compete, they would just wait at the finish line and huddle around the winner.
>dating people you are not attracted to.
Yeah ask fucking girls to do the same and you're an incel.
Also I've given fat chicks a chance, they always fucking stink, their fat gets in the way of sex and when they go cowgirl your worried your cock is going to snap off. Fuck ever doing that again.
>you walk into a room of ten women
Sounds like a nightmare
Makes me think of my friend, tolerates an ass load of abuse from his gf all because the person happens to have a vagina.
>Constantly praise lowering standards
>Demand men "up their game"
>Get mad a
White knights deserve nothing more than to be shot in the gut and left on the side of the road. They enable this shitty behavior.
If you had a uterus you would think you deserved the best as well.
Its not really fair because for woman lowering your standards means going from expecting a 6ft+ muscular handsome charismatic guy with a good job to an average guy, but for men lowering your standards mean going from average girl to fat/ugly girls.
All my friends are men
women are usually boring asf to talk to
>you walk in a room with 10 women
this happend maybe once in my life
you assume everyone just knows a lot of people
the basis of my high standards is the minimum of
>biologically female
>virgin (eliminates a lot)
>not fat or obese
>not progressive or statist leftist
>not too far gone with atheist materialism