drunk as fuck and lurk here sometimes so i feel like helping yall out ive fucked too many hot girls to count and im a 8/10 so give me questions
Ask A Chad Anything
post more girls you fuck
Would have you preferred to have had a pure waifu since childhood/teen years, marry her and have a conventional family instead of being a degenerate posting on Jow Forums?
Why do you feel the need to fuck with robots by inflicting your presence on us? What have we ever done to you?
Have you ever thought about and/or touched your dad's anus/butthole??
how do i know you arent some 6/10 Brad, "Chad"?
hell no then i wouldnt get to fuck around lmao
im jere to help you retard
no lol
idk heres my tinder i have no reason to lie
>im jere to help you retard
Can you get a gun and come shoot me please?
Have you ever thought about and/or touched your mom's anus/butthole?
Yeah, if you know about Jow Forums and bother coming here to do these shit attentionwhoring threads you're a low tier normie at most. Seeking validation on Jow Forums... That's pretty low op.
what is your favorite beer?
so THATS where my oneitis went. she ghosted me, but it looks like she was too busy trying to get your attention.
>hell no then i wouldnt get to fuck around lmao
That's true, but you would have a family, someone to love, someone you know is not going through other men's penises. Those girls on tinder aren't only talking to you.
Post a photo of yourself, prove you're 8/10
bud light or corona
which one haha
who gives a fuck still smashed tho
im not allowed
>im not allowed
nice cop out bitch
my questions don't revolve around women, I have no problems with them, but instead more about: struggling to reach your goals, and over coming adversity, which I doubt you have you have any experience in.
Not allowed by whom? The rules state that you can't post photos of yourself and ask
>Am I an 8/10?
But you can post photos of yourself to prove your identity or claims.
How accurate is this girl to chad translation?
>I'm not looking for a relationship right now
I don't want a relationship WITH YOU. Don't even bother trying to ask me out, it will NEVER HAPPEN
Chad: "So if you're not looking for a relationship, you're just looking for sex right? SEX SEX SEX, that's all that's on your mind. I'm looking for a real relationship, but all you sluts want is SEX!"
>I don't think of you in 'that' way
You are ugly
>You're like a brother to me
Sex with you repulses me as much as incest
>The kids were bad today
Your genes are defective
>(In reference to an argument) We are both wrong
You are wrong[/spoier]
>You don't listen to me
Why can't you read my mind?
>I hate to interrupt, but...
I'm more important than whatever you're doing
>Have you had time to...
I need you to do serve me RIGHT NOW, slave
>I don't mind paying for myself
Wow you CHEAPSKATE, you're not going to have another chance dating me
Chad: You will only date her again if you give her multiple orgasms tonight
>Let's not rush things
There are a few Chad's I'm trying to trick into dating me
>I'm not ready to settle down
Don't ask me out until you're making 6 figures, buddy
>I enjoy the single life!
I enjoy not being your gf
>I need some space
You're unattractive, leave me alone
Chad: Just say "Cool bitch" and walk away and never contact her again
>I'm focusing on my 'career'
My training and studying for my career is extremely boring and tedious yet more exciting then you'll ever be.
>Let's just give it some time.
You're a very low quality male. I might date you after if chad chooses to move on after dicking me hard, assuming you have a stable job.
>I like you, but...
I do not like you at all
Stefanie. You remember her? She's the brunette with the stacked butte. Yea... how could you forget? That's right
Post more nudes. Origana
>You're not the type of guy I'd date, you're the type of guy I'd marry!
You're boring, I don't want to have sex with you. However, you're nice and stable, so after I ride the cock carousel I'll possibly settle for you... if you're making good money
Chad: "And you're not the type of girl I'd marry, just the type of girl I'd fuck senseless then forget about"
>Let's just be friends
You'll never see my roast beef flaps, you're just not attractive
Chad: "I have enough friends already, bye"
>I don't want to ruin our friendship
Please stay my guy friend. You're smart and easy to talk to, I just will never touch your penis
>Honesty is very important to me
Only tell me what I want to hear
>I only like you as a friend
You're not attractive
Chad: "I only see you as a pump-n-dump slut!"
>You're so manly
You smell bad mister, take a shower
>Let me check my schedule to see if I'm busy
I have plans with Chadwick, WE will never hang out
>We need...
I want...
>Can you call me back? I need to...
I just need an excuse to get off the phone. I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I LIED BLATANTLY TO YOUR FACE. Oh, and have a nice day!
>Sure, what is your phone number?
I will add your phone number to my trophy collection of pathetic losers who want me... but I don't want them!
Chad: "Lol forget it bitch" *walk away*
>I'm not upset
I am upset
>Let's be romantic and turn off the lights
I'm not proud of my body
>Do you love me?
I need you to buy me something expensive
>Am I fat?
Please tell me I'm beautiful
Chad: "Femanon, Aristotle defines love as 'friendship based on beauty.' Therefore, if there is no beauty to base friendship on, there can be no love." =)
>I'm not that type of girl
Keep trying!
>Don't touch me there!
Touch me there, but I'll stop you a few times first
Chad: Heavy resistance is bad, light resistance is normal. Women WANT you to go for them, the FANTASIZE about rape
>Will you respect me in the morning?
Don't tell anyone we copulated
fuck off, here I am (pic related)
These are like 90% accurate
im not getting banned for you fucker
i struggled too bitch i had school and work
it says not to post selfies
>We need to talk...
I need to complain
Chad: Just nod your head and say 'uh huh' smile, and repeat
>I need to think about it
>We have an on and off relationship
I string him along until someone better shows up
>Where is this going?
Are you gonna marry me?
>Let me think about it
>I feel like I've known you my entire life
I want your penis inside of ME
>Do you have a girlfreind?
You're hot, are you on the market?
>Wow, you're certainly attentive tonight!
Is sex ALL you think about?
>How much do you love me?
I did something you won't like
Chad: She probably had drunk sex with your best friend
>We need to communicate better
You need to agree with me more
Chad: Just smile and nod
>I don't want to ruin our friendship!
I like using you to talk about the guys I have sex with
Who's to say the picture you post was a selfie?
>who gives a fuck still smashed tho
so you're one of those "yolo" people? Don't care about actually forming bonds with someone? You're just fine having sex with random whores?
Also, why do you use Tinder? Not attractive enough to just get enough women in your daily life without an extra tool?
>>The kids were bad today
What does this mean?
How to make women more likely to approach me first? Im far too shy to approach women and be the one to start the conversation
>How to make women more likely to approach me first?
be good looking.
Wear baggy pants with a blue or red bandana hanging out of your pocket. WOC love this, trust me
or tall
dude im fucking young and i dont give a fuck im not gonna married anytime soon
look at them and smile but i approach girls bro so idk
>or tall
lmao lankets gotta cope
>a 6'0 chad is gonna get less girls than a 5'7 chad
thats the real cope right there
eww what's wrong with his face
Do people actually eat ass or it is just a joke?
Fuck off you ugly nigger
What the fuck. Is that... is that an alien from Babylon 5?
hell yea i eat ass
Would you help one of us get laid? Like, blindfold a girl and switch out?
Wow I just started season 5, great show, better than DS9
if i could yes lmao
Get the fuck out normalscum. Why even post here for fuck sake.
I mean if you're as Chad as you say it should be pretty easy to talk one of those Tinder girls into it
do us the biggest favour you possibly could and just fuck off.
im trying to help you fuckers
ive done it before with friends
so help us by fucking off. stupid cunt. this isn't the place for you
yo bro - there are federal agents lurking and posting here. be careful, you may accidently insult one of them XD
fuck you little nigger, I'm trying to save you
pic related is me
dont get watch listed bra. long gone are the good times of r9k past.
yo Chad, might i suggest r/WhitePeopleTwitter ? shit cracks me up.
or one of the blue Jow Forums boards
i don't want to be saved, you stupid normie piece of shit. fuck off.
what, so he can ruin Jow Forums and /his/ too? don;t enable this dumbass. let him go back to his precious women
>im trying to help
Unless you're a genie or the world's best plastic surgeon you can't help. But you can fuck off so why not try that.
well, personally i would go to Jow Forums
Absolute cringe, the sort of shit you'd see printed on posters to go in a boomer's "man cave". Yes you need to read between the lines when women talk but it's not a second fucking language
What do you normally wear?
What are your interests?
What type of music do you listen to?
Where do you work?
I wear cheap wallmart clothes
I am interested in pop music and sports
I listen to pop music like katie perry
I work at burger king, but I will be working at Apple before the year is over
you arent me
joggers and vans and a shirt i play basketball and i listen to whatevers on the radio and i work at disney because im in their college program
Should i consider suicide? I am miserable with how my life turned out.
Lel. Alright. None of this is helpful. I guess it does reaffirm that most women are pretty basic. If you want to date lots just be a nirmie. Don't plan to become a normie anytime soon. I'll stick with my subculture. Don't have problems with women though.
Apple store or Apple tech support? Used to work at Apple a few years ago before I went back to school.
Still not much better, but the Disney thing probably helps a lot. I work in the oilfield and there's no fucking women out here. It is funny with the music. I hated most popular stuff. Mainly like depressing folk/pop punk, but I know women hate it. Had to start learning to appreciate a lot of rap and it's made it easier to have something to talk about.
You got a lot of friends? Where do you meet women? How do you go about getting them to open up? Mainly through tinder. That's not going to work for most people on this site.
probably if you look like pic related
You are a total queer with your subculture, try being normal for a change
Apple store at the genius bar. I am pretty stoked desu
>Changing my entire identity for women
Top c uck. I still date. The whole point is to find women you like. Why would I sit through boring conversation for some hole? This is just bait though.
You sound like a complete faggot just sayin'
You will never be a Chad like me, so keep projecting soiboi
>Feel someone looking at me
>Look up to see girl
>She quickly looks away
So what are the odds that she was just glancing over me/at me, and didn't mean it as an entry to a convo? I mean, I sometimes hear that you're supposed to "hold the gaze" but they instantly look away 90% of the time, so idk what I'm supposed to do. I think I'm decent looking, and was rated a 7/10 on /soc/ which is pretty ok I think.
Yes, you are supposed to eye lock all women as much as possible. Also, you should sneak up behind women and bear hug them while counting out loud up to 10. This shows dominance and they will fall in love with you (especially if you use strong cologne with pheromones)
what do you say to women when talking to them
post dick or gay
where do you meet these women? besides online dating.
femanon here, I'll tell you which ones are right and which are wrong
>How accurate is this girl to chad translation?
>I'm not looking for a relationship right now
I don't want a relationship WITH YOU. Don't even bother trying to ask me out, it will NEVER HAPPEN
Chad: "So if you're not looking for a relationship, you're just looking for sex right? SEX SEX SEX, that's all that's on your mind. I'm looking for a real relationship, but all you sluts want is SEX!"
>Depends. Did she just get over a breakup? Is she really adventurous? Is she a whore? If any of the above, na, she's being honest.
>I don't think of you in 'that' way
You are ugly
>or average
>You're like a brother to me
Sex with you repulses me as much as incest
>Yeah basically unless she's into incest in which case you're her retard brother
>The kids were bad today
Your genes are defective
>She wants you to be the homemaker so she can fuck off. You shouldn't have had kids with her, she's a really shitty mother.
>(In reference to an argument) We are both wrong
You are wrong[/spoier]
>Also depends. Only manipulative whores would think this way.
>You don't listen to me
Why can't you read my mind?
>Men have trouble being emotionally intelligent and detail intensive, statistically. Women blame this on them, but it's in their genes, not their head.
>I hate to interrupt, but...
I'm more important than whatever you're doing
>Really depends on the woman. I wouldn't personally think like this, but it depends.
>Have you had time to...
I need you to do serve me RIGHT NOW, slave
>I don't really understand this one desu
>I don't mind paying for myself
Wow you CHEAPSKATE, you're not going to have another chance dating me
Chad: You will only date her again if you give her multiple orgasms tonight
>No, at least not personally. Being bi and les-leaning it might be different for me, but I have issues with ppl paying for me.
>Let's not rush things
There are a few Chad's I'm trying to trick into dating me
>It's a 50/50. She might just have trust issues.
>I'm not ready to settle down
Don't ask me out until you're making 6 figures, buddy
>Really depends. Is she adventurous, non-traditional, and a feminist or "egalitarian"? If so, it might be true.
>I enjoy the single life!
I enjoy not being your gf
>na, it's 'I enjoy being a whore and fucking everyone!' Keep chasing, she's probably easy af
>I need some space
You're unattractive, leave me alone
Chad: Just say "Cool bitch" and walk away and never contact her again
>Yeah that's pretty much right
>I'm focusing on my 'career'
My training and studying for my career is extremely boring and tedious yet more exciting then you'll ever be.
>This depends on the woman. If she's in college (real college, not community college) or she owns a business or has an intensive job, this is true. Otherwise, this is pretty accurate. I don't imagine many women without an actual career would say this, though.
>Let's just give it some time.
You're a very low quality male. I might date you after if chad chooses to move on after dicking me hard, assuming you have a stable job.
>never done this, but it sounds about right
>I like you, but...
I do not like you at all
>100% accurate >You're not the type of guy I'd date, you're the type of guy I'd marry!
You're boring, I don't want to have sex with you. However, you're nice and stable, so after I ride the cock carousel I'll possibly settle for you... if you're making good money
Chad: "And you're not the type of girl I'd marry, just the type of girl I'd fuck senseless then forget about"
>Yes? No? This is really hard to be objective on bc I know personally that, yes, money makes men attractive. So idk.
no one cares about a womans opinion lol. one does not become a great fisherman by asking the fish for opinions lol
>Let's just be friends
You'll never see my roast beef flaps, you're just not attractive
Chad: "I have enough friends already, bye"
>I don't want to ruin our friendship
Please stay my guy friend. You're smart and easy to talk to, I just will never touch your penis
>Honesty is very important to me
Only tell me what I want to hear
>depends on the girl. The best way to tell is if she's redpilled she probably legitimately values honesty.
>I only like you as a friend
You're not attractive
Chad: "I only see you as a pump-n-dump slut!"
>You're so manly
You smell bad mister, take a shower
>no lol if you smell bad we'll probably tell you
>Let me check my schedule to see if I'm busy
I have plans with Chadwick, WE will never hang out
>If she's got a serious career or she's in college, yeah it's probably true. But otherwise, naaa
>We need...
I want...
>idk? context clues
>Can you call me back? I need to...
I just need an excuse to get off the phone. I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I LIED BLATANTLY TO YOUR FACE. Oh, and have a nice day!
>yeah, 85~95% accurate
>Sure, what is your phone number?
I will add your phone number to my trophy collection of pathetic losers who want me... but I don't want them!
Chad: "Lol forget it bitch" *walk away*
>Yeah, if she's approaching you she's not worth your time.
>I'm not upset
I am upset
>SO FUCKING TRUE (but it depends on the tone of voice)
>Let's be romantic and turn off the lights
I'm not proud of my body
>depends on the girl and I really can't give tips on this, I love the lights on
You also don't become a great fisherman by sitting in your shack masturbating and shitposting about how fish are dumb brudda
>Do you love me?
I need you to buy me something expensive
>Am I fat?
Please tell me I'm beautiful
Chad: "Femanon, Aristotle defines love as 'friendship based on beauty.' Therefore, if there is no beauty to base friendship on, there can be no love." =)
>Yes, this is the most accurate thing here
>I'm not that type of girl
Keep trying!
>No, this means drop it and move on. I've never said that to get someone to go further, and I don't think anyone else has, either.
>Don't touch me there!
Touch me there, but I'll stop you a few times first
Chad: Heavy resistance is bad, light resistance is normal. Women WANT you to go for them, the FANTASIZE about rape
>Ouch. This one is realllly touchy, because it *can* be true, but society suppresses consensual noncon to an extent that safewords are a fucking afterthought. Talking about it isn't hot, but really it's your best bet if you want to avoid a sexual assault charge.
that's mainly bc fish can't talk. ;)
some men dont need to fish. we can buy fish at a store. any fish. the fish thinks its special but every fish has a price :)
Why do you feel the need to larp as chad?
ik, I'm just trying to help you boys learn to bargain the price down a bit
most of us have our price in charm, too, so the vast majority of us can go for free usually
>68 matches
Wtf I'm 5'9" and don't life and I had 1200 matches before deleting my account.
You're not a Chad, Brad.
how old are you? do you fuck niggers or dogs?
I'm 18, and no I actually value myself. Just trying to speak your language.
holy shit i left this thread ages ago and some larping faggot tookover and you guys believed him thats so fucking funny hahahha well i tried to help you guys but apparently you dont want it
drop your ig. im real charming. i will cheat on you
im here chad. where do you meet these women? is the best pickup line really just saying ones name with conviction?
>im jere to help you retard
Even if I don't know
I pray for a day where a situation allows me to punch you as hard as I can in the teeth
Lmao so you mean to tell me the fact that fact that I have over 100 matches on tinder makes me a chad.
I don't have an ig, I'm not that much of a normie.
how else will we meet then? drop your kik or whatever you have boo
Will you come where I live and shoot me in thr back of the head with a sawnoff?
idk if I wanna meet. I am a slut but I have a lot of dudes in my dms rn, what makes you the person who stands out?
wtf why lol
Can't believe you absolute faggots take this at face value.
uhhh i live in nyc, we can have fun dates there. i can perform for an hour straight. i like to beat up nerds.
>68 matches
Go away "chad"
Even I have that many
I have girls who fuck me for hours. You're a normie. Average, standard.
i get tired after an hour tho. good for you chad
Wow, I didn't know even Chads attention whore
>tfw can pull from slut apps, but averaging around 5-6 and something like pic related is a rare treat
I'm done being mediocre-chad. I'm not sure if it's my pictures, shit kicker location, or listing my age as 35 that's stopping me but I need to change shit. I can't even be bothered bullshit fat/homely women into sleeping with me with proper effort anymore, usually laying on Indian levels of thirst just to see if they'll take the bait or not. Some of them do. Then I usually just ghost or never see it through because eh... is it even worth the chlamydia risk for mediocre puss anymore?