What the fuck does it means when somebody close to you tells you to love yourself so somebody else can love you? I dont see how that works, how can somebody tell when you dont love yourself?
What the fuck does it means when somebody close to you tells you to love yourself so somebody else can love you...
its a gentle rejection
just bee your self breh
thats just a generic platitude that is vague and meaningless. love yourself lol. narcissists love themselves, but normies won't tell you to become a narcissist because narcissist=bad.
they themselves don't even know what they mean by 'love yourself'
you have self-destructive habits. you're here so that means you have some base level of autism anyway lol
Rip my nigger Benny
The only likeable monkey in Brazil
cause you act sad about shit and you're not confident
basically what they're really saying is you bum people out
and when they say you need to learn how to love yourself without trying to help to get you then they want you to not bring your shit to them either so just stop talking to them cause even if you modulate yourself and try to fix yourself to be what they want they still won't like you
i had a group of normies try to do this to me at the beginning of the year when i tried to socialize more and had a friend group on vrchat
It's easy to love yourself if you look like pic related, difficult if you don't
The last person to tell me this was projecting and had a boyfriend despite hating herself far more than I hate myself. They then went on to try and cheer me up by talking about how "lul this couple is so fucked up because this girl broke up with her long term BF and got knocked up in a couple months" because she is utterly incapable of empathizing with a male point of view.
This all being said the advice is actually sound if you really do hate yourself. If you don't think you're worth dating nobody else will the vast majority of the time. Generally this advice is given to people who are depressed because they tend to bum people out by proxy and alienate them.
If you're not even likeable enough that you like yourself, what fucking reason should anyone else have to like you? First dates are typically with total strangers. Nobody wants to go into a relationship with the constant chore of keeping the other person's self esteem intact. To some degree, you need to assume you have worth, and act like it. You're pitching yourself like an advertisement every time you talk to a stranger, and if you fail to convince them that there's anything about you to like, you'll never give them any reason to tolerate your character flaws.
You don't have to be chad thundercock, but people who are sad sacks 24/7 aren't fun to date. Women don't entertain being with a man who sees no value in himself
Digits dont lie
Be yourself unless you are shitty
If you don't radiate self-love, women don't want you. Simple as that.
If you love yourself, you'll laugh and smile and carry on like you're king of the world. Women would rather be with an arrogant man than a self-hating man.
Who is guy in your pic?
This user is correct.
At least at the very minimum, you don't exactly have to be in love yourself like a narcissist. It's often just enough to be content with yourself. neither happy or sad, but just okay and comfy. That's usually how I operate in my life.
ma ma say ma ma sa ma ma ku sa
>try advice
>"utterly incapable of empathizing with a male point of view"
fucking based
that being said, second part was well said
>What the fuck does it means when somebody close to you tells you to love yourself so somebody else can love you?
It means they're fucking stupid and they should only interact with people healthier than them
its just someone trying to sound deep like some sort of philosopher but in reality its just bullshit larping to sound intelligent and deep.
>how can somebody tell when you dont love yourself?
I mean, it's pretty obvious, user. Do you just have zero self awareness? What are people supposed to think when they see you engaging in self destructive habits, not bothering with basic maintenance of your life and body, and demonstrating routine lack of self respect and dignity?
If somebody can't even be bothered to put in effort for the maintenance of their own life, what can they possibly offer to anybody else in a relationship? It's like owning a house. If you don't take care of the house and let it become a run down shithole filled with garbage and broken shit, even you won't like living there, so would you invite anybody to come live with you?
Is that Michael Jackson? Why did my nigga get so much surgery? I know he supposedly had vitiligo, but he didn't need to fuck his face up too.
Read into Michael Jackson's childhood it was completely fucked. He likely developed severe body image issues from being thrust into the public spotlight. Given Joe Jackson is plastic himself and his general personality I wouldn't be surprised if his own father suggested he get a nosejob.
He was a sad man... and he also probably diddled some kids.
You need not Love yourself.
Just Accept yourself.
Realize that you are a work in progress,acknowledge your shortcomings but fathom your strengths. And stop caring about the opinions of random strangers. If they ain't feeding you or caring for you,then they don't mean shit. Don't fear their scorn. The origin of all hostility is insecurity. If you need to go out among them,put on your earbuds and hide in your head. If you feel bad about your own life,look at the news and see what REAL trouble looks like. Not "interesting "? Get some interests and pursue them,especially ones that encourage you to socialize without a screen between you. Things may be bad,but you are reading these words on a phone or computer so things can get a lot worse. Realize that.
See, I don't buy that he diddled them. Did he do strange things like sleep in the same room as a child? Yes, but he seemed to have a child-like demeanor himself, and there's no hard evidence that he did anything. Even Macaulay Culkin defends him, and if there's anybody that definitely got raped as a child, it's him. But I don't think Michael did it.
>"there is someone out there for you user!"
It's actually pretty good advice. Sociopathy and narcicissm are the most succesful strategies to gain high social status, as people are just naturally attracted to individuals with these traits.
If you want to be popular, just always ask yourself what a ruthless dictator or cult leader would do in your stead in any given situation
>as people are just naturally attracted to individuals with these traits.
Literally who is attracted to that and why?
Because you need to have your shit together (or at least pretend you do) to become attractive on the dating market. Part of that is self-confidence and self-care.