femanon here, i am nice to everyone, even those who assault me or harass me or touch me wrongly. i try to be a sweetheart to everyone and people think im as cute as an irl anime girl. but yet ....i am still single? im not that ugly either, if i lost weight i think i can be a 10, but i have a big chest so i just look "thicc"....any advice? i do not know how to get a mans attention. i am close to just taunting men until they kidnap me and love me.
Advice for femanon
Just lose some weight, you fat cunt. AMD stop posting on my fucking board.
actually im sorry i misspoke
uhhhhhhhhhhh w-w-will you go out with me uwuw??
ehhhhhhhh i dont know actually..... do you even LIKE dick?
I offered for you to fuck me and you didn't even reply, how do i know you're not some kinda fucking lesbian?
Ill kidnap and love you forever OP
an advice would be to not ask on Jow Forums.
prob bait but dont care
if you want a mans attention just go up to him and start talking about literally anything. women don't do that to us, women mostly just ignore us. you don't know how it makes us feel if a girl just randomly decides to come up to us and talk to us
ive tried so many times but men just joke with me or tease me. i have had crushes on men who just treat me like a friend. i do not want to be a virgin forever
oh do i know you? im sorry! i was gone off here for a month, but my only other post didnt get alot of attention.
no, this is an anonymous website DUMMY
but yeah will you let me nut in the goo-hole
ufufu uwu
watamoe is so cute !
im not the smartest ..
ugh i am big dummy...but i mean yeah breeding is nice
okay cool, i should let you know these posts were also me
i was sexually harrassing you on the internet
how does that make you feel?
the attention is nice user thank you for replying to me. im very appreciative, is how i feel
>if i lost weight i think i can be a 10, but i have a big chest so i just look "thicc"
it sounds like you are probably fatter than you think you are
you should lose weight
calories in < calories out
ok well uhhhhhh post body? lets see how THICK you are
Maybe you are actually ugly?
possibly...im 250 lbs and have size ddd boobs...i plan on dieting n starving soon so i can be below 100 pounds!
dont say that i have low self esteem :c when i was in school i hung around popular girls who said i was pretty attractive
Okay 250? How tall are you though?
post body already we wanna see the thickness
>im 250 lbs
ok, yes, it is because you are fat
>i plan on dieting n starving soon
that is really not the way to lose weight, you will just end up binging on food at some point and gaining back all the weight you've lost
>so i can be below 100 pounds!
i don't think you have any idea how to healthily lose weight
go on Jow Forums or some other website and do some research
losing weight isn't hard, but you have to go about it the right way or it will backfire spectacularly 99% of the time
Just pick one of your random Discord orbiters, tell him you're his gf now, and delete everyone else, it's that easy.
You sound like one of those lard femoids that want anorexia and glorify eating disorders.
okay okayyy
its just stressful user :c
Huh... Your body looks awfully familiar user. Dunno why.
that is ...kinda worrying
She's a Discord orbiter collector, she posts a lot.
eh, not as bad as I expected for 250, but yeah you could stand to lose some weight
just remember, starving yourself completely is retarded, but intermittent fasting is fine
i went from 220lbs to 150lbs in a little over a year. it takes some time and some discipline, but I honestly don't feel it was as hard as a lot of people made it out to be
nope ? i was banned on here after i did my first ever post. did someone take my pictures?
thank you for your encouragement user!!! ur so sweet
I wish people could exchange their excess weight. I need to gain 15 pounds so I can be around 90 pounds, but I'm too tired and lazy to eat.
i wish we could also :c its no fair
that's because she's your mom
just eat junk food
for a lot of people, their weight isn't as much about how much they eat as it is about the quality of the food they are eating
shove some fast food and oreos in your face like a fucking animal instead of a normal meal and i guarantee you will gain weight
stop waiting for men to ask you out, start taking initiative yourself.
also you probably are not a 10. just sayin. the only reason people get "friendzoned" is cause they're ugly & unattractive.
your lack of any distinctive personality & entitled approach to life may also be why you're single.
Stop fucking with robots who want a real relationship with a real person, it's nasty and cruel, just go and do your shit on ERP servers.
I don't eat real meals. Most of my daily food intake comes from 7-11, but I can't eat a lot, and my stomach has shrunk so that I'm generally pretty full after one taquito.
The only thing I'm good at is slowly becoming nothing. I'll take your weight and lose it, and we can keep the cycle going as long as you maintain the weight loss. Comfy.
you arent horribly fat but you could lose weight, yeah
i do think i have a personality user!!!!
still too healthy. eat some sugar-packed garbage.
Maybe they just think you are a psycho, you let each of them fuck you?
i dont roleplay user!!! and i know how they feel, i want a real relationship also.
also nice tiddies btw would love to shove my face in them
i would like that cycle! i plan on buying salad tomorrow c:
Like what? Sometimes I buy a donut, but I don't imagine that's very calorie dense either. I'm asking legitimately since at this point, I'm forcing myself to drink old people nutritional shakes to maintain my weight.
She's just in some mentally ill phase now, she'll ghost everyone she adds like always.
ive never ghosted anyone user, thats so mean :c
as an anorexia user I appreciate you calling people out who glorify it.
tbf it is kinda hard to gain weight for me but I also struggle with anorexia so idk if that changes things. I get full really easily because my metabolism slowed down and somehow tricked myself into thinking that being hubgry feels good & being full feels bad. I know it's wrong but the hungrier I am, the less resistance I have to ideas like that.
When I starve for too long I also start getting paranoid of eating in front of people, buying food in front of people, or anything like that. I also get really stressed about food choices so I try not to think too much about it.
I do want to gain healthy weight though; I don't want to get addicted to sugar and carbs so I focus on eating more meats fats & dairy. (I eat fruits veggies & carbs enough already)
they better be chocolate donuts and you better be eating the whole fucking box in one sitting
>but I also struggle with anorexia
yeah that changes things, my condolences