fembots, what would you do if your 10/10 boyfriend hit you?
Fembots, what would you do if your 10/10 boyfriend hit you?
Well I did try to stab him so he gave me open palm once. I think I deserved it.
whyd you try to stab him?
Why would anyone hit another person?
I'd hit him back then force my cock up his asshole
i like pain
choke me next
can I strangle you unconscious, just for a few seconds
yes but if you kill me i will be very sad
can I slap you while choking you but only for a bit I won't hurt you long term I promise
You want to meet up? Here is a pic of me
I'm lesbian, but if my 10/10 gf hit me, I'd probably ask her to do it again. feelsgoodman
Why you guys are more like males than males on robot.
>"That woman you were sitting with the other day"
>"Who was it?"
cause the incels on this board are low test faggots
Is this the fork user?
call cops if necessary, leave him obviously
sure is
10/10 means he's dominant, too. A good body is nothing without a good attitude and personality.
But if he had those things I'd probably live with it, it was probably my fault anyway if he's 10/10 (personality, remember?) and besides, I'd see it as a reinforcing of our power dynamic anyway.
I paid for a testosterone test as soon as I got health insurance, I'm verified 838 ng/DL, and I'm still submissive. I'm not a basedboy, just lonely. Women will never be lonely.
My dad used to dump a load on me then smack me around. If a boyfriend did that to me it would probably make me love them more.
can I do that to you
Will you slap my cock?
I have to love and trust you in the first place
sure, where are you located big guy?
Will you suck this?
any time, check it out
>tfw no pure, innocent gf to cheat on and beat on like in OP's image.
Women only want nice guys. Assholes like me finish last :,^
Kinda fits her. She looks like a troll. No offense.
we can skip that
>gordon freeman gets tired of alex's shit.jpg
Fembots be lovin dat sheit.
i hate myself and im ugly, the only way id ever score a 10/10 bf is if he was abusive. i'd accept it. i would be okay if he regularly called me ugly and worthless and hit me and hatefucked me
What about some demon lord Chad with fembot harem?
not sure.... i know id still want all the attention, be it positive or negative. maybe if he was the chaddest sexiest demon lord out there id be content
Post more ryona right now
I hit my boyfriend, he hits me too.
Pretty hot desu.
thats what we're all here for
A pic of actual "human" garbage
hope that it would be hard enough to kill me so I can finally taste the sweet release of death
I used to love when my Chad bf punched and slapped me during sex.
I dated a guy once who used to beat me. Was probably 6/10 because his personality was just awful, he was about average looks wise but more attractive than me. Being the stupid female I am though, I thought I could help him get better like with his anger and jealously issues. It made me feel suffocated. Looking back at it sometimes makes me wanna cry. I still feel like I failed him even if it's not my responsibility to help him or 'fix' him. He needed professional help.
The result made me a shell of a person, I feel like I'm stepping on glass everyday. I have second thoughts about the friends I have/make. When I try to be in a relationship I just keep thinking that once they see how nice I am they'll use it to their advantage and just start hitting me like he did and I just nope out of there. It's stressful but that's what I get for being stupid
this is something ive noticed
men generally want to be the "savior" to girls who were abused, shy, quiet, and just really introverted for different reasons. they usually dont give a fuck about loud angry bitches because they just see them as bitches.
women generally want to be the "savior" to guys who are loud, angry, ect while not caring about shy, quiet guys because they just see them as beta
I will return it by cutting his balls off in his sleep
This guy was the first one I was ever with. We started off as friends for 3 years in high school and spent half of our last year being together. At first I genuinely just wanted to see him be happy. Given how he was raised and how I was raised I could see why he was how he was and I could sympathize what he was feeling. I felt bad for him, no one would give him a chance at being good. My logic has always been "you can't make people nice by being mean to them. You have to be kind to people for them to learn how to be nice" something stupid like that. He was the one who initiated everything for the relationship. Though it may be like savor manifesto where we want to be the hero. I have a strong will to protect and care for people
He was a shy beta like guy, he was usually just mean and abusive behind closed doors but he was just unlikeable by many because he was rude like brutal honesty. Like I would go to his house and all I would do was watch him play online in his PC or watch TV while he played on his PC. He didn't have many friends to go do things with and he didn't enjoy going out either.
Anyways, I think it did alter how I see guys now. I tend not to go for any who are bigger than, if they get angered easily, or look like they can beat me pretty badly. I guess the shy quiet type. But the thing is if I'm shy and quiet and they're shy and quiet, it'll probably lead to awkward quietness and none will know how to engage and go further
I'm a rather big guy and I wouldn't call myself a beta but the very idea of harming a girl is so repulsive to me that I feel physical disgust just thinking about it.
I noticed that such tendencies and also bullying, come mostly from actual betas as a coping mechanism of sorts.
God this is like watching monkeys play scratch and sniff
habeeb it