What are the pros and cons of becoming trans?
Is it worth it? Thinking about taking the plunge.
What are the pros and cons of becoming trans?
Is it worth it? Thinking about taking the plunge.
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Killing off your ability to reproduce and altering your physiology. Possibly get 360 no scoped by nazis if you don't pass. On positive you can at least enjoy men drooling over you.
it's worth it if you'll pass
pros: u can wear cute clothes and lingerie
cons: all
>Tiddies, soft skin, cute clothes, more pleasant smell, make friends easily, free money, multiple orgasm libido
>70% chance of failing and becoming an ugly sheman, immense voice acting skill required to do a cute girl voice, may lose the ability to get erect, 40% chance of attempting to kill yourself
Do you like to gamble?
do you really want a bunch of strangers making or influencing a life-changing decision for you? if so, you'll probably regret it later and kill yourself before you're 30
hey, high stakes. Worked for me.
yeah , keep telling yourself that (ufgusd)
You sound like a girl talking with the inflection of a guy. My peepee is confused.
How does the voice snip prove you are the person in the picture?
what went wrong with you moses
-IF you pass, you'll look cute for awhile, maybe 5-10 years at most.
-You can wear women's clothes, which look nicer and have more variety.
-currently people HAVE to cater to you and be nice in public
-You run the risk of looking like the freak you really are
-When you age, you'll look even more like a freak, no matter what
-You'll run the risk of killing yourself due to the failure of trying to be something you can never be
-Many people will be disgusted by you in private, and will talk shit about you
-There is the possibility that culture will change to your detriment in time, and you will be openly mocked and possibly hurt or killed. What happens if/when muslims or nazi's get into power? Muslims are far more likely but I wouldn't want to be some strange tranny when fascism arrives.
I also once felt like becoming a tranny, OP. But in the end you just have to be comfy with yourself and understand that you can't ever BE a woman if you're a man. It doesn't work that way. You can just be a feminine gay dude, don't take any pills, don't get any fucking surgery.
it proves I pass
i think recognize your voice. weren't u suppose to be a black chick? did you change your color?
you are cute, indeed. For now. But eventually you WILL look like a monster. That's why I would never recommend anybody to become this.
na, I'm white
so early transitioners look like monsters eventually? nah bro, retin a.
Why not? Anything you do is reversible with time and money. Just DON'T cut your dick off!
maybe you think we are very gullible or stupid. or both. i mean, no timestamp, a badly edited/censored photo of what seems to be a bio chick, a pre-recorded voice message and suddenly becoming a tranny seems like a worthwhile option. well guess what, it's not, and shame on you for being so hellbent to ruin innocent lives. hopefully some day the police or the FBI will intervene to shut that sick ass of yours down
you don't have to believe me, but I'm being honest when I say that's me.
You don't. You're born trans.
Transitioning when you're not trans will give you gender dysphoria and 50% chance you'll kill yourself.
There's the trans statistics and b the ones be from botched circumcisions where they raised the boy as a girl and they almost all killed themselves too.
this person is an idiot, as I've transitioned without prior dysphoria and actually developed dysphoria about being a man (I'm mtf) so yeah, trans is something you develop
>multiple orgasm libido
delusion, if you actually take the hormones that give you the other things listed your sex drive will be obliterated
If you want to look like a monster that people laugh at when they see you in public, knock yourself out
that didn't happen to me when I transitioned :/
I turned into a really cute passing transbian
>ywn pass
literally why im live
No offense but you have bad hands
Until you hot 25 and your metabolism slows down. Then you immediately turn into some kind of withered disgusting man beast that cant even pass on a good day.
just you wait dude... just you wait
Anons on the Internet will tell you they want to nut on your ass all day
Much higher rates of suicide, drug use, mental illness, and homelessness
I don't think you understand how estrogen works? I know plenty of trannies over 25 who are even prettier than me usually bc they transitioned early or they put a LOT of work into it
they look like that bc they're SUPER late transitioners, genius, not bc they got older.
only if you're below 5'8 and generally cute looking already or haven't finished puberty yet
sorry, why? my hands are probably the youngest looking thing on me lol
The main downside is if you end up not passing, you have to choose between being a hon, or going boymode + gyno.
I went for it and took the pink pill, even though I'm probably not gonna pass.
Wish me luck girls!
I have a friend who started transition at 25 and is 5'9. She passes perfectly and she's more neotenous than I am. So no, you don't know what you're talking about.
>Much higher rates of suicide
If you were ever thinking about being trans, the higher rate of suicide was already there.
good luck!! hmu if you ever need help with your voice
lucky gens
it doesn't work for most
t. 6' tall hon started at 21
We're you molested as a kid, OP?
You can always pass as a boy
not even that i just look like a man
t. 6'3 manmoder started at 18
Being a boy has driven me to the psych ward multiple times
>more pleasent smell
The man smell never goes away.
it alleviates your suffering from gender dysphoria
being a tranny sucks
for me the pros outweigh the cons
yes it does its the very first thing that changes
It only alleviates your suffering from gender dysphoria if you end up looking good
HRT and transition in general has not made me feel any better at all because I still look like a man
How common is it for your shoulders to shrink on HRT and by how much? Are the hons lying when they say the muscle will just "melt off"?
it has certainly alleviated it for me and I don't pass either and i'm 6'2 but its more of a case of really bad to less bad
stuff like not gaining dark body hair, no more facial hair, not being greasy, decreased erections etc have improved my life
depends if you have muscles there but unless you're a bodybuilder your shoulders will probably stay the same
same desu
I used to think my depression and anxiety issues were from PTSD, but the PTSD was only a fraction of that, most of my anxiety and depression was solely due to repressing the fact I was trans.
wtf is wrong with me why do these things not actually help me
the only thing that's really helping is laser
repressing and transition are the same for me because the end result is still me presenting male due to looking like a man unfortunately
I present as male, but I do things like wear feminine hair, use a feminine voice, and take HRT.
I'll probably never pass, but the point is to be more comfortable with the body I have.
It's like a fat person who doesn't work out. They feel bad about being fat, and there's a way for them to feel better, even if they'll likely never be Mr./Mrs. Universe.
I do these too but it doesn't help me feel any better
if anything I feel worse, because it's like now I've tried and failed and there's nothing more I can do
why is life like this
why can't I just feel better like every other tranny
You have other mental woes to work out it seems. I needed a religion to not only help me realize my maladaptive beliefs about myself, and to even help me transition.
If you don't pass there are things you can do to mitigate it, which may allow you to pass. FFS is the obvious example. but you can also wear things like corsets to reduce the hip:waist ratio, and the hip:bust ratio. And if you wear padded bras, you can reduce the apparent size of your shoulders with bigger boobs.
The shoulders would make your slightly too large boobs look smaller, and your slightly oversized boobs would make your shoulders look narrower.
Pic related. Working on specific muscle groups, HRT, FFS, and the right clothing can change the apparent shape of your body to help you pass better.
That's because you have meta dysphoria.
Let me guess, you also started being attracted to men?
corsets are a good idea but a push up bra won't do a single thing because there is NOTHING to push up, despite being fat
FFS would be nice but I'll never afford it unless starbucks hires me, which I'm trying at least
Are you on injections yet? That usually helps build boobs. And like I said, padding
no, I'm primarily attracted to women and always have been lmao
Then you don't have meta attraction, but still, you are AGP.
I just switched to injections from oral like 3 weeks ago
So far I've actually noticed my (non)breasts starting to hurt, which I take as a good sign and I'm hoping for growth finally
my b my eyes and vision are all glossy cuz I just woke up
I mean idk if padding will help enough to justify girlmoding. I've gone out in full makeup and fem clothes before and I get gendered male and I think it's cuz my face is too masc. I'm honestly chris chan tier
you have the big agp
why not just take hrt and be a cuteboi?
>Should i become trans
no you shouldn't but you already are, aren't you?
Not everyone can become cute for hrt.
No, it's not worth it. Sooner or later you will regret it and after that comes depression and suicide.
well just be as cute as you can. i think trying to be a cute girl sets your goals too high
but I'm not turned on by the thought of being a girl, I'm perfectly happy accepting that I'm just a super cute boy
the cutest I can be is a grizzly bear/ogre man
sounds cuddly desu but probably not in the way you like
no not at all it's very much suicide fuel
i'm sorry you can be a big girl though
there are big women and there are big men and unfortunately i look like the latter
I can still see the male facial structure, though I do admit, you're better than most.
The voice is fairly good too, but again, I hear the masculine undertones.
If you want to kill yourself there are other less painful ways.
>you will rest in hell after death
>99% trans are ugly and gross af, maybe only 1% asian trans are qt
>41% rate of suicide attempts
>male voice
>you will look like a freak when you get older
>mental ill
>your poor parents will be sad
>you will rest in hell after death
imagine actually believing in that stuff
>99% trans are ugly and gross af, maybe only 1% asian trans are qt
probably not that much but there's a high chance you won't pass dependent on your body stats
>41% rate of suicide attempts
misused statistics
>male voice
there's training and surgery
>you will look like a freak when you get older
no you will look more like a freak the later you start
>mental ill
i guess but what can you do?
>your poor parents will be sad
depends if your parents are conservatards and care about dumb stuff like le evil lgbt
You'll never be a female. You'll die alone and unwanted.
>You'll never be a female
potato potaahto
>You'll die alone and unwanted
maybe but i would either way lmao
>imagine actually believing in that stuff
imagine not
>probably not that much but there's a high chance you won't pass dependent on your body stats
almost all trans freaks looks gross but they are choosing the right angle and the best light and ofc photoshop n shit
>misused statistics
[citation needed]
>there's training and surgery
maybe but anyway you will sound unnatural
>depends if your parents are conservatards and care about dumb stuff like le evil lgbt
regardless of political views but all normal people hate trans
Really depends on the circumstances or how unfortunate you are. if you have the height or below the average woman, can't grow a beard for shit, stunted hair growth on the legs arms and chest, or just naturally feminine.
It might, just might work out. if you're not feminine (naturally) and able to grow a god damn beard or hair on your arms and what not, there is no god damn reason to be a tranny, don't listen to those faggots.
You might not even need that meme hrt or whatever the fuck is called if you're already naturally feminine
reminder that people who make these sorts of posts are just fetishists
i live in southern algeria where there was a tranny in my area. everyone in the town hated him. the motherfucker was taller than all the women in the area and had hairy arms and look more like a dude with a wig on.
Jow Forumsommandos took his disgusting tranny flag from front yard and burned it the next day. normies are also thinking about stoning this faggot eventually, feminine men are genetical failures anyway.
of course we always fetishize killing trannies because it is the only thing we found enjoyable in this north african shithole.