ITT its opposite day. say something
ITT its opposite day. say something
I'm a functioning member of society
Females are human
america didn't deserve 9/11
op rules
I sure do love the majority of the threads I've seen on r9k's catalog in recent years.
I'm really good at social interactions.
I'm really smart and women love me
femanons are the worst girls in the history of mankind
I work for a living, and I enjoy it.
Life is beautiful, meaningful, im full of life, my body is super sexy, got a 10 inches cock and certainly dont have severe depression and some pervasive developmental disorder and my bank account is flowing with cashmoney
I'm totally successful with a high-paying job and loving family.
get me out of here
I love being alive. I actually really enjoy living.
Theres hope for me and you yet
I'm depressed and hopeless, and it's everyone's fault but mine.
I too enjoy waking up every day. There's nothing I like more than life.
Exactly. Now get out, normalscum.
I made a great impression on those girls i saw at school today. They definitely will want to be friends with me and date me now
What if I don't want to? What're you going to do?
i really do enjoy going to work
I love myself so god-damn fucking much,
I wish I could kiss myself
We totally aren't under constant surveillance and various forms of mind control. Carry on and go with it.
I'm one of the most interesting and intriguing people you'll ever meet. I have so many goals I want to reach and I have all the motivation in the world to do it! I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!
Multiculturalism is the best thing to happen to America, and Marvel embracing tokenized diversity is sign of true empowerment.
I do and don't exist. Fuck me.
Happy 9/11 everybody
Society is totally sane.
I'll be born again in a week.
I am totally sober right now
I think the far right are completely correct in everything they say and aren't just certain, cherry picked statistics to justify their behavior and only care about the truth and future of everyone.
inmates shouldn't have the right to vote.
it was a brilliant idea to give women voting rights
Spotted the reddditor
>All the hip 4channers call each other redditors so it means something.
Spotted the election tourist.
I have no idea what that means sorry
I feel great! I feel so cherished and desired! I look back at all those memories and experiences with girls!
Can't wait to get home and cuddle my furry gf
>all these original posts
holy fuck lmao
life is such a wonderful gift
i'm truly grateful for the opportunity to experience this world