How are other robots/doomers doing tonight? What's keeping you going?
Doomer Hours
Nothing much man.
Arranging listening to the Smiths and arranging my Pink Floyd albums while smoking tobacco. Life sure sucks, huh.
Just got rejected by another girl I thought I hit it off with.
Not too much of a big deal by itself, but the depressive lows I've been hitting have been paralyzing.
I think I might have to go see the doctor to see if some medication light help me.
So really nothing is keeping me going. I'm running on empty, man. My heart physically hurts.
running on empty , food reviews?
I just don't know anymore
doomer? for its its INCEL
I gotta study for a final on Friday for one of the worst classes i've ever taken.
it cant be that bad. ive had some pretty bad classes.
Unironically the only thing that keeps me going is my fuckin hate and disgust at humanity. I don't give a fuck about myself, and everyone I've ever known has either fucked me over or sided against me in favor of people who fucked me up.
'Friends' are fake. 'Family' is a sick fuckin joke, and everyone in mine has abused or neglected me, in many cases multiple times.
I literally do not see myself ever doing anything other than my current shitty retail job just to have money for myself. If I ever grow the balls, I'll either kill myself or my worthless fuckin cunt parents. Maybe both. Hopefully both, honestly.
I'm in pain constantly. My knees, ankles, broken toe from three weeks ago, and both feet are all fucked up. And I have nearly constant horrific flashbacks and insane levels of emotional pain every waking moment.
Nobody gives a fuck. If you're suffering, noone will ever care. Vent to friends and you're insane and wrong for not sucking up to literal child abusers. Coworkers and bosses don't give a shit, obviously.
I stopped giving a shit about anything years ago. And not only is my life never going to get better, it is factually ONLY going to get worse as I get older.
PLEASE fucking let us go extinct tomorrow. This whole fuckin world is damned.
My heartbeat.
Really sorry to hear this user. I hope you make it. Easy to say but do not despair. I hope one day you find happiness, meaning, and peace in your life.
Yeah fucking right. Save your fuckin meaningless "sympathy" for somebody who you can gain something from, not just 'good act' vibes off a fuckin website.
>taking a week off work cause my ex is seeing someone new and its destroyed my mental health
im doing great
>want interaction with others
>fall flat and fail no matter what
Why is it so fucking hard to just talk to others? I feel like this depression has given me permanent brain damage.
You did nothing to improve the cycle. You just complained and became so bitter no one can be happy. Grow up and adapt, learn, change. Don't cry out and give up just because the world hasn't heard you out. Make yourself heard. Otherwise stay silent and rot in yer fuckin hole, coward..
Ayyy nice. Half the fun in hateposting is waiting for somebody to try the "tough love" approach. My faggot dad said that same exact shit, the same shit you do, about all the shit that I tried MY ENTIRE LIFE to change and fix.
The pathetic part is that it will NEVER be enough for cunts like you. All of your retardo moral high ground is built on fuckin nothing. Even if I was the most successful person on the planet earth, there is no 'right' way for faggots like you. There is no such things as "trying" or "struggling". Just failure and your motherfucking oxygen deprived braindead idea of "success."
'lol quit crying baby waah is life hard keep whining'
Hard? Fuck no, I've been through shit that would make you fuckin piss yourself a swimming pool. Nothing is 'hard' to me anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing has WEIGHT anymore. NOTHING HAS VALUE ANYMORE YOU FUCKING CRETIN.
Life just fuckin sucks and is nothing but pain. I, unlike you, actually am strong enough to accept that. The only truth is fucking pain you goddamned troglodyte.
Part 2 because fuck humanity.
All that matters is pain. Mine and everyone elses. That's all there is. All there ever could be. Spread it, savor it, live it. That IS reality. If YOU can't handle it, then go do whatever the fuck it is you and all the other cunt normies do to numb yourself to the truth. Like post on Jow Forums, for instance. Or in the case of my fucking faggot dad, shit talk and belittle your own son for shit he literally didn't do, and never give credit for what he has done to succeed, and NEVER take responsibility.
I CAN take responsibility. I own my actions, and every molecule of hatred inside my body is mine and mine alone. I'm not too much of a pussy to look the trash that is existence in the eye and spit in its fucking face.
When your "hardass" , "tough love" shtick gets old, and you realize you are so fucking ignorant to everything, remember this. Remember that you are so goddamned arrogant that you think you have all of the answers, and can make snap judgements on people you literally don't know.
And the most pathetic, depressing, awe inspiring part is: ALL people are like you. ALL people are worthless know-nothings who contribute nothing but piling more shit onto the pile that is modern society. ALL people are only a source of pain, nothing more. At least I have the honesty and self awareness to fucking recognize and accept that. At least I know that I'm no better than you.
But you will never get that, and you never could have.
You're the next school shooter
Hey thanks for the (((you))) worthless kid. Die in a hole and set yourself on fire, blast your crotch off with a shotgun, and jump into a wood chipper. In that order. Fuckin dumbshit.
>How are other robots/doomers doing tonight?
>What's keeping you going?
My 9 inch cock.
Post pics or you have a dicklet bitch
enjoy being worthless cuck crying online to people who don't give a single fuck about you and your pathetic "a bloo bloo my life sucks!" whining shit. Grab the nearest gun and blow your fucking brains out pussy, no one would give a fuck. Or don't and sit here and continue to bitch and moan about your "super sad life"
Life isn't sad, it's just pain. How about I keep on posting more and more and not give a single fuck about anything you say or do? Lol
But I digress. Do you really think that any of that sad excuse for a 'sick burn brooo' moves me? Do you think I care about what you or any other worthless human being thinks? Newsflash, anybody who gives a shit about anything about anybody other than themselves is a dumbfuck bound to be taken advantage of by people who have a damn brain.
I'll keep on posting more shit because your seething (ironically whiny as all fuck) replies are literally nothing I didn't expect. Nobody does care about suffering, nobody does care about anyone who isn't adding some external value to their own lives. You aren't even special in not giving a fuck about me, you literally aren't even special for seething over what I said. You're typical in every single possible way. So typical that you are blind to how fuckin stupid you sound right now, repeating the same NPC response lines as everyone else on the goddamned planet earth. You can't even be unique about the things you say. But that isn't even remotely surprising.
TLDR, take your own advice faglord. Ironically, your offended braindead replies actually make me feel good. Keep proving my point while the slug that is your brain tries desperately to run its sad little race.
what is it with you doomers bitching so much? your lives sound comfy af
>walk around in the rain at night smoking
>no job to go to, still somehow have enough to rent a place alone and afford meds
>comfy music taste
>no one hassling you
try being a wagie for a day
Try being both a doomer and a wagie you weakling.
no such thing, you're just a wagie
Ahh right. I forgot that your arbitrary requirements for being one or the other were universal. Nice one fag, I wish I had thought of that.
Here's the thing, the only thing that makes dooming fun is your youth. The older you get, the shittier it gets.
Dooming is fun from 20-25 because you can always say: "Dude I'm just chilling, don't worry. Plenty of successful people who only started blossoming and having friends later in life. There is even this one dude who wrote a novel with 70 and got successful!" so because of your youth EVEN dooming is kind of cool. When you are young you can't do anything wrong, everything seems right because being young feels amazing.
With 20 you are a revolutionary for sitting sadly in the park and smoking and listening to music. Who knows maybe you were indeed screwed up by parents/society? People give you the benefit of the doubt.
But after you are 30 that stops, you are nothing more than a creepy, pathetic bum. EVEN if you got tons of muscles now, a lot of cash etc... nobody would be impressed. For parties you are getting a little too fucking old now. Even for families slowly too. And you know exactly you have only 5-10 years to start a family or else your existence never mattered.
Enjoy your 20s while you can because with 30 you will magically become invisible and if you mention at social gatherings that you never worked people will laugh in your face and some may even kick your ass.
No I'd prove I have a small penis then.
Post dicklet or GTFO
god I hate you faggots
Fags need a board too though user. UwU
Lol. The sad part is that I was obviously fucking around and you took that shit serious. Stay mad tho bro. Otherwise I'll fuck you in the ass no reach around. L E L
Ow! The Edge!
Have sex, incel. Yikes.
>unironically EDGEposting in 2019
>too dumb to get how cringe that is
>nothing worth adding other than literal middle school tier name calling
Stay seething my friend.
noone cares you fucking faggot
just off yourself or better, go on a shooting spree so i have something to laugh at
Nah bro. I don't take instructions from fagets on the internet. Nice job helping to completely derail this thread though