So what were you doing the day of Sept 11, 2001?
So what were you doing the day of Sept 11, 2001?
Normal middle school stuff.
i was in school and had no idea it was happening. Didn't really care, honestly and I didn't undestand how much of an impact it would have on the United States.
It completely changed everything for the worse.
penis inside your mother's anus (balls deep actually)
A devout muslim
I was just chilling. I remember at school we all made letters to God about the event. I prayed that the bad guys would get caught and put in jail. The naivete of youth.
Was in 4th grade
Parents had to turn off the TV because 3 y/o me wouldn't stop watching the footage.
I was probably in preschool at the time. Had no idea about it nor did I care until I got a bit older.
was playing videogames, tv started reporting in the world trade center plane crash incident, took a brief look at the smoking towers, then got back to my room and continued playing
I was in my second grade homeroom in Brooklyn. Our school wasn't too far from lower Manhattan, so we tried looking out the window, but we were facing away from the wreckage. We were sent home, and I saw some coverage on the TV
We came in next morning and held hands in prayer, had a moment of silence, and listened to Imagine by John Lennon on the intercom. I quietly laughed cause I had never listened to it before and thought it was silly when he did the "YooooOOooooou" before the chorus. I'm a cunt and all, but I didn't know any better. I was only 8 years old
i was dancing with my israeli friends
I was in seventh grade, woke up for early for "zero hour" orchestra. My mom always had the new on in the morning so today was the same. I live on the West coast so as I was getting ready for school just as the second tower was hit. I had to be at the bus stop by 6:30, and I remember talking with my classmates and speculating about what was going on. By the time my second period class started, it was known it was a terror attack and the rest of the day was spent watching the news in every class.
Staring at the thong of the girl sitting in front of me during silent reading.
Playing with my toys and watching cartoons. Dad called my Mom and told her what happened. She turned the channels and watched for a little bit before changing it back to cartoons as to not scare me.
I was 3 years old.
There's something hilarious about making a bunch of kids listen to Imagine over the intercoms after the 9/11 attacks. I would have laughed too.
Fucking your mon
His Pokemon?
You disgusting goddamn furry
Obligatory. Street footage was rare in the days before cellphone cameras.
>hear a scream
>mom bursts in my room
I cant believe that was 18 years ago.
>listening to this while I watch that video
It goes so well.
I wasn't even alive yet :^)
wtf were you doing home playing vidya on a SCHOOL DAY
Amazing story
I was at school watching the footage on repeat in the common room and thinking about my father who died of cancer the May before saying to myself, "Goddamn, more death. A lot of it."
someday you'll be all that's left. All the people who actually remember 9/11 as a thing will be gone. Weird to think about. It's probably no different from something like Pearl Harbor to you lol.
Haha fucker I have danger dog, so I have the LUXURY of replying to you because I choose to.
Nah. He's gonna die with us if this global warming keeps up.
pfft, every doomsday prediction ever has been wrong so far. I think we got plenty of time.
lmao the ice caps were supposed to be melted by now if that bullshit was real.
I'm just trying to get naked
at daycare and we were all eating breakfast while the caretakers were huddled together watching the tv. mom n dad picked me up and took me home since they were let out early
Mom told me to stop what I was doing and come down to watch the news. After the bus dropped me off at school, we didn't have any lessons for an hour, everything was in spiritless disarray. The principal of this rural Indiana elementary school had all the kids and staff go outside and silently gather around the flagpole. They sent us home shortly afterwards. I was in 1st grade. It was partly cloudy, around 60 degrees.
Second grade class. Teacher turned on the news and I watch the planes crash about a dozen times. Fuck, it's burned into my memory now
weirdly same as me
Anyone got the link to the Something Awful forums livethread? I read it every 9/11, it's fascinating.
I was in third grade, doing Caldecott shit.
I have no idea where I was or what I was doing. I didn't care at the time and told people that it's pretty insignificant. It was pretty insignificant and still is. It fucked up air travel and gave us shit leaders but that's about it.
the rate at which americans are making this their holy day youd think jesus died on september 11
every year the same question
>what were u doing on this holiest of days?
like not giving a fuck on the other side of the planet is what i was doing, same thing i do during all other tragedies happening around the world every year
I was 4 years old, so maybe crying like a baby at my old house.
How many deaths are required to make something significant?
Honestly, I think it's just still surreal to most Americans that in their lifetime 3k civilians died just like that. Of course, events like this happen and it's not like every American sits down and reflects on each terror attack that happens in other countries. So it's not surprising at all that as a non-American it has no relevance to you.
My dad tells me he and my mum woke up at like 3am NZT to the sound of New Yorkers going "THE TOWAHS" and turned the TV off because it was keeping them awake. They didn't actually have any idea what was going on just mindlessly grabbed the remote.
My dad is a compulsive liar but I like to think this is real cause it's pretty lmao.
Guaranteed something will surpass 9/11 by 2050
Being born
No I'm not underage
oh my god, you americans make a big deal about this while literal worse stuff happened every year in the las 50 years, is beyond cringe
muh never forget
Falseflag nuke attack or bioweapon outbreak followed by WW3.
It also was an excuse to get us into a shity war for the past 2 decades.
Also gave us the TSA and made it a bitch to travel by plane.
>Bioweapon outbreak
Yes please
I'd honestly prefer a nuke, you'd die faster.
only the inner circle tho
But you'd get disintegrated at the etheric level. I at least want my spirit to be able to leave my body and find a new one.
shut up and take your meds you dumbfuck shizoid.
Education must sound like insanity to the knowledgeless.
I dunno. 3 year old stuff I guess.
I was in elementary school. Didn't really care that much, our schools dragged us into the gym to tell us about what happened.
I probably went home and shitpost on newgrounds or played flash games.
Night time Australia was watching a Muhammad Ali doco when news scrolling across the screen that a plane crashed into world trade centre. In my mind was some small Cessnar type plane going off course for minimal damage. The news the whole next day showed what was really going on, brought out the racism in the Australian population and was probably as starting point for many home grown terrorists both right wing and Islamic
playing crash bandicoot on my ps, not caring about ameriscum problems
Getting on the school bus when my mom's friend who lived next door told her what happened. Since I was 6 I couldn't give less of a shit and just wanted to watch Nick Jr. and eat chicken nuggets when I got home.
I was in the 1st grade....
In hospital, having used up 8 of my 9 lives, after my appendix wreaked havoc.
That's Lexi Belle, the adult film star from Louisiana.
sucking on my mom's tits. i was only three years old at that time
Last time I replied to one of these I got a warning for replying to a thread derailment
probably eating boogers
>had work experience for a subject i was doing in highschool at the time
>hated the assignment, it was a shitty place and i hated a few of the people there
>realised i might as well have stayed at school
>fake being sick to get the day off
>that's out of the way; go to watch dragonball z
>over-arching kids show that normally includes dbz isn't on; there's an extended news report for some reason
>two buildings i didn't even really know about at the time have apparently been hit by terrorists
>okay, shitty situation; but every other channel is already broadcasting not only the same shit, but from the exact same news feed
>literally only a few seconds apart on each channel at very most
>the only show that shows morning cartoons on a weekday and it's also being stopped for the same shit
Tragedy or not, frankly I wanted to watch Dragonball Z.
Schizoid just means being asocial. Fail
playing in sandbox with my neighbour
then got home and was angry i cant watch cartoons as all channels covered the crash
Standing across the Hudson on a hill overlooking the towers. Saw the second one fall.
got pissed off we had to watch a stupid building tumble down instead of playing fun games in pe. I was in the 4th grade
jeez, i was only 1! (zoomer born in 2000 here)
but it freaked my mom out since my dad had been working in nyc that day
I was like 5, so probably watching some cartoons or playing on my gameboy.
I have no recollection of the event.
Arguing with my wife about some irrelevant bullshit.
Then 911 happened.
Jacking off
Then I stopped watching tv
It happened just as the school day finished (UK time) and I remember being pissed cause I couldn't watch cartoons
Celebrating by using lots of drugs. I only have addy and weed on hand though. Wish I had oxy instead.
Also practicing my tranny voice on the voice training app.
It was my first year of high school and I was in class when the teacher announced it. I remember they let everyone out of school early that day.
Why was 911 such a big deal?
I lived 20 miles away from the pentagon at the time, and to me it was always just another disaster. These type of things happen all the time, why is THIS one so scary and jarring to the world.
what i hate about 9/11 is that people wont wake on the fact it was all filmed in a stage somewhere.
It's symbolic. The entire reason they went through so much trouble to attack some dumb towers was entirely because of how symbolic the attack is.
The US Government turned the psyop into a tool which they use to justify literal Orwellian style mass surveillance.
I was sucking on Mommys boobies
I don't remember it, I was only four years old when it happened.
I dunno I was like two
I was being homeschooled at the time.
Dylan and Eric were more *terrifying* than the 911 attacks. And they were just two losers with guns.
Its not I like I didnt understand the threat, I just didnt see why everyone was panicking so much. What was scary, was the DC sniper shootings happening for a month, and traveling to and from cars through a cardboard tunnel and blacked out school windows.
A shape and two towers collapsing because of a couple of retard pull starts, was nothing to be scared of.
Domestic terrorism is way worse than foreign.
The day the 90's died.
I was in 7th grade
I recently saw the teacher that announced the news, Twilight Zone sheeit
>Just finished a therapy session
>The therapist walked out with me to the waiting taxi
>The taxi driver told the therapist to switch on the news because some serious shit was going down in New York
>The ride home the taxi had a radio station on that was broadcasting a news feed. I knew it was serious because that station normally only broadcasts music with news updates every hour
>Get home and watch it on the news with mum and dad
My dad was rigging up a VCR in their bedroom at the time and turned on the tv just as the second plane hit. He said he thought he was watching a movie.
shitting in a diaper and sucking milkies
I was in kindergarten or first grade or something. I apparently got taken out of school and was so sheltered from it I didn't know it had happened for 3 years.
Real talk, anyone here old enough to remember Stick Stickly meeting his long lost twin brother at the Twin Towers?
I kept thinking about that as the towers came down.
>So what were you doing the day of Sept 11, 2001?
being born
was with my family in a quick in belgium i think, they had tvs in the walls.
i kept seeing footage of wtc with thick flames outside. i remember seeing it but not being able to really understand what it meant.
i was like 3-4 at the time and couldnt understand why my mom was sad.
Yeah, well I've got immunity dog, so fuck you, nigger.
Watching Fox kids
I was in kindergarten and when I went back from there I playing with my Lego.
Dude what the fuck's your problem with my mum why you gotta do that shit to her
I was 10. So like 4th or 5th grade.
I remember around 10 o'clock the school going on lockdown. The adults looked serious. Kids started getting picked up. I didn't think my parents would, but to my surprise, they did come pick me up before the actual end of day.
I remember my favorite TV shows like Power Rangers not being on because some buildings fell down or something.
hahaha i have danger dog fuck you nigger
jdskfhd bitch