robots, why can't you get a girlfriend?
Robots, why can't you get a girlfriend?
i have standards mate
so does your standards boil down to taste in shoes or feet?
Does she have osteomalacia or some shit? Her legs are bowed
Not him but ya, kinda. If she's already dressing like a 50 year old overweight grandma, it's done.
I haven't found anyone who's compatible in terms of personality and interests. Doesn't help that I also want the gf to be at least a 6/10 and has a relatively fit body, and be smart. But I'm only having those standards because I match them too.
I wouldn't want to but another human being through the displeasure if knowing me.
He's probably really sweet, or charming, or funny or whatever. And maybe that girl finds him attractive. I can't get a girlfriend because I'm unattractive, both inside and out.
nonsense, lad
my self esteem is too low to believe that anyone would actually like me, so i'd probably reject anyone who's in to me.
>why can't I get a gf
>have ridiculous random standards
You know she's going to ditch him the moment she gets there to go suck Chad off in the bathroom, right? This is just virtue signalling.
>that guy who doesnt know about current fashion or birkenstocks
Yikes boomer. Planning on staying single for life?
That's literally overweight incel gamer footwear right there. As if i'm letting that thing have my fucking children. They'll come out looking like fedora guy.
because I'm enlightened, I knwo there's no higher purpose or greater joy than lounging around on the carpet and jerking off to perfect 2d girls
Are you fucking listening to yourself right now hahahahaha
Oh they have a name they must be cool!!!
To be fair the guy is wearing faded jeans which is already a red flag, but he pairs them with a hoodie, black socks and brown autism shoes.
>being left behind in 2002 fashion is cool
Lol good luck with that bachelor life bro
Do people actually care about what garments people use to cover their bodies from the elements?
People will know your personality from the clothes you wear and what music you like. Anything else you say or do will either match the clothes and hobbies and make sense, or will look like a big fake lie. If you dress like a sperg and try to ask out a girl, the girl will think you should just be a sperg playing with legos
Have yet to meet any girl my age that wears that kind of shit on their feet and i'm only 19.
There's no female human alive who would have me. My fate was decided before I was born. It is immutable and eternal. I have been a sexual non-entity for thousands upon thousands of incarnations across time immemorial. Even the death of the universe does not stop this cycle.
Because I'm 5'7
shitty hand from the start
Birkenstocks are pricey and Im sure you think you are super cool for being oblivious to trends, but my point is more focused on the fact that doctor standards is single, which means he has no standards at all for a girlfriend that doesnt even exist
Pretty sure chad can get away with wearing literally anything he wants
5'7" is the maximum pussy slayer height. Weak bait.
I've never met a girl worth talking to
Can he? I wouldnt call him chad if hes wearing autism sneakers with jeans. Even if hes got a girlfriend. He would be torn apart in any school or work environment regardless of his attitude or chin size. In a club, people would just laugh and assume hes joking or retarded. It would be a terrible first impression, but maybe some people like you would still call him chad.
Goddamn that syntax is absolutely terrible, it hurts.
>he isn't a sneanschad
A real Chad only goes for women who can look deeper than transient fashion, and doesn't care for the opinions of those who are ensalved to the fashion jew
I have no idea how to even get to that point, Im so lost and confused currently as a male and how to move things forward
Personally idgaf what is trendy. Ewhores are trendy. If i'm alone because of birkenstocks then so fucking be it lmao (but i'm not)
If yer a fuckin tool who donnae understand fashion or what suits ye yer gonna look like tha fuckin emperor from star wars dressed up as Eminem. Is no gonna pull no lassies that
Kek what the fuck am i reading
Trainspotting quote?
I don't like most girls and most girls don't like me, pretty simple
Nice dubs and I also retched at OP's pic
bet that bitch is so easy to princess carry.
good on the dude.
I am unattractive and girls don't like me
The dude would be easy to princess carry.
that would be emasculating fammi
I think he's already at critical emasculation famalamalam
having a gf is emasculating famifami?
ethnic minority in white majority country
Which part?
is it weird that i think his code is wrong?
no it doesnt make any fucking sense
Didn't have the emotional stability and maturity for a relationship until recently
>didn't cast any type for the function
>the function isn't a constant even though it checks for the non-mutable variable "hannah"
>the definitions of a function don't even work like that to begin with
>the checks appear to be functions themselves and employ constant variables
>the single outcome is nested for some reason
>no results for any other outcome
>no default result
>the function isn't even closed
>dogshit syntax
Is this the power of American education?
Maybe in tacoland.
This unironicly.
The fact that a image of this has reached my eyes proves that this was not a genuine love interest.
She just wanted someone to take her to prom and he was the best available option so she wouldn't be left out.
>current year
>wanting a gf
I'm very fat and i do not have the motivation to lost weight, i'm just a useless piece of shit person
Sometimes you need someone else to help you with that motivation. Like I've known a few fat people. If they would just say what you just said, I would be over there every day slapping food out of their hands and swapping it for healthy shit, getting them out and moving, giving them high fives and support. Sure most people don't give a shit but at the end of the day... everyone wants you to get fit. Nobody wants to see more fat unhappy unhealthy people in the world. We're all in this shit together. Chin up dude.
you suck
so cute!
such love.
I went to a pretty expensive Uni and all the white chicks wore those. Around my relatively normal neighborhood? Not so much.
You can tell by her facial expression that she is not happy.
The double == instead of tripple pissed me off.
Other than that of course the function isn't going to be closed, a closed function wouldn't run without calling itself.
She looks high,. That's a super abigious facial expression. I wouldn't be surprised if that girl is nuts for nerd dick.
Because everyone I've asked has said no. I keep trying though, even though it's hopeless
Not a looker, and I haven't seen anyone that catches my interest.
I don't know why I can't get a girlfriend! I'm lucky that she got me instead.
It's making calls to a JSON that we can't see.
Micah.askToProm is the only function in the picture, Hannah.anwser and Micah.mood are just values from their respective JSON's , also JavaScript does not need to take an else statement.
this OP, is why they cant get a girlfriend
I've never tried due to a fear of rejection and believing I have nothing to offer. Hoped I'd meet someone by chance where things would click, but it never happened. New opportunities get rarer and rarer after college. Afraid to try online dating or the like. I'd rather not force that draining arena on my non-existent self confidence or waste my and anyone elses time.
I also haven't really been approached. I imagine I'd interpret any attempt as a joke or rebuke them to save them the trouble.
Why the fuck is JS such trash which defies logic and why did it become so popular?
im 5'4
Why are you a brainlet that doesn't understand JSON ? Even is you hate JS, every fucking langauge ever takes them in.
Your rage proves to me you a snake-only-fag.
I don't know, but I have a date on Saturday with an insanely thicc blonde. I'm so pretty stoked, and hope I don't fuck this up.
Pic kinda related.
If this was a board where I could just post an image I wouldn't be typing this
>He immediately assumes JSON
Could literally have said anything aside from JSON the moment the "offscreen" argument came in. God damn webdev scrubs and their string comparisons
Guy looks annoying as fuck. Girls like that or something. I don't fucking know. Guy probably has rich parents or something too.
>everyone claims its JS
>Could literally be C++ or Java or C# or a ton of other language and no bitching about a shitty equals operator because JS is the only one retarded enough to have === be == of every other language
God damn Javascript fags.
It's clearly fucking JSON,
Program in languages are not consoles, you can and should know more than one. JS should definitely be one of them because you interact with on a daily basis.
I'm sorry you can't read or understand code you brainlet.
> 5'5'' manlet
> crooked teeth
> thin as fuck
> introverted
good work lad, just be relaxed and you'll be fine
I'm alright looking but I work in a warehouse and earn about 35k.
I know r9k subscribes to the belief in betabux but in reality the alpha who fux isn't poor either.
I have a bit of excuse because the correlation between a background like mine and poverty is pretty strong. If you are a white college kid with normal working parents like most posters here getting a gf is probably as easy as just talking to girls.
>Uses camel case
>JSON objects
I mean this is basic ass shit.
>Mfw 80k in my area is below the poverty line.
At least you have a chance provided you aren't here.
Normies clearly exist on a completely different wavelength than us.
Because i can't relate with most women, i don't have anything to talk about with most of them, it's rare to find a woman that i can have a good conversation with and even when i do i get anxious and find it hard to exacute advances.
I mean it's not like i particularly want a girlfriend or anything. I want a doll that i can use however i want, but since there are no people like that i'm resigned to dieing alone.
Her feet aren't terrible.
I mean I wouldn't be begging to suck or fuck those ones, but they're not so bad that it would render her undateable.
Some girls have a fetish for nerds. Most don't. It's just a very fucked up numbers game.
I live in hotels and am never in the same city for more than a week or so. Mostly just hookers for me, with the very rare one night stand with nonhookers.