Probation for being black here. I am sad. Anyone wanna talk...

Probation for being black here. I am sad. Anyone wanna talk. I actually managed to get a good amount of money but it doesnt do anything becuase god just stands over my striking me down and ripping away my happiness as soon as i ever find any

Thinking of trying credit card fraud but kinda too stupid. Have a lot of depression, its a lot of reading, and its a bunch of scammers trying to sell dead credit cards and burned out methods

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hello friend, I will talk

If you can't physically meet and imitate a successful criminal don't attempt crime.
You can make it.

Fuck off nigger you are on probation because you are a criminal not solely because you are an ape. I imagine because they go hand and hand your tiny nog brain assumes that you were actually arrested for being a nog but it happened because of the destructive behavior you are talking about like cracking cards. Your kind really are terrible

Lmao okay suburban cracker. I have more money than you. Ive fucked hot bitches before while you cant even go outside and listen to anime intros as your entire playlist. You cant even make 20 dollars and afraid to leave your moms house

I have it harder than anyone because of god and still better than you and black

I used to do credit card frauding when i was 15. Good times but i do other side hustles now.


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What do you do now? Hdhche

Money obtained illegally is undeserved money. You weren't smart enough to make money so you went and stole it. No point bragging nigger, you should've stayed in jail.

>admitting to crimes on an internet transylvanian tranner forum


Do you have money or do you watch anime while your mom brings you food in your room?

Are you not denying that you stole that money?

kill yourself you retarded shitposting nigger, why would anyone want to chat with you.

>already on probation for breaking the law
>decides to break the law even harder
>wonders why his probation never ends
>blames everyone but himself for it
>never learns anything
>never changes
>dies alone in a filthy house in a shitty small town

I have to steal to succeed. There is no jobs here. I WISH I could just move to the city and wait tables. It was all I ever asked. I WISH I could just hang up flyers or do security work or something. There is none of that here. It is like Liberia or some shit.

I have not broke any laws besides the one but god gave me a lifelong sentence for being black

Why don't you like living in a small town?

Please dont get me started....

Dude what the fuck you post so much, don't do credit card scams. Do dropshipping, clothes reselling, or stocks. Or all three. Use this time to reshape yourself as a person and save as much money as possible. When your fucked up sentence is lifted, start your life

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>is a condescending and arrogant faggot
>brags about shit that holds no value here

>god gave me a lifelong sentence for being black

Translation: "I'm a lying sack of shit who keeps getting into trouble with the law."

They can't put you on probation forever for being black. If they extend your probation period it's because YOU violated the terms of your probation..

Drop shipping costs over 10 grand to start

How do i transfer it

I never violated it I got punished unfairly for being black

In what way were you punished?

They put him on probation for a jillion years for being an ooga booga chocolate monkey.