Why do normalfags hate incels so much? Are they so addicted to sex that they want to agonize anyone who cant participate?
Why do normalfags hate incels so much...
Its the constant barrage of attention whoring and insults that incels force on other people. Nobody relates to someone creating their entire identity around something they dont do and attack people who do
Virgin = often cute, just socially awkward or otherwise a bit down on things dude. Sign me up.
Incel = raving misogynistic lunatic, with a delusional outlook on humans and relationships that implies perfect lack of emotional or personality depth.
Someone merely calling themselves an incel is as big of a red flag as if they were a meth addict. It's fucking scary shit.
lost my virginity last month
I cant believe I used to identify with that.
At least I was smart enough to go around saying that I am incel.
As an oldfag (1981 birth here), there's always been some kind of contempt for guys who were virgins and couldn't get laid. Your ability to screw around, especially if you were a guy, was your sole measure of worth. And people who couldn't bag a gorgeous partner, especially guys, were shamed for it, and demoted as human beings.
Honestly, I still don't see what's different this time around, other than the terminology (which changes all the time). Maybe the internet allows shit to reach more people, and at a faster rate. But they're still roughly the same concepts or core ideas.
a virgin who can't have consensual sex despite trying is an incel whether they identify as such or not.
Sure they're "involuntarily celibate", but incel means so much more than that at this point.
It's like someone who believes in national socialism calling themselves a nazi. If you do it that's a huge fucking red flag.
Also let's be fucking honest most incels try hard to minimize any chance of women ever being attracted to them...
>Why do normalfags hate incels so much?
it's not hate, it just feels good having someone to shit on, to make their miserable existences more bearable.
don't see why incels get so much hate tobehonesst, when the game is actually rigged.againt them
I wonder why people would hate a group of angry violent jobless men who constantly call for acts of terrorism and rape.
How can you not have sex if you're trying? Impossible.
Because, for them at least, trying usually results in sexual misconduct reports against them (or worse: actually raping the person).
I wonder why people generalize every single incel as and angry violent jobless dude?
Deadliest mass shootings weren't by incels. Vegas was a millionaire with a gf, pulse nightclub was a closted homosexual in denial Muslim arab, then their was Virginia tech which was by an Asian using mainly pistols, Tarrant was socially outgoing and had a gf as well.
Are you saying that's not true? Well okay maybe a few have minimum wage shit jobs.
>I wonder why people would hate a group of angry violent jobless men who constantly call for acts of terrorism and rape.
I wonder how that stereotype started, since there's almost never been any proven or tangible cases of such individuals. The main sources are hearsay, whether casually or in publication, but anyone whose practised STEM would tell you how irresponsible that source of information is. The only people I can think of that fit this stereotype are Islamic extremists from the mid-to-late twentieth century, and the terrorism that's followed since -- but those a completely different issue, which risks exposing to the crazies on the alt-right.
because it's a trendy term and people get off on being condescending
most of the fags i meet who go around calling other people incels are faggots with lose all sense of self identity when a girl enters the room because they need to condition themselves to that girl and what they think she thinks is attractive
we really all should just be blown away via nuclear explosion
Well it fits perfect ony me. I often think about going on a rampage and get a nice highscore by killing as much as possible. But it apears that we come in many forms.
You're right. ISIS is to Islam as incels are to male virgins.
That's an apt comparison.
what i never understood is how "Christians" also do and think like that
it disgusts me
even if i was gigachad with girls trying to fucking rape me i'd still be volcel
Y'know, I used to have a huge phase back in my 20s. Where I had a number of gripes towards niggers, spics, and generally non-whites with a few exceptions. My distaste for them mainly stemmed from growing up in intercity/multiracial schools that I only remember as hellscapes I constantly feared, and forced to go to by parents who (I kid you not) fit the liberal parent stereotype so much I've never been able to write them without sounding like a comedy. A hellscape plagued by poor neighborhoods, schools the Bush administration cut the funding to, everyone (even whites) were dumb hill-billy fucks, drug addicts, meth labs, homeless people, gangs (especially in the schools), and more crime and break-ins than the police could handle. If you're thinking I was bullied in the school, let's just say when you have incidents like a few Mexican gang members cornering you in the bathroom and taking turns on your cornhole -- calling it "bullying" is awfully generous.
That being said, views like:
>raving [...] lunatic(s), with a delusional outlook on humans and relationships that implies perfect lack of emotional or personality depth
>a who is an whether they or not
>I wonder why people would hate a group of
It's more like incels loathe normalfags.
Normalfags would not give a shit about you if you didn't murder them, because you can't get laid.
The whole crux here is, if you consciously decide to identify with a group primarily known for its rampant misogyny and hatred of others, it's a little hard to think of you, and THAT is why I dislike incels.
I have absolutely nothing against virgins or people who can't get laid, but when you start edging into blaming and hating everyone else for it... I'm not comfortable with that.
>The whole crux here is, if you consciously decide to identify with a group primarily known for its rampant misogyny and hatred of others, it's a little hard to think of you, and THAT is why I dislike incels.
You're disliking for the same reason I hated niggers and spics. And you're pinning traits on them, characteristics you only them for, as reasons to facilitate your dislike for them, much like I did blacks and Mexicans.
>but when you start edging into blaming and hating everyone else for it... I'm not comfortable with that.
I was not comfortable with Muslims for the same reason. Nobody in my generation was at the time.
exactly. no one cares if incels want to live their life celibate. how the hell can you hate something you don't care about? no one would know they even existed if they didn't post the bloody hacked up evidence of their handy work or use military hardware to cut down the innocent in a public space
So what. Do you want to be cared about or hated? Your pick asshole.
>no one would know they even existed if they didn't post the bloody hacked up evidence of their handy work or use military hardware to cut down the innocent in a public space
Proof of these?
No I'm not. If someone called themselves a nazi, would you think well of them? I have absolutely nothing against people who are celibate for whatever reason, but there is enough people calling themselves incels who are utterly toxic that anyone with a shred of sense would call themselves something, anything, else.
Unlike your skin color or culture of origin, *you* choose what labels you want to publicly identify with.
>incel shoots people for not getting laid
>y nobody like me? :(
huh, somebody say something
fuck you faggot Trump is an autist not a psychopath, he's the least psycho president we've had since Kennedy and Eisenhower
i'm sure you have a saved pic of Bianca on your phone you masturbate to
>If someone called themselves a nazi, would you think well of them?
What you feel about Nazis and are what I felt about non-whites in my youth.
>but there is enough people calling themselves incels who are utterly toxic that anyone with a shred of sense would call themselves something, anything, else
Again, I thought this way about sandniggers.
>*you* choose what labels you want to publicly identify with
Again, almost word-for-word my feelings not just on Muslims (for the extremism). But I felt like if blacks and Mexicans would stop acting like criminals, neither I or anyone would have any hate for them. Whether or not they or incels brought themselves is one thing, using that to as reasoning for your hate or dislike for them is another.
>*you* choose what labels
incels created their own label, no one coined it and found someone to apply it to
That was done by a jealous boyfriend who also was married at one point.
Incels, involuntary celibacy in particular, was originally a feminist phrase, until the Elliot Rodger attacks: en.wikipedia.org
Incels are a fine group in concept but ruined by fucking retards like half the shit they say could be valid but they get the wrong message
>Nu-male gets a GF
>Incels deny it was something he did and instead she is fucking Chad or some shit
>Incels being up lookism and racism
>Instead of trying to make it about bow lookism is a extension of racism they go about bitching about jews or thinking niggers are fucking their GF
>Incels comment on women having too high standards
>But at the same time would never stop asking Stacey.
Maybe a scorched earth of incel forums and something good can come up
I don't think you understand what I am saying.
If you know what kind of ideology "nazi" stands for, you don't call yourself one without relating to it even if you're a "national socialist".
If you know what kind of ideology "incel" stands for, you don't call yourself one without relating to it even if you're "involuntarily celibate".
And then there's the entire group of people demonstrating their misogyny and hatred of people, who label aside, deserve to be judged - maybe pitied as well, but judged certainly.
That's all there is to it. It has got nothing to do with generalizing groups of people.
>If you know what kind of ideology "nazi" stands for, you don't call yourself one without relating to it even if you're a "national socialist"
You do call yourself one if you sincerely identify as one. That's how basic identity works. You do it by actively identifying as something. White. Black. Gay. Straight. Trans. TERF. Incel. Feminist. Fascist. Antifa. A core functionality of these identities work by the individuals identifying as such.
>If you know what kind of ideology "incel" stands for, you don't call yourself one without relating to it even if you're "involuntarily celibate".
Again, you do call yourself that if you honestly identify as one. That's how identities work.
>And then there's the entire group of people demonstrating their misogyny and hatred of people, who label aside, deserve to be judged - maybe pitied as well, but judged certainly.
But that says more about the person passing judging than people they are judging. Not to mention any notion that if this person or group is doing certain actions, therefore they deserve certain responses for them, in literally any scenario you care to list, is always a troubling sign that only forms the basis of bigotry and prejudice. Even my past-racism functioned the same way. They functioned by seeing certain behaviors from certain groups, in those cases race, and concluding that these groups therefore deserve to be judged (and hated) for them. When I hated blacks and hispanics, I did because I honestly felt they were doing things, demonstrating their ilk, to deserve whatever judgement or hate they get.
>That's all there is to it. It has got nothing to do with generalizing groups of people.
You just listed three examples of generalizations, and committed three acts of generalizing.
> Again, you do call yourself that if you honestly identify as one. That's how identities work.
This is exactly what I'm saying. If you call yourself an incel, knowing what the word is associated with, it implies acceptance or identification with it - all the misogyny, all the hatred, all the rejection of self-improvement.
Sure, there are exceptions. But if you choose to say "yeah I'm ", your first impression isn't great.
>it implies acceptance or identification with it
But implication doesn't mean anything, and is never proof or solid evidence. Only explicit information counts; neither the implication nor inferences. And regardless of those, it still only says more about the people who walk away with those implications, than it does those who are apparently gave off those implications, or have something about them that gave them inherently. But it's still problematic to have those kinds of judgement towards people, even if warranted. Even being black, especially these days, with the crap and ideas spurred on by the racial divide, has an implication of criminality. Even Islam, who because of groups and individuals that went on record identifying and professing ideologies of hate and destruction towards other people and the world, unfortunately has an implications of terrorist extremism. Whatever judgement that spurs is still not right.
>your first impression isn't great
It still says more about you for getting that impression than it does whoever gave it.
> It still says more about you for getting that impression than it does whoever gave it.
Would you say the same about judging people for calling themselves nazi?
Because all along this is the sole point I am making, and I can't tell how any of what you're saying is a response to it.
>Would you say the same about judging people for calling themselves nazi?
I do hold that same approach towards Neo-Nazis because the levels and severity of those ideologues differs with each individual, and I need way more than their personal beliefs. And also because if I don't, then I'm falling to the same trappings as they fell into, or into the same trappings that led to the racism and hatreds I held before -- and at that point, I'm no longer any different from them. And plus, Godwin's law is something I like to avoid.
>Because all along this is the sole point I am making, and I can't tell how any of what you're saying is a response to it.
Because your sole point is practically identical to back when I had was a racist shithead harboring hatred for people based on whatever group they belonged to, or beliefs they subscribed to.
im not that guy, but that's a false equivalence since nazis at their core are hitler sympathizers.
incel only means "involuntarily celibate" which can apply to a broad range on people. all of the traits you attribute to them are entirely your own idealization of them since "incel" isn't an ideology but a broad state of being. being an incel alone doesn't imply much of anything about a person.
wiki was edited by a self labeled incel to support their narrative
>"incel" isn't an ideology
It very much is.
What kind of an ideology
Visit any incel forums to get an idea.
There is no "ideology" in incel.
You just cant get laid.
Can't get laid= you are an incel
It's like a spoiled kid not wanting to eat something. They don't like their status quo being challenged. And they don't want to deal with a problem that they think doesn't concern them (It does because they caused it, to begin with)
So you're saying incels don't exist? Because anyone can get laid.
>incels are caused by other people
>not incels themselves who choose to shut themselves out of society and never make any effort to get girls
You sure made the right call to ask this question on normalfag central. This board is garbage