Are looks more important to men or to women?

Are looks more important to men or to women?

Attached: aaCP5il.jpg (1242x867, 861K)

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men, we are visual creatures

Just Be Yourself is more important to humanity

women, they are visual creatures

I have to go with woman. The only difference is that they look for other traits like charisma, masculinity, and money, but most still wouldn't date a short indian guy or something. 1 physical defect can be a deal breaker for a lot of woman, while men are willing to look past most things other than weight and severe deformities.

men, because let's be honest, women have nothing else to offer

Probably both. For every super shallow man or woman, you'll find a person of the opposite gender who's the same way. The difference is that women have more standards than men than just looks.

Women, by a long shot.

Attached: L9Vu4Zo.png (503x644, 19K)

Men with wives more attractive than they are tend to be happier. Settling doesn't actually mean satisfaction.

Women with less attractive husbands are also happier, likely because these husbands treat them better and want to fuck them more and harder.

They're pretty important to both, but most people from both sexes don't want to admit it because we've been conditioned to not admit to our natural instincts.

Women with less attractive husbands are happier because it means they stand less chance of being cheated on, while they can still play up behind his back without even trying.

It is more important to be beautiful when a woman, of course. Men can compensate with money and power.

Attached: 1564691028135.jpg (2316x3088, 960K)

>dat crusty cut penis head
ruined the pic for me

Women. There's a reason "out of your league" is never a phrase you'll hear in reference to men.


AFAIK, OkCupid has only sort of proven that women rate fewer men as attractive than vice-versa, but the interaction patterns wrt. attractiveness in terms of number of messages are very similar for both sexes regardless of that. Men simply receive much fewer messages, but evenly across all levels of attractiveness (probably mostly because females rarely ever initiate anything and have a lower activity level overall also in other species). However the exact ratio of least attractive to most attractive man is very sensitive to an overall bias (which is not the case for women) as I mentioned in a comment here:

So the raw OkCupid data suggests lookism is roughly the same for both sexes in terms of messages, but it is also consistent with women being somewhat more lookist if there is some small bias.

But even then it is not clear how numbers of messages convert into mating success, and whether it is the same for each sex and each level of attractiveness. So, there is basically not enough data to conclude much. The only thing that it tells us for sure is that women rate men as less attractive.

>tldr: don't know lol

More important to men, but at the same time men are much more often willing to compromise on everything just to get a vagina. Women are generally unwilling to date unattractive (both looks- and personality-wise) people, but if one turns out to be a serial killer, undoubtedly women will flock to him even if he's the ugliest manlet in the world.

Ugly women can still easily get dates. Ugly men are invisible. Women are 100x shallower than men.

80% of men are invisible to women.

Women have almost endless criteria for determining attractiveness; just one missed check mark and you're out.

Men just chase the most beautiful woman that they can get, securely. Good men have a threshold/standards and seek something long-term. Average men will have sex without commitment with as many women as possible, regardless of almost any other factors.

atleast men rate women way higher than women rate men
men will fuck literally anything with a pussy

80% of women are visible to men.

Looks are more important to men because women's value is innate and partially based on her physical beauty

wow the girl in the orange is fucking two of them

This is it. The female is picky, the male is opportunistic, but they both take the best they can get. That's how it is for most animals.

To be fair, females have to be picky. There is so much genetic garbage among men holy shit.

Females are more average. They have less genetic trash, but also less 10/10s. Like 90% of women are fucking 6/10s while with men it's more like 20% 4/10, 20% 6/10, 20% 8/10 etc...

What life do you lead to get these random numbers?

Looks are more important to men, 100%. Men will date a bitchy girl who's hot asf, but even if a guy is hot as hell, if he has a shit personality things will never progress past the first date.

this this, this right here is the truth, the absolute truth.

He's basing it on IQ distribution. To some extent it's true, but I don't think looks are included in that, going by dating app studies they definitely aren't.

>even if a guy is hot as hell, if he has a shit personality things will never progress past the first date.
Now, I agree with the premise, but that example is complete bullshit. Literal murderers can often easily get girlfriends, even easier than non-criminals, and there are plenty of girls who will date hot guys that beat the shit out of them, are drug addicts, or have any number of other shitty traits.