>Hey, mr. user... mr. user look... *mleeeeerm* Tee hee heeeee
How do you react? What do you say to her?
>Hey, mr. user... mr. user look... *mleeeeerm* Tee hee heeeee
How do you react? What do you say to her?
i smirk, nothing more you fucking pedo
I can't deal with kids I would just walk away
I literally cannot stand dumb children.
I pick her up and put her upside down and swing her around
Smile at her and call her silly, then buy her an ice cream
Make a face at her.
Imagine being this projecting pedo.
who is this girl ? and why do pedos keep spamming her?
>I bet you can't make a face like this
>buy her an ice cream
>Look, mr. user, I can mlerm this ice cream you bought me too... *mleeeeerm* hee heee
Who is this girl? I recognize her
I wouldn't be able to stop myself from smiling. I might even tell her that she's just too cute, then shake my head and walk away.
how much i hate this board.
Pat her head and tell her that she is silly, then tell her to eat it fast before it melts
I dont know what you want from this user
Get cuteness overload and fucking kill her
>I dont know what you want from this user
Posts that make me chuckle like this one:
Is this some sort of autistic activity of yours?
What do you mean originally? Asking originally too.
lie to her parents and say she swore at me.
that'll teach the little fucker
Don't be weird. There's nothing wrong with pizza and ice cream dates.
Just smile at her you , I mean it's a big deal you Fucking Retard
This is a really sad image. Imagine being some 9 year old kid and not having a care in the world about how attractive you appear and then the absolute fucking state of this world and your inept millennial whore single mother puts Instagram and a camera in front of your face and you learn to make cute and mildly sexually suggestive faces at the camera because you've learned to value your physical attractiveness over being a kid.
Childhood is truly dead.
Shut the fuck up you mong, 99.999% of other children in civilized countries will have normal childhood.
why do you post this shit
Because he is a pedophile?
Seriously I don't understand.
her instagram is pretty wholesome, but I get where you're coming from
You sound very sheltered.
I can get behind this, that is a much nicer picture. The OP pic just threw me off as an obvious attempt to pose for the approval of others while she should be focusing on having a fun time at the amusement park.
>having a fun time at the amusement park.
that's what matters.
modeling is a toxic industry. i hope she doesn't let it infect her
I yell "nigger" as loud and as forceful as I can, ultimately shitting myself in the process. Then, I scoop a turd and delicately offer it to her in exchange for world peace. It's ok, I tell her, I have autism!
I imagine it's hard to keep your kid out of that world of vanity and insecurity when you're pushing them into the industry. Looks like she's a healthy weight though. Hope it stays that way.
I hope so too. She's pretty much perf.
Well, that's not very lady-like of you, little one. Now go back to your mother before she worries, go.
*calls you a doo doo head
pedo bait thread, jannies do ur fucking job
Ugh she is so ugly here already. How old is she there?
what a fucking goblin holy shit
Retarded normalfuck subhumans like you should be the one eliminated from our society.
Not sure, but it's pretty recent.
more Neya for me :^)
I believe she's a white/arab 2 part mix. Our grandchildren will be the atrocidads
>i smirk
lol, that's literally what a pedo would do. off yourself
>thanks for taking me out uncle user! what movie are we going to see? :3
I'd fucking drop kick that li'l bitch what else would I fucking do
What does this filename mean? It's pretty original though.
more girls should dress like that
read the study that graph is based on you pedo troglodyte
the sample is 80 men from a single study in 1995 and over 1/4 of them are self-admitted pedophiles and the highest sexual attractiveness is still 14-18 when op's image is clearly like 10-12
babysitting you was a mistake. Your family better fucking pay me more money for dealing with this fucking shit, you inbred pig.
imagine if she had to pay you with kisses and peepee kisses haha
I need licence for C-word
Everyone seems to excuse this thread as silly while completely forgetting how problematic, troubled, worrisome, scary, and perverted the OP has for making this thread in the first place.
What scares me more than anything as that there are many like OP on this board right now hiding under the veil of humour that they are utterly pedophilic at heart, and they present a facade that says it doesn't matter, sharing this sentiment with pretty much everyone else likely because to some extent, they understand it too.
Just think about it for a moment. It will make your head spin.
I know the FBI is ITT
but I'm here just to see the joy of cute children
really heartwarming
I'd kick her ass to mars and beat the shit out of her father and mother for teaching her that, you pedo.
*dramatic reddit music plays*
lmao who cares faggot.
w-why is she so smug?
Who cares? Your mental illness.
me too
it's nice originally
who is this girl
I would like to see her after puberty
I bet she will get a big nose and do a nose job lmao
little girls make the world go round
this person doesn't look like a child user
she looks over 18, so fine for me.
I'll take cunny posting over tranny posting anyday
I was in love with this girl when I was 23 and she was 9. There was a 14 year old boy posting on her Instagram who was completely infatuated with her. I was convinced that a pubescent boy being in love with a prepubescent girl was pathological, and unlike me who never left a single commet on Neya's social media or in way made my existence or my feelings known to her, this guy was obsessed and was more than ready to let her know that. (In hindsight I was probably jealous that it was socially acceptable for someone his age to contact her but not for me, which made me feel cucked by a 14 year old boy).
I realized he was from my country. Further digging revealed him to live in a town 15 miles from where I live. I was furious at this asshole, and after days of stalking I found his address. Thought about taking screenshots of his comments about this child and leaving them in the mailbox for his parents to find, but I never acted on it. The feeling of having the power to do it was such a rush though.
You need locked up
Yiketty yike yikes!
What should scare you the most is that 80-90% of men are actually pedophiles who would have sex with 10 year olds if it was legal. Yourself most likely included.
Not him but writing such a pathetic long post full of massive projection makes him right, you are clearly a closet pedo from plebbit. The worst kind, the one that holds his pedo preferences entire life but snaps at one point and rapes a child. Only a pedo like that would make such a comment