I just want a qt bf who can both love and fuck me. Why is this so freaking hard? Everybody around me is sperg. Even when I write first they either dont read or go hysterical. Is this all because I've been born in cunt with less that 1,5 mil population? How can I lose my virginity here if I cant drink in clubs until braindead?
I just want a qt bf who can both love and fuck me. Why is this so freaking hard? Everybody around me is sperg...
kys fag
have sex incel
Be my gf
you are not cute
>Everybody around me is a sperg
You elevate yourself above others and then wonder why you can’t come across equals?
Have sex, incel.
Most people aren't gay
You are cute
Neck yourself, faggot
Shut up, faggots Im a girl.
Actually im sperg myself. So I need sb who is better, so that it wouldnt be traumatic.
>im a sperg
No shit, you post here
But the thing is, you realize everyone else is even more of a sperg. So you should motivate yourself to be much much better than them.
Its what I did
be his gf
also post pics so we can tell if your just ugly
this, pic
You're not mentally a woman. If you were, you'd have lost your virginity by now and you would not be on Jow Forums complaining about being a permavirgin incel. I can sense a masculine essence just through your writing mannerisms. No, I am not accusing you of being an MtF, much the opposite, sir. You are a repressed man, and I know that is causing you anguish. Go see your family doctor and ask about getting referred to an endocrinologist that can prescribe testosterone to you.
Take the testosteronepill.
Never stick your dick in crazy
You cant just become someone else, it is predermined by genetics. If I act sociable I only come out as weird.
Im just ugly.
But ugly women around the globe dont have the same problem. They just somehow magically have bf by just existing. Why this shit doesnt work here?
you can come to helsinki (if you're cute(girl(female)))
i'll dick you down real good
It's the Fin blood in Estonia that's ruining an otherwise fairytale country.
Tranny enablers are worse than trannies.
But I dont identify as a man. I'm very cis.
Also nobody will prescribe you testo here to change sex, they will probably give galoperidol.
It's not working for you because all males can sense your inherent masculinity and it turns them off. Even most ugly girls have feminine essence which automatically means they'll get a bf.
ugly women are lonely as fuck
they're not only lonely, but people barely notice they exist (and so do you)
anyhow, post a pic or we can't decide if you're real ugly (RIP ugly) or fugly (in that case we'll tell you to work out) or just dumb (in that case, be his gf)
Change your dick into a pussy, easy fix.
You don't pass
Gender identification is a meme, you either are man or woman and I'm clearly not talking to a woman here. That's not your choice.
You're Estonian, you couldn't be that ugly
Its not "just be sociable" , im saying take what you hate about what theyre doing and do the exact opposite.
I thought I was a sperg until I went on /soc/ and realized that none of those motherfuckers could hold a conversation. And it made me more comfortable talking since no matter how bad I do, ill never be as fucking awful as they were.
Unless you have a weak chin or fat, it just takes being in the right place at the right time to get a bf
Youll probably have to concede meeting someone actually interesting in person though, as most normies are bad at conversations that have meaning
Probably russian
>You're Estonian, you couldn't be that ugly
Why are you ignoring me?
If you want an answer, you need something for us to work with.
>complaining about not having the sex
I’m 100% sure you’ve had at least 200 opportunities but the guys just weren’t good looking enough to you. What you’re really complaining is that you want a top 0,1% men to have sex with you but can’t because you’re at the bottom of the barrel or too old.
Russian women in Estonia are attractive too. It can't be helped.
Only totally foreign people can have a shot at being unattractive here
This (im op)
maybe try losing weight, you ugly fat truck looking abomination.
Don’t worry, you’re gonna make it. I made it, so you can too! You just need to keep looking, and don’t lose hope.
You are wrong
and you, as the stupid faggot you are, should at least post an email or something
Maybe you are just very ugly
Im not masculine.
I wear ruffly dresses and have hourglass figure. My interests are also only feminine. If i was a man i would be a faggot.
>I just want a qt bf who can both love and fuck me. Why is this so freaking hard? I only need a 1,95 m tall full haired master grad student at 22 with rich parents who visited at least 50 countries, has 20k instagram followers and thinks only about me all the time. Why is this so hard?
Am most definitely not. Unless you are
a) fat (~27+ bmi)
b) older than 30
c) physically deformed
Then you must have some sex appeal, definitely enough to get laid, especially as a woman.
postitage jalad või väljuge
Please be my gf
>Vatnigger genes
I feel very sorry for you, that probably explains your chimp post.
Tweet Trump and ask him to send his best Jamals to take your virginity
op is russian btw
>tfw ywn have a tomoko-esque gf
where could I find one if I was in the mood to search, OP?
Even she has a boy
That's really strange because you type like a man. Jow Forums is also not a feminine interest in the slightest.
Either you are a man or you must leave Jow Forums, pick one.
that's pretty cool! I'm happy for her
This makes me strangely happy
Have sex
OP is russian girl .
I have legit female friends who browse Jow Forums, not this board but still.
>you type like a man
this so much
typically you can tell someone's gender by their style of writing, it's well known research by now
They're most likely on the female containment boards. This isn't one of them.
What kind of a Russian girl doesn't drink in nightclubs until braindead?
Obsessed falseflaggers
For me, if it's a long wall of butthurtness in an attempt to cope, it's most likely a girl.
Иди нaхyй, yёбищe вcpaтoe. Ёб твoю мaть, дaжe cюдa пpoтeклo.
>But ugly women around the globe dont have the same problem. They just somehow magically have bf by just existing. Why this shit doesnt work here?
> offers this to you
>ignore him
Why are woman like this?
What are the female containment boards? /soc/? i know them well and just one of them is at least 10x more autist than me, too autist for /soc/
I know her from another thread,
originally when I saw the Estonian flag I assumed it was a cute Estonian boy so I responded with lewd anime faces expressing how horny I was.
There was a Russian user who joined me in that and someone else too (Israel?)
We made a few posts, one of the things she said is "I'm not cute". At this point we all still thought it was just an Eesti boy so we said yes you are cute.
Eventually she revealed that she was a russian because she posted a picture with a cyrillic filename and then we also found out she is female. So we called her out on it and said that she is disgusting and should fuck off back to Russia, then she said that she was born there so she can't go back.
Then later she said that she is for Finland annexing Estonia and she hates r*ssians so I thought "ok maybe she is not that bad" .
that's the content but not the style
>I just want a qt bf who can both love and fuck me
Because much like the girl I'm chasing after, you're probably a sperg yourself and when given every chance for both you'll get nervous and turn them both down. No once's gonna force you to love or sex, if a guy hits on you, hit back on him. If he's good then make him horny. Push borders.
I realise the man should do most of conquering but if you see yourself as unconquerable and unresponsive, you're gonna get old, wrinkled, alone, sad and frustrated. If you're available then seriously act like it.
Smash Brothers?
To be fair I wouldn't want an Estonian who uses Jow Forums either, if you saw /balt/ you'd understand
t. not op
Try 2ch . hk rf board
Really no. I just want him to be cute and compassionate.
If he is homeless poorfag thats only plus...
There’s a ton of girls here though.
Normal men are literally invisible to them. 100 men could offer the sex in a day yet she would only notice the top 0,0000000001% Chad and kept on complaining how she can’t get a man
There's probably more of them than I can list off the top of my head but they include Jow Forums, /an/, /cgl/, /ck/, /co/, and /fa/.
Jow Forums is not my interest, I m rarely here, but i use other boards to farm attention because irl nobody ever notices me
There really aren't. Most "girls" here either come here once and never return, or are a tranny of some sort.
So, what went wrong? Why are you single? Why nobody IRL notices you?
Oh, so it’s that w*man that pretended to be eesstiboy
Try wearing more revealing clothes and more makeup
Damn grills and their cutesy lingo. I guess this is why I don’t have a gf
If you are girl then i am a Fucking Real Estonian. Kys fag
complete the sentence
>tere tere eesti _ nordick
I don't know what else to tell you other than lose weight, and if that doesn't work you may as well hang yourself.
I wouldnt be able to just hit up for sex. I want sex to be continuation of love. How can you love sb you dont know
I said I'm not op.
There are 3-4 Estonians posting in this thread
When a girl can’t get a bf it’s because her standards are way too high. When a man can’t get a gf (75% of men) it’s because he’s not a Chad.
This rule applies 100% of the time btw
Oops, sorry mate
>I wouldnt be able to just hit up for sex. I want sex to be continuation of love. How can you love sb you dont know
Why men don't pay attention to you? What went wrong?
I dont speak "Raped by Russian" language.
by getting to know them. why are you so full of excuses?
>I dont speak "Raped by Russian" language.
>that flag
>that post
Chingis please
I dont know.
There’s a fucking Estonian who wants to be your bf in this very thread you dumb hag but of course you wouldn’t notice him
Theu dont want to talk to me
based truth poster
OP should just post an online sex ad, there's even money to be earned while finding a boyfriend