Do you agree with the sentiment of this image or are you a profiteer of the war machine?
Do you agree with the sentiment of this image or are you a profiteer of the war machine?
I feel sorry for the rest of NATO who got dragged into that unwinable mess.
1,690,903 dead terrorists is 1,690,903 too few as far as I'm concerned.
Sucks for the packies tho. They got what was coming to them for living in a 1st world country though so who cares.
Any particular reason you don't like Iraqis?
I don't agree with that image because numerous people faked their deaths on 9/11. The actual number of deaths is much smaller.
How many people do you think faked their deaths? The idea that it would significantly skew the figures seems ridiculous.
Well I believe in affirmative action so the first 2976 Iraqis were justified because you have to even things out.
Because they're not Tchad chads or Niger Tyrones lmao
Towelhead lives just don't matter. Simple as that
How much money do you gross in a year?
I heard the Social Security Death Index shows 500 deaths that day. That may be an undercount considering deaths recorded later. I would say minimum 250 people faked their deaths that day. If its over 1,500 fake deaths then everything is bullshit.
How serious are you taking shitposting on a tibetan ramen cooking board?
I'm indifferent to humanity regardless of what happens. I guess it's good to be consistent?
No, I was hoping for a number in USD
Eh about $1,690,903 a year.
Your thread stinks of raging libtard by the way. Stay seething that your helpless little arab niggers keep on getting blown up though l o l
So you're a war profiteer. Simple enough
And please don't call me a liberal. That shit hurts worse than the deaths of 10 million troops
Oh right you're one of the commietards who hates being lumped in with the other libtards because your system that has never been tried killed more people than Hitler all because of the evil capitalists with cigars
That's just as ignorant and backwards as the sand niggers quran. Hey but at least das kapital is good when toilet paper runs out in the starving commie bloc
More than Hitler, but if you cast the wide net that counts for a death under communism, then the capitalist world has killed way more in way less time.
No to both questions. Governments are groups of gang members with suits who act accordingly to their needs and interests. They take a cut of the people living around them and keep them alive so they keep producing income for the gang. I am just an unrelated individual having a cut of my income taxed. The deaths of gang members and their victims is equally unrelated to me.
I think not saving people is a significantly different activity from mandating that they be killed.
I've never heard this one before, and being on this site for almost a decade I've heard a lot of things about 9/11
so, do go on...
That's great! That's a fantastic place to be in. You agree with me. I hate giving my money to people who didn't do shit for me. You should be FURIOUS about capital owners then.
From to in 12 minutes flat. So much for the thick skinned right l o l
I wonder if the reason that commietards ignore intentional mass starvation is to help take your minds off of the obviously corrupt figureheads that they worship. But hey, any straws you can grasp in the name of apologism right?
>tfw a microscopic middle class deserves large scale torture and execution
>tfw the kulaks were evil
>tfw gulags aren't real
>tfw you're really an edgy libtard spitting on the same silver spoon they suckle daily
You have to seek out and consent to have your profit "stolen", whereas you're taxed just for being born
I'm not a libertarian btw, you could even say I have socialist leanings, but the profit is theft argument is pants on head retarded
>if I post a joker pepe and call them triggered I can convince myself that it's true!!
Lol at the absolute delusion
I would like to clarify that I am not a Communist or Socialist. I do not wish for universal society-wide benefits of most kinds because I do not believe the majority of individuals will benefit my life, nor do I believe that they will contribute to the betterment of the group.
I do not hate my government, but I realize how it functions, and that were are both products/services to each other in at least some measure. I am willing to fight for my life against people who wish me harm, but I am not willing or equipped to organize large-scale maintenance and growth of a city, border, or society by myself. So, I accept the taxation by gang-like governments. I think puts it simply, though I may have misread it also.
Osama got what he wanted more or less and rich people got even richer, based
lol those bombs are why thousands of us got moved here in the early 1990s. get fucked retard, your government shits uo your streets with ragheads and you take immigration as a win.
Dearborn MI
all of NYC
Look at Sweden. Still wanna glass sand? Funny how you can kill so many people yet so many more live to annoy you
I welcome death, because I have a big family that multiplies annually
you can't kill us, only take our land and give us yours
god I love america
god I love being american AND arabic
thanks for your country nerd
love the SSI and Medicaid
War is hell and blame our leaders we actually believed terrorists were there
America needs communism
it's the next step unironically
tl;dr a lot of people skipped work that day, others decided to "show up"
I generally avoiding naming those who fake their deaths because that's a good way to end up dead for real. If you do people searches (pipl, people finder, intellius, etc) you often find "dead" people alive under their own names working jobs they never had while alive. False positives occur, but if you corroborate it several times you're usually good.
Being "dead" is a pretty good deal. No one looks for you, you can do spy work much more easily, ex-wives stop asking for money, and debtors stop calling.
If a story looks fishy dig a little deeper and you'll often find bullshit.
this is what happens when you fuck with america.
kill 2000 of us? we'll go across the world and kill 2000000 of you. we'll kill you, your families, your women, your children, and we'll turn your villages and cities into war zones.
don't fuck with us. the middle east deserved everything they got after 9/11.
osama didnt speak for these people though
well, this is another rabbit hole for me to get lost down tonight
The absolute cope. Have fun dying by the millions by weapons of war you can't see coming from your mudhuts lel
>Do you agree with the sentiment of this image
No. The lives of towelheads are irrelevant to me. One dying has as much impact on my life as a million.
Imagine being a shitskin and thinking this is winning, totally delusional