What have you accomplished in the past year?
What have you accomplished in the past year?
I bought a country sausage from a Russian deli and stuck it up my ass. :)
Wow, good for that guy. I've also adopted an exercise routine and have been trying to eat better as well. Been working on making small changes that are kinder to the environment, as well.
Traded stocks quantitatively.
Got my drivers license and most of my motorcycle license. Became proficient on the roads finally. Need to book the last bike test but can't be assed.
That's about it. It was a burn out year. I've recovered somewhat from a breakdown last year but not in any functional way just a wreck now.
Basically nothing, however I had one great moment where I put off a 2000 word bibliography assignment until the last day like a fucking idiot but then crammed it all together in a rush of robust hyper-focused consciousness and got an A+ in the end. While uni is a meme and grades are equally so, it still felt kind of amazing to pull it off. It sounds sick but I felt more alive in that stressful day than I have the rest of the fucking year.
Each year that I simply make it through alive and with my health and sanity more or less intact feels like a big accomplishment to me
wageslaved my entire year in exchange for a piece of paper that didn't compensated all my efforts. also got more depressed and i'm now in three different meds.
fuck wageslaving, can't wait to be a neet again.
got a wageslave job that i hate, but now i can afford food
lost all desire for a gf
what was the job? yeah NEET is superior but i think an OK deal is a remote job where you can choose your own hours. really hard to get one though
stock clerk. would be an easy job if it wasn't for my boss and his bitch wife.
New job. New city. Workong out. Moved outa my mommys place. Going to church. It's been half a year since then. I plan on chasing my dream of being a published illustrator in 10 months when I do a portfolio viewing at this convention. Wish me luck, we are all gunna make it bros!
>got my open motorcycle licence
>got off my learner driver's licence
>stopped drinking alcohol and smoking weed
>saved a little money
>sold my old car and bought a newer one
That's all though.
>stock clerk
that's the problem. it's an easy job anyone can do
learn to program there are some cushy jobs with programming, although mine isnt
I know how to use Adobe Premiere, I went on a holiday to LA and I've gotten a lot more in shape.
Gained about 15 kgs
Lol fuck off faggot, this pic was top of reddit today.
>tfw lifting made him taller
what did he mean by this?
Jow Forums, save this image.
Save it for the next time someone says working out doesn't make you more attractive. It does.
I didnt fucking grow 4 inches at age 40, thats for sure.
Suck my big dick you faggot.
i finished law my second year of law school and got offered a high paying job
15 kg of muscle ^:)
how did he go from manlet mode into not-so-manlet-anymore mode?
He got Jow Forums
Makes you look taller when you're ripped
It's clearly the camera angle. Notice the brown item behind him. Besides looking better from working out, he took a photo from a more flattering angle.
Changed my diet and got my Colitis under control now
Got myself a cute girlfriend
moved into my own house
All I want to do now is get my studies in order.
got a gf and multiple different part time jobs/volunteer opportunities to pad my resume
I became kyoot! :3
became less mentally stable and grew some tits