how was your last birthday
How was your last birthday
i dont celebrate my birthday (origanly)
Same and I have to tell my family not to buy gifts or come celebrate with me and stuff.
I mean, aside from the first they all have someone to celebrate their birthday with. Why are they sad? Don't they know how lucky they are to have a family which actually care for them?
i was in costa rica with my two best friends gambling and whoring. Also went surfing
Went to a mall and ate fastfood I don't usually eat, bought some marmalade, went to a playground and sat on a swing under rain(it was early autumn so it was warm) and then went home to eat with my parents
sounds comfy anono
i dont celebrate
get a hug from parents and an envelope with some cash thats it
>dad gives my mom his credit card so we can go to the movies and to get cake and pizza
>ends up going to the bank and withdrawing way more money than what is needed just so she can pocket what's left
I hate that she used my birthday as an excuse to be a thieving, greedy cunt.
I'll tell you in 6 days
went to work and had sex with my wife. But I have sex everynight so it wasn't that special
>bbq with the only 3 friends that i have
>went /innawoods/ for the rest of the night
probably the best day of my life
IIRC, for my 35th birthday (last year), I went to IHop with my mother, then went our separate ways.
For people that are alone (but not exactly lonely), birthdays aren't a big deal anymore.
baked a cake and ate it alone
I turned 30. It was really fun.
>use friends apartment for party (his is bigger)
>about 10 people, 3 good friends, others just friends
>good food, I cooked a lot (I'm a good cook)
>everyone seemed happy to be there
>avoided being the centre of attention except for opening gifts
>got some fancy whiskey, a badminton racket and a Luminox watch
My birthday is next month, will keep it low key since it's not a milestone one.
>Finally find a girl who seem to like me
>Spend most of day at her house
>Seems bit weird vibe
>Not as keen as she used to be
>Get drunk with family
>Get stoned as fuck with friends and go into netherworld thinking about fugged life
A week later I got drunk at a party and was apparently an asshole to the girl and she gets anger, havent spoke to her since
it was my 30th birthday and I became a wizard. I played celeste on my computer and watched some mindhunter.
I was on my own because mum was out at a party the night before and stayed in a hotel and my sister was on holiday
Just dinner with my close family. Nothing fancy.
It was yesterday. Turned 25 year old kissless virgin. Weird thing is a girl who lived on the same street messaged me on faceberg instead of posting on my page. It was really weird cause I don't understand why she would send a message. I am 90% sure she was being friendly since I am 3/10 and she's gorgeous. But it made me paranoid and I acted like an autist in response. I really don't understand. I haven't spoken to her in probably 15 years. And even thrn not much.
Anyway, halfway to wizardhood.
She was obviously at least somewhat interested, should have kept it going.
>mom was visiting me
>they get a cake just like OP's pic
>evening arrives
>go alone to mcdonalds pretending I will meet friends
>eat a big mac with chocolate shake
What was I supposed to say? "Yeah pretty good I've been a neet for the past year after quitting my job, I play role-playing games because they are my only escape from my empty shell of a life, and I go hiking sometimes" she's a college graduate and I think she's a model. Sure looks like one. There is no way she is interested in me. I think she's in another state right now too.
I just don't get it. No one else messaged me. Even my irl friend who was the only nonrelative to post on my fb, made a comment on my page. I think she was just being friendly.
I don't celebrate my birthday since when I was 17.
Stopped celebrating birthdays like around age 8. I don't think anyone even remembered.
>autist performs mental gymnastics while simultaneously undervaluing himself
My parents forgot about it. I had no cake. No one except for one internet friend sang happy birthday.
I have no value. I've seen pics of this girl with 8/10 men. Because she herself is an 8/10. She could hop on tinder and get better dick than me, faster. The only possible reason she could be interested in me would be for betabux. Which I don't even have unless 10k in savings counts. I have nothing to offer her.
She was just being friendly. I just think it's weird she chose to message me.
Stayed in bed shitposting all day. No one called. No one said anything
she wants followers on social media
talk to her
follow her
do your part
Unitonically hope you get raped by a bunch of niggers
She has like 1000 Instagram followers. I already follow her and have for years.
Well if he keeps going to costa Rica then there's a decent chance.
What changed after age 17, K?
Asked my parents not to worry about my birthday, said I just wanted to visit. Came in from out of state, and not only was the whole family there, but my mother made my favorite cake. I'm in my mid twenties, but it's awesome they still care this much. I know it's more for them than it is me, and that makes me happy. Bout to do the whole thing again in a couple of weeks
21st of August
I was staying at a mental hospital
I told the staff to not announce it to the other patients
I got some things from the Japanese bakery nearby and had a nice lunch
my parents visited me in another city and gave me some money and my siblings gave me a ps3 game last year.
only one friend got me something and thats after he found it was my birthday from me telling him.
I dont have any IRL friends to do anything. I dont see the point in celebrating anymore.
how are you now robotanon?
Those lucky faggots actually got cakes.
The last birthday I celebrated with someone was four years ago, with my family. We had takeout Thai food together. I've been alone every birthday since and I want to die every day.
which character do you identify with
you sound really spiteful man. i unironically hope you find some friends
how am I now?
I failed a whole semester of college because I became a shut in again last year.
My parents think I will have my engineering degree by 2021, I practically just finished my first year in 3 years.
I have to rely on Vyvanse to focus and every day is a struggle to wake up and sleeping is hard too. I spend most of my time lost in my imagination.
I have no friends, i hate my life
Your birthday is the day after mine :3
same here. didn't want a cake either, got 40 in cash in an envelope and a hug.
I don't remember what happened. Not because I was drunk or anything but because I just treated it as if it was any other day.
They (we) should be spending their birthdays with a girlfriend and friends instead of old people and little kids. It's pathetic. Being alone would be better, because at least one would be showing his independence.
The day before I told my friends I came down with a really nasty fever. I spent the entire day in my home smoking weed, pigging out on fast food and drinking alcohol.
Spent it with only my family for the 3rd time in a row. They still have no idea that I don't have any friends.
I've spent every birthday since I was 16 completely alone or at work. I barely even notice my birthday anymore.
It was amazing, a bit expensive but amazing. I took all my friends out, almost all of them had time. We were 15 ppl in total. We went to some bistro that had open until midnight. I paid for all drinks but that's ok because i got a lot of presents aswell.
Shit like every other birthday
Birthdays are the most depressing thing in the world, you're one year older for crying out loud, what's there to celebrate?
Romans 5:8 kjv
>But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Get saved tonight user, you are not alone in this world :)
my great grandfather died a day earlier and everybody including myself was sad so i didnt even celebrate it
I think I watched a movie and played Mount & Blade
pretty good, went to job, had beers with coworkers
went home, got gym over with, went out with friends for dinner and a good time