Am I the only one here who's REALLY depressed about climate change? The thought that we're all guaranteed to die over the next few decades is so soul crushing. There's basically no point in living or doing anything any more because it's all meaningless now. What's the point in me studying for my college degree when we're all gonna be dead in 20 years or less anyway?
Am I the only one here who's REALLY depressed about climate change...
Climate change is a scam you dummy
Why? What would anyone have to gain from convincing everyone that the apocalypse is coming?
>Why? What would anyone have to gain from convincing everyone that the apocalypse is coming?
Are you a fucking retard?
Its all about the money. Religion has been doing it for ages.
You might live a relatively full life if you don't live in a region that is more prone to climate change related disasters.
It's the next generation that's fucked.
Do some research on what climate change actually is.
>Climate change is really going to kill us all, just like the politicians say!
user, I....
You're not the only one, there are lots of people who have made major life choices like where to move or whether or not to have kids based on climate change.
You should still study for your degree because those skills will help you life a happy life. The pursuit is supposed to be fulfilling in and of itself.
How does anyone stand to make money out of creating mass apocalyptic panic among the public?
Taxes, taxes, taxes, and- oh, taxes.
Are you not worried that you're going to feel like a colossal retard in 20 years if we really do all end up dying burning in ditches while our cities are submerged in the endlessly rising seas? Like seriously, what are you going to do if it turns out you are wrong? If climate change is "wrong" or turns out to not be so serious, then people who argued in favor of it may feel silly, but they will feel more intense relief and happiness that things weren't as bad as they feared. But if climate change deniers are wrong, then they are literally going to end up dying in the apocalypse KNOWING that they directly contributed to the end of humanity.
Go read Grah as m Hancock's books about the Younger Dryas Impact Theory. It really puts climate change in perspective, just 12,000 years ago there were massive cataclysmic global events but today there is just a hint that any of then ever occurred. The Earth's environment is a massive, self correcting system that after 100+ years of widespread pollution we are just barely recording a few degrees of temperature increases.
Slow population growth, kill everyone off, build of world colonies, whatever. The earth will still be here long after you die and after a couple thousand years it will be like we wernt even here to begin with.
Yes, the earth will survive, there is no doubt about that. But humanity is going to go extinct, and very soon. We are living now knowing that we are going to be the last generation of humans to walk the earth. That is absolutely hopelessly depressing. We will be the only generation of humans to not have a future generation to pass things down to. We will die knowing that we were the last and that our entire lives were completely and utterly meaningless.
The renewables industry as well as other token green efforts, only really works if they dont sell it as a lost cause though which they often do
Every "green" energy company in the world stands to make money when governments force people to switch over to renewable power sources.
Every "climate activist" NGO in the world is reliant on government grants and public fear mongering to generate revenue.
Uh, no. I'll die knowing it was meant to happen because even the best estimates show that no matter what we do the impact will be negligible, i.e. we don't have the tools at our disposal to control the climate even if we had to. And no, the complete overhaul and subsequent destruction of modern society "just in case" is not an option. The alarmism is just a ploy for control
So you think it's tolerable that humanity is going to go extinct and you think we shouldn't even try anything to stop it?
>endlessly rising seas?
This isn't Waterworld, even if the ice caps completely melted sea levels would only rise a couple hundred feet.
I did, and its a scam. You fucking cuck
No, I think people should conserve energy regardless. We should be as efficient as possible no matter what. Also, I support the use of nuclear energy. What I don't support is the destruction of modern society you idiot. Can you read?
Seriously, explain what you're going to do if you're wrong. Are you not going to be upset when humanity ends in your lifetime due to climate apocalypse, despite your protestations that it wouldn't?
Do you think it's "tolerable" that every human being is going to die eventually? What are you going to do to stop? Kill everyone so they don't get to live at all?
Ok Oiltard
There is no extinction level event that could be caused by climate change, full stop. That requires some kind of outside factor like an asteroid impact or solar storm on the Sun. The worst possible natural disaster that could occur here is a nuclear winter after the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera, which has nothing to do with global warming.
When I was in high school Al Gore said all the ice on earth would be melted by 2014.
You'll be fine, OP.
did you ever read the paris climate accord everyone flipped out about trump dropping out of? it is more about global redistribution of wealth than it is about climate. if you don't think people are getting rich off of the racket, whether climate change as a result of human activity is significant or not, you're naive at best and a retard at worst.
So you've bought into the climate change hysteria.
How does it feel to be an absolute chump who can't form his own thoughts?
They always fucking say the Earth's gonna go kablammo, but it never happens cause it's bullshit.
You are not alone. I was an aspiring biologist, getting a major in uni but shit is just hitting the fucking fan, not worth it. Every generation thinks they will be the last thought, we will, unfortunately, somehow find a way and survive, at some brutal and awful cost I'm sure.
The nature will sort itself out, you faggots don't need to worry about that. Go plant trees and plants instead.
>muh scam to make money off renewables
You idiots do realize that the anti climate change agenda is pushed by the fuel industries so that they can continue their destructive mining of the earth unhindered by bothersome environmental regulations? Shit is literally being slashed left to right but instead of acknowledging the science you say shit like and believe the dumbest politician in modern history instead.
instead of looking at it as an apocalyptic "were all gonna die scenario" and dismissing it as another cook in the history of doomsayers, look at the real changes that have already happened and agree that we should be doing more to stop them, instead of labeling the whole thing as fake news.
I think you're misinformed about climate change skepticism. what most skeptics are skeptical about is not climate change - there is evidence the climate has been changing drastically on earth for millions of years. what they're skeptical about is the level of impact humanity has on the process as a whole. and rightly so given earths history.
you're free to throw money at the problem without any guarantee it's ever going to matter - and will likely not matter at all in your lifetime. i'll keep my money, thanks.
Oh my god
>Line the pockets of others in the western world in order to pat yourself on the back for helping to """fix the problem""""
>China, India and other population megacenters continue to pump c02 into the atmosphere at record pace
>World's climate and topography changes over time either way as it always has
Fuck off retard.
Are you greta?
>all guaranteed to die within a few decades
this is true regardless of whether the climate change panic is true or not, brainlet
It's willful ignorance, user. He's using climate change as an excuse to avoid growing up. Making him face reality is exactly the thing he's trying to avoid.
Do you realize what kinds of magnitudes of energy and material are involved in the atmosphere? The government, nor anyone else, for that matter, can just "control it".
>>China, India and other population megacenters continue to pump c02 into the atmosphere at record pace
Actually, China has been pushing for green energy the hardest of any country in the recent years, investing the most money and driving global progress.
>>World's climate and topography changes over time either way as it always has
That's true, one small exception is that it's changing 1000x faster than at any time in history excluding some supervolcano eruptions in the extremely distant past.
And what progress has China made? While polluting in the process, I might add.
>babbys first existential crisis
yeah bro be lazy, see what happens :)
They really don't teach critical thinking in college, do they?
AI will solve all of our problems somehow I think.
The world isn't gonna end. Just think of climate change as like an expansion pack for earth, like "Humanity: Cataclysm". The world is gonna get redesigned, some regions and cities will be lost, but humanity will very much survive and new and exciting lands and nations will emerge. Anyone who lives in the first world northern hemisphere is going to be at no risk of death from climate change, none at all.
I'd go as far as to say that in 100/200 years time, the changing of the climate and rising of sea levels won't even be viewed as a bad thing. It will just be another stage in the course of human civilization and the history of Earth. Just the beginning of another chapter in the history books, like other world changing events eg. the industrial revolution, the colonization of the new world, the rise of abrahamic religion, etc.
Weatherwar 101
Cloud seeding
all you have to do is pump massive amounts of water vapor into the air. And that's exactly whats happening with these huge industrial stations across the world. They pump water vapor into the air and NEXRAD radar is used to guide and steer the storm
Hurricanes arent natural
your world is fake bitch
>Guaranteed to die
No. It'll be he'll though as the food shortages will decrease population for sure and climate refugees from desertified countries start flooding in.
>he fell for the climate alarmist meme
op, climate scientists have said "humanity is doomed in the next decade!" for the past 5 decades at least. it's not pretty, but that's the game you have to play to get funding for your research.
I hear China is economically friendly.
>we're all guaranteed to die over the next few decades
Anybody got any research on this claim which seems to be so popular among political commentators?
I'm not skeptical about catastrophic anthropogenic climate change, but where does the idea that it will literally kill every human even in developed countries come from?
It's all bullshit. Why are people so deluded?
>Anyone who lives in the first world northern hemisphere is going to be at no risk of death from climate change, none at all.
What about the constant hurricanes in Florida?
The point is life will become so unbearable because of climate change that it isn't worth living anyway. Think total collapse of society, entire swathes of Earth being uninhabitable, constant wars, anarchy, rape, pillaging, barbarian hordes wandering the plains attempting to invade the last corners of the planet that are suitable for human life.
The Earth will still exist. People and animals will either adapt or die off. 20 years from now, we will claim that the Earth will die off in another 20 years or a new ice age is coming. The predictions change as more data is collected and models are updated.
Since I started working for a science organization that collects much of the data that feeds into the climate models, I realized there is so much junk data that feeds into the models themselves. Combining junk data with the lack of understanding that we have over the feedback mechanisms/parameters, most of what is spouted is a sensible answer based on junk inputs/outputs. Junk in - junk out. There is a lot of stovepiping that exists in the "authoritative" organizations that work with the data, and no one wants to ever look into the details. Modelers just take whatever data they can find, and they trust the data source is accurate. It's partially why some organizations are adverse to be audited. Many issues are systemic and invalidate many data sets collected over the past hundred years, but they are still the best ones we really have to work with.
those were there before climate change.
This. We have an easy time predicting the rate of change of climate variables, but a hard time predicting their qualitative effects; the reason being that all we have to predict such effects is previous data, e.g. plugging in old data into models and seeing whether it predicts stuff in the past. This sort of modelling can lead you to all sorts of problems, alongside the fact that correlation is so rarely causation.
based science man, i still think they're at least partially right, but people don't realize how subjectively people can choose to filter noisy data.
The end of the world was heading our way anyway. Now it's just gonna come sooner and that's okay.
>There's basically no point in living or doing anything any more because it's all meaningless now.
you're not alone, i've been thinking like this for about 5 years. really the only hope is if you have some sort of commune and survivalist camp in the wilderness above a high latitude.
those are the people who will best survive, I think. but I can't live like that, so guess I just die....
>a couple hundred feet.
literally flooding where the vast majority of humanity lives, literally flooding most productive agricultural lands.
everyone has to move, billions will *starve*
>The point is life will become so unbearable because of climate change that it isn't worth living anyway.
right, anyone who doesn't starve will be living in Mad Max. the living will envy the dead