Literally every animal can kill us, the only reason we can survive is because we invented the gun. How does it feel knowing we are all fucking weak pathetic creatures?
Humans are fucking weak
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the gun was invented 200,000 years after the emergence of modern homo sapiens
Yup. Also think about it. Humans survived 2 million years before they actually discovered how to make spears.
>the only reason we can survive is
No the reason we can survive is because we have co-operation.
If a monkey gets attacked all his friends escape. If a human gets attacked by a bear his 10 friends with pointy stick will kill that fucker.
You are really fucking stupid. Is pic related you?
Hand size
humans are actually notoriously hard to kill
HANDS, I say
>brainlet calls user stupid when he's too retarded to understand the point
Fine motor skills come at the sacrifice of strength.
I dont fucking care about being able to write I want to fucking crush shit
I'm more curious as to why we are smart. Why? Why the fuck do we have to be this way fuuuuck why the fuck do we have to hate life fuck yoyu fuvreigjrwvgWFYUEWOI why do we have to fucking question shit AND KNOW WE WILL DIE, OR FUCKING INTENTGEHEHEHEHGEHEGERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Every animals has to beg us to survive. Imagine having to be given a little area and us promising not to completely annihilate your species, and the only thing you can do is hope they keep up that promise. Pathetic. Little beta animals.
We have something that other animals don't have: persistence. We are the only species of animals whose hunting method consisted mostly of stalking the prey until their exaustion.
They go to sleep? We were there to keep them awake? Try to eat/drink? Surprise, we got here before you, you can't. Try to get across the canyon? Guess who kust made a trap using that big rock waiting for you pass under it.
We humans are terryfing
The human being is designed to use its brain as its best weapon. A tiger may have claws and teeth, but it's not as smart as a human. Humans can use their brains to deal with the problem instead of needing pure brawn. The two things tend to be inverse of one another, you can only consume so much energy that it has to go to great strength and size or great thinking.
Man making tools and shelter for survival is not weakness, it's our greatest strength in action. All we have built is because we have our brains. It's a great strength that so many people underestimate and do not value, even though it is the seed from which our society truly grew.
Don't worry, a good 3% of humans still turn out to be retarded, and nobody knows why.
Yeah, I've heard horror stories of handgun round failing to kill people. Guys dumping the better part of a magazine into attackers and having to resort to headlocking the guy and braining him. There's some user on Jow Forums that collects those stories.
The "animals can kill humans in the wild" meme is just a lie. Humans have superior hunting and stalking traits, and being predators, we are feared more than we are ever killed. A human with a single big rock is capable of killing anything that moves. We can outrun, outthink, and out-damage anything that moves. Claws and teeth are irrelevant wemhen your opponent can climb a tree, chase you for twenty miles, and fashion a weapon that outclasses your shitty paws with a few minutes and a couple simple materials. You're thinking of le epic "fair fight in a boxing ring no weapons" but only tards care about fairness in a fight. Humans control what the parameters are to their benefit, and then crush whatever they encounter with ease.
>a good 3%
Our weapons are the tools we can build thanks to our brains.
We survived because we're intelligent enough to have cooperation. Smarts build tools, cooperation builds bonds, which builds camps, more people working on tools, more people in the camp, more chance of survival.
There are many more reasons then "Hurr durr weapons technology" as to why humans win.
Hell, if you study it, we basically accidentally metagamed and got everything early.
The main reason I want a nuclear apocalypse that destroys technology is just so people can see just how terrifying humans really are when we are in beast mode. No inhibition, survival instincts cranked up to 200%. Humans become fucking monsters.
not really. we pretty much have the best stamina regeneration in the animal world. combine that with tool use like a long sharp stick, our intelligence and our group mentality and we can kill everything in this world. humans are the super OP.
Chimps developed, sometime in their evolution, a bigger brain that allowed them to quickly identify foes and their positions, allowing them to quickly react and thus survive. As we descend from some of those chimps, we have the same big brain, but through time it started to use it's capacity for communication and less to this foe finding process.
My theory is, that thought is nothing more than an overdeveloped communication, that became self-communication. From there, we started being able to use tools, develop strategies, etc. Our energy and resources was best spent with the smarts then with the raw power, muscle and strength became in a way obsolete, those more intelligent but weak thrived against strong brainlets.
why highlight only a part when they are all retarded including some higher ranks not mentioned
No one mentioned that we're the only animals who can sweat making us able to catch up or run from almost anything
Humans are way tougher than a lot of animals. We can survive broken limbs, mutilations, being cut open to have surgery done, drinking poisons, and a bunch of other crazy stuff.
this basically
You know the terrifying gangly creatures that run super fast and stalk you from behind trees, with big creepy eyes until you tire out? You know those pale shapes moving in the darkness until they kill you and wear your fucking skin? Guess who, baby.
Most animals are like bugs, fish, small mammals and birds. We can kill most animals by stepping on them.
We're some of the few giant animals.
Also somehow our species lived for like 200,000 years without guns and we have had guns for a few hundred years.
Early man could easily survive on fish, small game and wild plants btw.
it was a comparison to koko the gorilla's tested IQ
user, I think you're retarded
koko is better than all of them, the IQ comparison is a bonus
Humans are fucking sick. Also we construct monoliths and literally worship beings from outer space. We truly are Ctulhu.
We survived and became dominant because we can adapt to damn near any environment on the planet and eat pretty much anything. Most animals have limited diets and can't thrive outside their natural habitat. That and our ability to grasp abstract concepts and communicate complex ideas, to formulate strategies and plans.
Also actively seek to end the world and tear rift into reality and let our messiah come.
It all makes sense.
Humans are honestly the scariest types of animal in the world.
>wears other creatures flesh
>hunts other animals for sport
>routinely causes permanent changes to the surrounding landscape with little effort in order to create a place to sleep, eat, or just hang out
>force several types of animals into servitude, shaping their bodies to suit their needs
>ability to mimic the sounds of other animals, with a tool or just their voice
>can survive injuries which are life ending for other animals, with some choosing to have it done to them willingly
>can pacify normally hostile animals through trickery/bribery
>intense desire to expand territory
>extremely distinct appearance, even when compared to other primates
>insanely high intelligence in comparison to other animals
>great at throwing things for long distances
>the whole concept of pursuit predation
>routinely causes permanent changes to the surrounding landscape with little effort
these changes will be shrugged off in a few hundred years.
>hunts other animals for sport
>force several types of animals into servitude, shaping their bodies to suit their needs
to our detriment
>insanely high intelligence in comparison to other animals
such insanely high intelligence that we're the only ones to work hard towards a planet uninhabitable for the few hundred years needed to mark us extinct
we're a degenerate creature and the others wont miss us when we extinct ourselves
Mngh'ah hsst!
You sound like the type of woman i want to hit for being utterly retarded
Do you think he is browsing Jow Forums?
The average adult male could kill most animals if you just gave him a knife. He'd even take down a lion if he was committed enough.
what a worthless post to make
I'm just minding my own business. Going to shop and one of these assholes begins to throw some chips on ground, waving its appendage at me. Bizarre.
We have big brain.
Hooman outsmart dumb animals
How many other vertebrates can recover from a broken leg?
Humans liver in symbiosis with animals that are not weak though. It's not like we're alone.
Its actually because we are the smarter species, clearly OP isn't.
Humans are the last of the genus Homo. Imagine if a new species of the genus homo arrived from space, they're stronger, faster, and smarter and they start the sexual enslavement process of humanity.
Our tactics made us superior you no brain niggermonkey
Your life really is suffering huh?
>rule over entire planet
>>lmao how are humans so weak?
quit bein a dummy OP
are you retarded cunt. Have you seen a fucking Islander. Their like 6'5 hairless gorillas. I'm pretty sure one could fuck up 99% of the animal kingdom
>Humans have superior hunting and stalking traits
>stalking traits
I stalk the social profiles of people I know irl. Us humans are truly something else huh
We hunted down mammoths ffs shut the fuck up.
Man humans are OP af even without the intelligence
>tall posture
>semi ranged blunt attack
>great arboreal AND land movement
>social structure
>great vision
sweating is probably the biggest advantage. There physically can be no animal better at endurance running than humans
Give me a katana and some light armor and Ill kill that chimp
can't tell if you are a drooling retard or not.
We had weapons before guns you stupid ape.
>We invented the gun
No. Europeans invented the gun. Europeans have created the world people see around them today. Be grateful to the master race.
Well yahh but rest of us invented you pigs.
Humans are extremely effective and hard throwers. This is an extremely useful advantage.
I would tank your first blow, den kill you with his ape fist.
Are you a bigger? Holy shit you're dumb.
Mfw there are more retards than virgins in the world
This nigga's jealous of chimps
Ive been practicing Bokke. Since I was a kid I have the accuracy to cut a leaf in half followed by enough force to swi g a home run. A real katana can slice through leather bone and flesh pretty easily youre a moron if you think it would tank one of my hits kek
On the contrary OP, we're so fucking strong our power is locked away like some anime shit. Hysterical strength. When your body is pumping as much adrenaline as possible you are then and only then at full strength. Back in 2013, two teenage girls lifted a whole fucking tracter to save their father underneath, back in 2011, some dude lifted a 3500lb car off of a man. No other animal could ever pull this off. The issue is our own strength damages our muscles, and 100% strength is enough to permanently destroy your muscles and possible tendons.
Also, humans are endurance hunters. Back when all of humanity was in africa, we would chase gazelle for miles until they could no longer move before killing them.
Humans are insanely strong, its just that they arent teaching you about adrenaline in 7th grade science OP.
I want a chimp penis inside of me.
Imagine missing the point of the OP.
Yes, brains is the reason we live. But a good majority of peoples brain can not kill a bear or a tiger. Or a chimp.
So much HUMANS ROCK!!! retards ITT
Also, a good majority of animals are way smarter than us. How are you people so retarded?
>Imagine missing the point of the OP.
>Also, a good majority of animals are way smarter than us
Because humans attack in large gangs
>Can not come up with an argument
You lost.
>make baseless insane assertions
>cannot back them up in any way shape or form
>made fun of
>eheh y-y-you lost!!!11
>Uses memes to counter
>Gets triggered when asked to use actual points
find me another animal that can do this.
what a fucking embarassment
shut the fuck up both of you kids
I'm interested in your viewpoint user. Could you explain?
Jamie, Jamie pull that up
those things will tear you apart!
humans can use endurance hunting to kill fucking cheetas of all things
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>shrugged off in a few hundred years
I fail to see how a huge cityscape like new york city will be simply reclaimed by nature.