It's only become a recent thing in western societies.
Meanwhile thousands of previous human cultures's beauty standards have only had FACE as the primary factor of attraction for males.
It's akin to a status symbol like lip plates people get africa.
Why is height so overrated?
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This comic was way too long. Only the last 6 panels were necessary.
women in general are overrated. better off ignoring them and focusing on yourself instead of dedicating your life for the sake of another.
>women in general are overrated.
And yet you were born by one.
Imagine what kind if loser you have to be if you got born by a WOMAN lmao
It's not a thing outside of Jow Forums memes.
Funny since alot Jow Forumsfags are facelets
Being tall is good but it's effects are overstated.
Same goes with being a "manlet". It only really severely effects you when you start getting really below average.
Facial features will always be #1 and as you said they're universal in every human society ever.
Women say they want tall guys but women say a lot of things and generally don't actually know what they want out of a person.
Because it's a recent trend and something they can show off to their friends.
They'll still drop their panties for a average height Chad regardless
>Meanwhile thousands of previous human cultures's beauty standards have only had FACE as the primary factor of attraction for males.
that's just not true, heroes in old stories and poems have always been described as tall
Yes but that was more to appeal to men's ideal of view masculinity.
Masculinity =/= attractive.
Women also want a "good conversationalist" while having no clue what that entails.
the premise of this comic is pretty stupid, if he can afford to leg lengthen he can afford a jaw implant etc.
Roastie rating. Starting from top left:
8, 6, 7, 6, 8
7, 7, 9, 4
6, 6, 6
9, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5
8, 6, 7
7, 7
6, 8, 7
6, 6, 8
6, 8, 3
6, 5, 6
If you think these are facelets this is probably why you will be alone forever. Anything 6 and up is fine with a lot of women.
They also had small penises.
Most these guys are 4 or below.
No, they really arent though. Anything under a 5 is haggard, hygiene related or deformed.
A lot of their heads are too small for their bodies.
The helicopter thing was funny.
>Just take a shower bro
Legit subhuman here
They just want somebody that can make them laugh and feel sexy and provide emotional support. If they knew how to do that they wouldn't need a man to do it for them. Just like if most guys could suck their own dicks the urgency to find a gf would drop dramatically in the male population.
So when girls say they want x or y they're mostly guessing based on previous relationships or what they see in their friends' relationships, sometimes they even do what robots do and base their expectations on movies and TV, which is why they can be so ludicrous at times.
Nothing you can do when you're born looking like Biker Gang Member #3 who gets knocked out by a pool cue in the opening dive bar fight scene.
I dont think you understand. Youre judging makes based off of how YOU would want to look, not who you would want to fuck. Its a biased opinion because you will naturally be more critical of yourself with your confidence issues and therefore critical of people of your same gender. Its the same reason other women rate eachother so poorly, because it all comes down to self reflection and your own personal insecurities.
Height is overrated since the vast majority of incels arent actually white (unless you count amerimutts).
isnt the average height of spics and asians like 5 foot 8 lmao
Pretty sure its a recent status thing for roasties to show off to their friends. I know a lot of lanklets who cannot get laid. I dont think women like super tall guys especially if they are skinny. Only tall dudes who are built like tanks seem to get laid.
Short answer is very short minded guys hear one thing and assume that -one- thing is what in their way of getting a gf. When the reality is it's a lot more complicated and have more gambling in the mix than they understand.
Gambling for a guy? So nasty hot guys are only good if they have money, got it.
Average world height is 5'7" with Burger land being 5' 9" also when data was gathered about girls attractions to height in 2011,2015 and 2018 the data showed they found height attractive that was 2 to 3 inches talker than them, so if you are 5'7 and find a girl that is 5'5 you height won't be what fails it unless they just have a fetish.
Women like to get raped too.
lifting for guys is like make up for women.
its just basically a gender specific arms race. but you should stay in shape you fat NEETs
Not really. Lifting doesn't affect your face if you're a low BF lanklet. You're stuck looking like an uggo, but with muscles.
and that's somehow worse than looking like an an uggo lanket with no muscles?
i mean fuck. just look at blackops2 incel. If he put on a little muscle he'd probably slay with at least above average girls.
I get(hope) you are joking but I was meaning more in the dating mix.
It's like buying a new computer. You are told a price to buy it and you save up for it. Maybe you stole to to get the money, or begged for it, or just did what almost everyone else did and just work up the money for it, but you get it saved up ready for that day you go buy your new PC.
You go to an electronic store pick out the PC and go to the counter and the cashier takes the PC away and says "Sorry, you can't buy a PC here" in anger you ask "why not" she looks at you and goes "because we just don't want to sell it, at least not to you" You get upset call for management and they say the same thing as the cashier, so you get angry, throw colorful words and gestures at the workers, and swear off the store and go to the nearest hypermarket chain to get that new PC.
You take the extra time to drive up there, pick out the model you want, wait in line pay the cashier and she says "Thank you but you can't have the PC" Now at this point you are seeing red, you just paid for this expensive item and they took your money but refused to give you the item, so you get everyone involved, from the corporate manager to the local police and no one is siding with you, all thinking it's completely fine what just happen to you. Now on the verge of screaming you catch something that might just push you into going feral, some dumb looking fuck in line just pulled a wad of dollars, pennies, lint, and what might be candy out of his pocket and drop it on the cashiers counter and they give him that very PC you wanted with a smile. "Why does he get it?" Because they just thought he should. "But he didn't pay the price!" that's fine, we weren't sure if that was a good price anyway. And now you are being hauled off for attacking the cashier and everyone is looking at you like you are some sick monster for losing your mind over all that time and money lost.
And that my anons is what we call dating
>Men are consumer products
You're telling me you hope i'm joking? You need two mirrors, one to punch and one to look at when you jump off a cliff.
Pretty sure user was talking about dating in general
It feels like he's a third party who has no idea what your conversation is about, since he's just being an incel. The PC is women, specifically their pussies, not men, in his analogy.
it's more that fact that dating is random. That there is no system like other things in our life. From a pack of gum to a music concert there is an order of operation to get what you want. But someone to love you? On any level? There is no system. It's completely random, so height/fit/wealth alone won't get you any better chances and even all three might fail you out because there is no true order of operation to it.