Women, fembots, or femanons of Jow Forums, what do you think about incels, or male virgins past the age of 20? Do you think they're pathetic and need to kill themselves? Or you do not care about male virginity as much?
Women, fembots, or femanons of Jow Forums, what do you think about incels, or male virgins past the age of 20...
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as a trucel femanon i think incels need to cope harder, try ALLAH, or buy a guy
>t.femanon trufemcel
Listen, man.
I. It's really fine with me. More than fine actually. It means that there is something with you that makes it less likely for you to just follow your instinct and express it wildly.
I think lots of girls could appreciate you for being virgin at that age and especially if you happen to be at least average. Might be bit bitter sweet but one you'd go and commit the deed with would probably appreciate it. Not that you could prove it but if she believes it.
>older than 20
Now rate 32.
>male virgins
Which one? Two very different things.
It'll make me look out harder for any red signs - like if he's just socially awkward or looks like he had a bad time in life, that's okay I can sympathize - but there's lots of guys who remain virgins solely because they're awful people.
And to me that is what an incel is, a guy who chooses to opt out of self-improvement, and instead delusionally resents women, men, the world.
Could be pretty much the same deal.
It's really incredible that you somehow managed to stay virgin that long. Given that it's like if your crotch is like on fire 24/7. I think it just means you got some bigger complications. Same goes for 40. After that it's just that maybe you are asexual.
>Do you think they're pathetic and need to kill themselves?
No. I mean I think it's sad but I don't feel any hostility towards them. I wish them the best.
I work out and have been making great progress in life, with some setbacks, as well as feeling that I live in a black hole.
Despite my advancements I still hate everything, you must accept this.
>it just means you got some bigger complications
I think that goes without saying sadly, theres no way to find a woman willing to deal with them despite them not being that severe but exaggerated over time (extreme introvert, rejecting social contact and such), even finding people online to connect with ends as soon as they realise that /nofriends/ is not just an r9k meme.
You just got to take a leap, user.
Both, just want opinion on both, they're so much stigma on male virgins because they all think there insane killer evil men, but really they just wanna find love but no one really likes them.
>there's lots of guys who remain virgins solely because they're awful people.
No. Being an awful person helps you get laid.
>First, and in line with prior research, we find that there is a strong positive association between sex partners and antisocial behavior.
Nice guys unironically finish last.
There's no such stigma on male virgins you mong. Only incels.
Incels are awful people so how come they don't get laid?
>I think lots of girls could appreciate you for being virgin at that age and especially if you happen to be at least average.
I knew fembots are here for a reason, but I didn't know they were this out of touch with reality.
Did you read that in cosmo?
Life is a little more complex.
Nah, it's true. At least in Eastern Europe.
1. Many incels are probably not as awful as you think- it sounds like you are painting with a broad brush.
2. Even the ones who engage in anti-social or violent behavior probably have other traits that are undesirable, like social awkwardness or ugliness.
>Eastern Europe.
That explains it.
Any of you guys look like this? I know I do, are we a doomed breed?
How old are you? Have you met many of these over20 year old virgins?
Magical land where women are manly. Men are manly. All is shit and everything sucks. + cold.
My fiance was a virgin until age 21. I don't think he was pathetic or needed to kill himself - that's usually the type of attitude keeping guys incel in the first place. I don't "care about male virginity" either, in the same way that I don't care about female virginity. Expecting anyone to give a fuck about your (lack of) sex life is childish.
Many incel-type guys I've come across IRL or online have just been...depressing really, if not downright unpleasant (usually mentally and physically). Many however just need to lower their expectations of others and raise their expectations of themselves.
tl;dr I think most incels are normal guys who could definitely don't have to be virgins/perma-dry. No disgust, no pity.
Incels and 20+ virgins are two very different things.
People who legitimately identify as incels and blame society overall with no regard to their own issues are actual scum.
Don't get me wrong, society is fucked up and I absolutely hate the culture that's developed around relationships in general, but there's always improvement that can be done on your own part. Legit everyone can find someone, it just takes effort. Half the "incels" that post around here don't even want a relationship, they want a person to fuck and support them with no work on their part. It's kind of egotistical.
I really don't give a shit if a guy is a virgin, even if he's 30+. It's not going to discourage me or anything if I find them interesting.
These dudes gotta grow longer arms or use a selfie stick or something. The camera's way too close.
>Many however just need to lower their expectations of others and raise their expectations of themselves.
That's a unique way of putting it.
Incels would suffer less if we stopped defining ourselves via our lack of a sex life, but you cannot deny that we are judged by other people in certain ways.
Not everyone is like that, but there is definitely an element of society (this element is diverse in itself) that despises incels and anything of the men-not-fitting-in variety.
I meant more that eastern Europe doesn't have the north American lifestyle because everyone still has religious parents.
You idiots need to realize that the current situation isn't some grand conspiracy by feminists that has only taken hold in the last 50 years, it is literally how evolution has always worked. You have shit genes, therefore you don't breed. Anything else is a perversion of nature. Learn to be content with anime girls.
>t. 35 year old khv lesbian
Life is a cruel beast. But men get a high off of being that fucking guy to finally climb the mountain. I'm not sure if women see life in that sense, but I pity them if they don't.
I feel like a badass when I finally complete tasks that have taken me years or my whole life to do.
I don't think they are shotgun to neck religious as in America. It's hard to say since neither one of us really knows what it is like on the other side of globe.
Maybe male virgins are not shamed as much here as they are in America. Maybe that is the difference.
People in eastern Europe may not be aggressively religious like in the states, but there are places in eastern Europe where it's still common practice to check the bride's bedsheets for blood to make sure she was a virgin. It's definitely very different from NA.
And before anyone gets mad, no I'm not a poltard who thinks everyone should have to be a virgin before marriage, I was just giving an example of how eastern Europe is very different.
Incels who are mostly full of hate and other negative feelings are repulsive human beings. Idc if a guy is a virgin if he's a good person at heart. I also was a virgin until my 20s and got together in a relationship with a virgin boy.
how do I meet these sympathetic girls?
so you are making assumtions without knowing acutal incels, this is just what you believe.
What if a guy (who is a good person at heart) is a virgin but doesn't want to be? I.e. he wants to lose his virginity?
Sure. Everyone is judged by everyone for something - even Chads are judged negatively at times. Why let what others think of you become the sum of who you are?
im a late 20s virgin. i made a tinder, got matches, some ugly, some cute, got a couple girls numbers. i ghosted them all because i just didn't feel like putting in any more effort, but i know i could have fucked them if i really wanted to. the truth is im pretty good at faking a personality, its pathetically easy for me, i just find the effort annoying. under that bullshit personality im just a douchebag, but you wouldn't know it unless you really got to know me.
so yea i'm not hideous. you'd never know i was a virgin if you met me and no one other than people close to me know about it. it's easy to blend in if you aren't an idiot, and you think you're good at detecting a bullshit personality but in my experience most people aren't because i fool them all the time.
Nah, I was talking about a specific type of incels that exist and that I had witnessed.
That's okay. I don't see anything negative in that. Obviously if you want something then you need to work on it.
>That's okay. I don't see anything negative in that.
But a lot of guys who identify with the incel label use it to mean exactly that, and nothing more.
celibate = virgin
involuntary = doesn't want to be a virgin
involuntary celibate
Maybe you are also associating the term with a certain philosophy about women?
>Just get stronger, richer, and develop more personality and the girls will be all over you
Lmfao, just world fallacy sure is great.
I know there are many different kinds of men that identify as incels, I was only talking about the ones that are very consumed by their negative emotions which makes them act terrible towards other people.
>Legit everyone can find someone, it just takes effort
this is straight up false for a number of reasons, for starters the sex ratio in humans is not even equal. you are believing in fairy tales
i remember in highschool the only people who made fun of me for being a virgin were girls. all guys, even the two chads, were really supportive, and gave me advice, granted, it was that "just be yourself bro, and they will eventually come to you" bullshit, but they actually wanted to help. the girls that didnt make fun of me sometimes said "you are really cute and funny user, i dont understand how you dont have a girlfriend", which was actually quite hurtful because it showed that i had potential that i could not use. 18 (19 in a few days), still KV
i would not consider dating a guy who was used goods. i'm too insecure, jealous, possessive etc to date a guy who wasn't a khhv like myself
Blackpills already believe this. It's just that we were bullshitted that we were worth something. If we were told we were fucked beforehand we wouldn't be bitter about it. I accepted myself but it took me a lot of willpower to kill my own desires, if I was told I didn't have a chance I woluldn't have had them in the first place.
i have this insane secret fetish for them. for cute nervous nerdy boys who never talk to anyone and come home immediately after school/work to start working on their introvert hobbies as they live their private lives tucked away.
i wonder what these boys' rooms smell like. their scent. sometimes i want to sniff their dirty cum-stained boxers that they hide in the bottom of their laundry hampers.
these boys who shyly masturbate at their computer.. i wonder what they fantasise about and what they seek pleasure from. i want to watch them touch themselves.
i want to catch one doing something he shouldn't be doing and blackmail him into showing me this world of his. to force him to show me how he masturbates and the sounds and expressions he makes.
i want to keep them as pets and use their built up depravity against them. to possess them. control them.
i want to own their shame.
I literally wouldn't care about the virginity itself, but it would make me suspicious that something was wrong if he was older than 25 or so (younger is not that unusual). If he was honest about his flaws and wasn't hiding some kind of mental disorder or other huge dealbreaker, and was otherwise a good person, everything would be fine.
What's the difference then? I hate it when normalkikes want to shove them into the same category.
bump for this thread to see where it goes
you dont just say that, you have to leave means of contact
I look like this but also SEA in the US, so the ol' double whammy