Why dont incels just focus less on sex, and more on religion and philosophy, and become monks?
You get to wear pretty cool robes and people automatically have to respect you.
Why dont incels just focus less on sex, and more on religion and philosophy, and become monks?
You get to wear pretty cool robes and people automatically have to respect you.
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did i mention donuts?
>Why dont incels just focus less on sex, and more on religion and philosophy, and become monks?
Or invent shit like Tesla or Newton? Probably because it takes actual effort and dedication
Just become a monk bro!!!
Because they're slaves to Satan. He feeds off their despair and semen.
They are addicted to masturbation and too weak to save themselves, but refuse to ask Jesus Christ for help because they resent God for the problems Satan has plagued them with.
>Focus less on sex
So like, literally fight our DNA and biological drive that's been around for the entirety of human existence? Is there switch behind the ear that I never knew was there?
Good plan.
Because it would be incredibly boring. You have to stay there and meditate. Meditation is the fucking worst. You sit around and do nothing but self analyze. I don't need anymore self analysis thanks. I know I'm a fucking loser.
Become like aggressive muslim monkies ? No thanks
meditation is the literal opposite of self analysis
Because i'm a lazy asshole.
I don't think that's true. Mediation is allowing space and time for the mind to bring to the surface any and all deep thoughts. Once they surface, you can then observe and understand them, and are free to figure out how to proceed (let the thoughts be, fix the things that cause these thoughts, be happy with the thoughts, etc.)
>Why dont incels just focus less on sex
i dunno. biology?
Probably because you have to have a high IQ to do any sort of meaningful inventing, unless you just fuck around and do something cool by accident. Other than that yeah, stop focusing on sex.
Last time I checked monks are pretty much on the level of fairy tale (nonexistent) in my country.
Is that worse than your current lifestyle?
>So like, literally fight our DNA and biological drive that's been around for the entirety of human existence?
Biology isn't an excuse to limit yourself. You have some sense of restraint and hold it in when you need to shit, right?
Anyways, I've been winning. Why don't you stop craving the fulfillment of carnal desires?
Oh that's right, to pity yourself - since you won't get it any time soon. Self-pity is why you're here, after all.
You get to bask within the like-minded sorrows of others and indulge in your own state of affairs by proxy.
An awful lot of self-indulgence for a subject that's depressingly base and carnal.
Objectively speaking? Yes. I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't
Do you come here to jerk yourself off, or in the hope that others will jerk you off?
I tried to not think for as long as i can and held for 2 days.
It wasn't enjoyable but I'd still call it an interesting experience. Helped me to get out of apathy.
Also there are no "monks" in the western world who can get food just for sitting in one place and doing nothing so you still have to get a job if you want to do nothing as a hobby
I have a very low sex drive so my perpetual sexlessness doesnt eat me up like it used to, but I still hate women and want them dead and I still think all monk-mode volcels are just loser incels in denial
I don't need the gratification of others.
I came here to laugh at you.
>what do you mean lose weight? eating is a part of our dna lol great idea buddy
That's not even true anymore. Modern monasteries are decked out with WiFi and smart tech, have iPads etc. At least the ones nearby me do.
It's always to jerk themselves off. It's like the guy promoting veganism. He doesn't care about changing people's minds, he cares about looking smarter or more "moral" than we are.
Still, it is fun to argue with retards.
I'm too high T to become asexual.
Then what do they do? Just walk around bald in robes?
Depends on your station. There are people whose duty is to travel abroad, people who tend to the garden and local chores, people who learn trades to market their wares, people who teach, do repairs... It's really fucking busy.
How is that different than just regular people? What special "monk thing" do they do that make them a monk?
Attending church every day, taking vows, sermonizing, inducting novitiates, etc. Monasteries have always been very active communities.
You're damn right I don't care about changing minds because I'm not your fucking parent.
Here is one of my favorite scenes from "American Psycho". youtu.be
Go change your own diapers and fix your own shit, instead of trying to fight a losing battle.
They can't because they are
>American Psycho
Lol you like jerking off to the mirror huh fag? That's pretty gay.
Monks have churches? What kind of monks is this? Most monks I've heard about are mostly into self reflection than any other external things.
What the fuck does something like that have to do with the film, or anything I've said at all?
The Catholic kind? Franciscans here. And yes there's plenty of that but i think you're caught up in the strict depictions of ascetism that aren't really commonplace anymore. However I'm sure if you prefer a life of solitude they'll accommodate for you.
Like the main character of American Psycho, you get off by looking at yourself. Pretty easy to understand. I guess you're not as smart as you thought
Huh I never know Catholics had monks. That sounds terrible, why would I become a monk after telling me that? When I think monks I think of what OP posted. Usually eastern bald men with robes meditating.
>Didn't know Catholics had monks
Excuse me what the fuck
>That sounds terrible
I just said you can basically do whatever as long as you help the community but okay
When I think Catholics I think priests, nuns, the pope and pedos.
As someone that's done the isolation meme, no thanks. Isolation fucking sucked.
I have no interest in the monk life because I eventually want to reproduce
>Huh I never know Catholics had monks
Dear Lord. Monks are most commonly associated with Catholic and Orthodox Christianity. Monasticism is literally one of the most important parts of Catholicism.
>When I think monks I think of what OP posted. Usually eastern bald men with robes meditating.
You are thinking of Buddhist and Hindu monks.
The English word monk originally referred to Christian (Catholic and Orthodox) monks.
It is not a carnal desire to want to produce children and build a legacy
>Huh I never know Catholics had monks
>When I think Catholics I think priests, nuns, the pope and pedos.
Male monks and female nuns. Honestly, I am a protestant, but old school Catholicism and Catholic philosophy is fascinating.
Not religious so I have no clue about how any of your cults work. Catholics have too many pedos tho.
I mean, that's kind of what I did. But it seems God may have other plans for me...
Do you have to be religious to know basic facts about Catholicism now? Also there are pedos and gays in any sort of priesthood.
believe it or not I'm actually going to stay at a Benedictine monastery this weekend.
>Do you have to be religious to know basic facts about Catholicism now?
Yep. Especially if you were raised by atheists.
>>Also there are pedos and gays in any sort of priesthood.
Are pedos and gays the same thing to you idiots?
Catholics have openly supported pedo priests and refused to prosecute them until the new pope came along. Justify that.
one thing I've noticed though is that the younger monks are way more conservative and more aggressive against the older more 'liberal' clergy, who they blame for the pedo shenanigans.
did this with the philosophy of "one will eventually come". one did come and i got bored almost immediately
this is why you are an incel loser
>So like, literally fight our DNA and biological drive that's been around for the entirety of human existence?
Sure, he was a narcissist - but he also wanted to conform to culture. This is explicitly emphasized by the main character when he said he just wanted to "fit in". Bateman's identity is simply just a performative commodity made to reflect the culture he wants to conform to. There is no "real" Patrick Bateman, because he simply sold himself out. All that remains is some abstraction that he'll attempt to live up to - when Patrick Bateman himself could be anyone else
The TL;DR on this (since I assume you'll need it) is that Bateman can't get off to himself in the mirror because he's just getting off to yuppie culture, because he's conformity's bitch.
Assuming you're actually aware of how important conformity is to Bateman, then that should draw a line between me and him.
That's because of what I stated earlier, about the fact that I don't need gratification from others.
To remark upon your reply though, thank you for stating such an obvious and shallow fact while having said nothing of substantial value.
Maybe you could tell me more about the film when you actually watch more than just some clips on You - [Tube] (Broadcast yourself).
The movie's on Netflix, and I can bet that Daddy NEETbux covers your subscription.
Dude. I don't care enough to read your giant paragraph of retardation. Summarize it to less than 20 words dumbass.
its far more psychological than you think, tard.
This is the problem with retards like you. You watch a movie, then watch a YouTube video on philosophy and think you're smart. Take this garbage to your into to philosophy class faggot.
fucking fool. I'll say it once again. "incels' are just failed normies. They lack the higher values to see any meaning outside the material world. They are defect normies. Thats all.
I already wrote a summary in the post.
>The TL;DR on this (since I assume you'll need it) is that Bateman can't get off to himself in the mirror because he's just getting off to yuppie culture, because he's conformity's bitch.
Nice reading comprehension, you fucking moron.
At least this post can respond to the last thing I wrote.
No though, I didn't watch some philosophy video on YouTube. I also don't attend philosophy class because that's a major waste of limited resources.
All I did was watch the movie, then I made up my own mind. Maybe it helped to be familiar with the book it's based on, or having read other books by Bret Easton Ellis.
...did this post actually address anything I had to say about the character himself? Nope, so I might still be replying to the same guy. It's hard to tell the difference because sexually compulsive drones are all too alike.
Hey look, I found a picture of you online. A picture really does say a thousand words.
IQ not high enough.
Put the tldr at the beginning then retard. I'm not gonna go through your inane rambling to get to it.
A picture can say more than you ever will, that's for sure.
>Put the tldr at the beginning then retard.
That's unheard of.
This is what it looks like when people are dependent on instant gratification, which is what porn addicts struggle with...
My post isn't even that long, yet you still asked for a TL;DR which was already fucking there. Get your reading comprehension checked.
You won't read my "inane rambling", but you'll keep re-posting shitty edits and reading/making meaningless posts, right?
Whatever though, because I wasn't expecting much from users like you.
Yup I don't need to use words to engage retards like you. That's how smart I am.
So what difference would one more make? Go ahead, user.
I really hope one of your children gets raped by a Catholic pedo priest.
Yeah instead you re-post shitty memes that have nothing to do with the topic at hand, because you're apparently not smart enough to reciprocate in conversation. All you can hope to do is detract from one.
That's how smart you are.
I wonder how you'd settle shit in-person. Would you pull out your phone and shove some epic funny re-posted meme into someone's face, or would you start making faces and noises yourself?
It's hard to imagine you trying to participate in a conversation without you shutting down while avoiding eye-contact, because you seem like a typically dysfunctional sort.
This got boring a long while ago, and you've done nothing remotely challenging. I think your example alone is evidence that would support several of the notions I made.
It wouldn't feel right to keep drip-feeding you some unearned (You)'s. You're just stupid - and saying that once is already enough because of the fucking moronic things you'd post.
The only other thing I have left to wonder about is what you said here: >Still, it is fun to argue with retards.
Where were your fucking arguments? You haven't made a single tangible point over the span of three fucking hours.
Who the fuck are you to call ANYONE retarded, when you tried to ask for a TL;DR (which was already there) in a post that didn't even hit Jow Forums's character limit?
You've got spooge for brains.
>It's fun to argue with retards.
That's the thing retard. I don't have to say anything but call you a retard for you to get all riled up.
Incels are cult themselves.
That isn't an argument at all though.