Big beats are the best, get high all the time edition
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Plump's taken on a new role in life
I'm first wahey
Long live anti-Plump posters
>no mention of Crona for 2 days running
/britfeel/ still as transphobic as ever I see.
apparently france beat usa at basketball, but I can't tell the teams apart, they're both west african
Crona was literally mentioned in the previous thread
If memory serves I called him a spakka just yesterday
They also both speak languages I can't understand.
at post no. five four three five eight four two seven:
we don't care about you, crona
nice manifesto de lad
Rude. Im only trying to give you a more realistic idea of your intelligence lad. Genetics did you over not me.
Its crona talking about himself though
*.hammers sign post into ground*
All this "Crona is a nonce" talk can stop as well, they moved on from Jow Forums forever as result of this
You're acting like this result is a negative
Chika looking at his distinction in BTEC business studies and applying to mensa
I have said for the third time now that I dont think I have a high IQ. Now shut up
Im glad you have gone against your claims from yesterday, are you also willing to admit that you are likely of below average intelligence?
Good stuff Bazza.
Bit of a noncey image to attach to your post lad, sort yourself out
Ahem, er lad
Down with this sort of thing, lads.
Undercut just without any sideburns lad, I always hear people refer to it as the Peaky Blinders fade but a fade is like this where it's not fully shaved, his is but it just falls onto the side sometimes. Never do a fade yourself, all the way or none at all.
I've had a really nice day today, hope you lads have too :)
Any of you watched Money Heist? I just finished season 1. It started off pretty good but I soon had to turn my brain off when most of the characters started going full retard, especially Tokyo and Rio. I liked the Professor and Berlin a lot. It was pretty enjoyable but it's no Release the Spyce, I don't know if it's worth downloading the next season or not desu.
Cheers pal, its been alright going to have a spliff in a bit and play some more Judgement
I need to lick that tummy. Lick lick lick.
>haha these drawings of naked, sexualised ten year olds is c-c-cute! C-C-CUTE! y-y-y your the n-nonce
Fucking state of that lad
This is the perfect bodytype, I'd fuck her.
when i was younger i used to be really delusional and think nearly every girl fancied me
Lovely stuff, I am also in the process of having a spliff, making a brew and getting into a pack of Jaffas.
What do you think of Judgement so far? I've always wanted to venture into the Yakuza games (even though Judgement is described as a Spiritual Successor) Is it any good?
When did you guys last wank
I have a question for those who want to lower the age of consent or think there should be a discussion about it. What is your favourite condiment?
Not him but Judgment is great, all the Yakuza games are worth a play and it's a good place to start to get a feel for it all. Obviously Yakuza has less of the investigation stuff, and more side games.
I can't. im on pregabalin.
about 15 minutes ago, always have one before dinner
About 3 weeks ago lad I think, really depressed.
About 7 or 8 hours ago
Last night, I'm on Sertraline so it takes longer but through sheer persistence I'm still able to reach the summit.
I still think like this lad. Even though I am ugly. Weird. I flip between thinking they fancy me and they are repulsed by me.
A few days ago senpai
Tartare sauce, havent had it for years but got a jar the other day and I cant stop putting it on things now
Hi, brainlet here. I'm watching Saving Private Ryan and it's right at the end. Still when they say someone's name, unless it's like two characters I still have no idea who is who and have troubles differentiating them all. How do you my fellow brainlets deal with struggles like this? Don't even get me started on Japanese films, it's pointless unless they have a big bright haircut.
Thanks. That'll be my base then. I'm going to add some ingredients, put it in little tubs and make a Gentleman's Relish ripoff called "The Nonce's Relish". I have high hopes that it will sell well. Tell your weird discord friends!
A white chav might call you a paki in the street, but a white manager will send a polite email saying "sorry but due to the high volume of applicants we wont be taking your application further "
Just because some paki smiles at you in a ship, doesn't meant he isnt looking down on you as an inferior infidel
I dont do discord, I'm a straight nonce, not a bent one
>why yes, I do live my life according to the ramblings of a schizophrenic desert warlord from hundreds of years ago
>tfw when born with severe hypospadias
>tfw undescended testes
>tfw late and very short puberty
>tfw hermaphrodite
No prizes for guessing what you wanked towrong un
haha Chika posted child rape xD
>channel I am subscribed to puts out a video trying to make the topic of the channel relevant to the anniversary of 9/11
>Post a comment about how they're exploiting 9/11
>32 upvotes in an hour and the top rated comment on the video
Yeah, the Christian version of Jesus is a nutjob
I thought you'd be on the side of the 9/11 terrorists
I just want to screw up the status quo, ain't that what terrorism really is?
He is simply to thick to realise he is fucked in the head lad
Gotcha Poley, explain your way out of this one lad.
Poley lad, would you consider yourself intelligent?
I'm not giving Christianity a pass either, don't you worry. A more important question is what EXACTLY did you mean by referring to little children as 'cunny'?
You better not piss me off lads
Didn't say anything about killing people/committing acts of violence
What I said was more along the lines of "REAL terrorists aren't the ones from 9/11 but shitposters like me"
What did Jesus mean by that?
Somewhere between street and academically smart but not either
Aye I enjoyed it but I never made it through the second season. Are you watching it in English or Spanish? The English dubs are wonky as fug, put me right off but I might try and rewatch the series again. Pretty sure all seasons are on Netflix if you have it
How are my lids doing today??
>American women
Excuse me while I laugh.
You terrorise fucking children you vile noncecase.
Got called out for browsing Jow Forums at work. Had to pretend it was a Jow Forums subreddit.
Sorry guys.
Why do stupid people get angry so easily?
Been not too badish actually. Managed to get straight out of bed with no bad feelings. \o/
Hope your tomorrow's as nice as your today was
i use subtitles to help with this
Need a greentext to decide whether to feel offended. In my head some 20something woman saw and was like "Um, EXCUSE ME?! But you are actually an incel and actually disgusting actually."
Yeah, I see myself as Christian, or at least trying to be, not that I attend mass or anything, was baptised Methodist as a bairn.
Have you seen the Poleaboo truth blog Moni? Theyve archived some of the posts you accidentally deleted or edited over the years!
I already do that for American accents, I watched it on sky though and their subtitles are fucking garbage.
>how are you able to detect who it is just going by anonymous posts
Janitors / moderators can see the following:
>IP, unique poster ID, your browser info, posting location if you're on mobile, previous posts, a link to your facebook/linkedin profiles if you're logged in in the same browser, your browsing history in that browser for the day.
>browsing /tv/
>guy comes in to talk to someone else
>my back is to him
>he exclaims "are you on Jow Forums?!"
>"uh no" I ctrl+t to a new tab
>he laughs
>"but I thought it was blocked"
>say "yeah nah I wouldn't browse Jow Forums at work"
>he shakes his head with a laugh again
>"it was uh, reddit, the Jow Forums subreddit"
>then he goes back to talking to the other guy who had no idea what that conversation was about
After much deliberation lads, I have decided that jerky is better than biltong
I hope so too lad, I hope so too...
Watching this film 'Elysium' now and I don't get it. So it's modern day America with a circle in the sky?
>Janitors / moderators can see the following:
>IP, unique poster ID, your browser info, posting location if you're on mobile, previous posts, a link to your facebook/linkedin profiles if you're logged in in the same browser, your browsing history in that browser for the day.
>My family are back from Pakistan and I'm considering going there when the next opportunity arises. I'm also considering adopting the Islamic faith, the guy at work who has been the nicest and most real with me is also a dedicated Muslim, so there must be something to this.
a person is being nice-ish to me, it must be because he's a muslim! so i'll become a muslim again and then i'll get friends! never mind that muslims will happily stone me, throw me off tower blocks and drop 300lb concrete blocks on my head for being a gay transvestite! what could go wrong?
>I want to make it clear that I'm for a serious relationship and not casual sex and not keen for sex before marriage
I watched it in Spanish, I don't like dubs much although the subs I used weren't great quality either, don't have netflix so I just downloaded it all. I'm thinking of giving Carnival Row a watch instead since it intrigued me when I heard of it, I expect it'll be mostly style without much substance to the plot though, the setting just seems cool.
Retarded >I want to make it clear that I'm for a serious relationship and not casual sex and not keen for sex before marriage
What I wanted to asked was how do I respond to this? It sounds great personally
muslim (brown middle eastern man) dude gave me a lift on uber, had a chat about drugs and its effects on yourself, your loved ones and the community. Havent touched a pill since
Kek Sony Movie Channel has the audacity to put on the film "Bomb at 10:10" on 9/11 haha
*shakes larp jar*
2 quid because it was so shitty and boring.
Imagine if you was able to see your total number of hours spent on Jow Forums and YouTube
It would absolutely depress me
I think Poleys familys repeated attempts to get him to go to Pakistan are so they can have him quietly honour killed
>those breasts
Nonce hunters really are the biggest spastics around aren't they
Isnt that a shota?
Shippy lad let go of your hatred
Ever heard of cookies?
No, what are they?
Do people actually spend a lot of time on YouTube? I've never really used it much myself. Do they only follow certain people on it or just watch anything?
any user's got shitty paying jobs? 27 y/o with chem degree here, only earning 24k outside of London and feeling pretty shitty as a girl I'm seeing just started to earn 40k.
Is it to late for me to change career? Thinking of self teaching myself coding but I don't know if that would lead to anything
>drawing large breasts on what is clearly a child makes it less noncey
Absolute state of pedos
delicious biscuits rammed full of yummy chocolate chips, a real treat for any chunky wunker.
Yes, yes they are
No idea m8 just saved it from /v/ or something
ye. your details are in such a mountain of data anyway it's not like a yellow pages where anyone can find you if they want
>He thinks teenage schoolgirls don't have breasts
Absolute mongoloid nonce