Why don't you stop being degenerate and live a holy life instead? Things will be much better, and if you persevere to the end you'll enter into ETERNAL PARADISE after you die.
>But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 24:13)
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are doomed to perish in hell. Yet through God's immense love His infinite wrath was poured out upon Jesus to save anyone who puts their trust in Him.
If you repent, be obedient and believe, you'll go into everlasting JOY, BLISS and PEACE after death.
Why don't you pick up the world's most important book today and guarantee your salvation?
>The flesh will be judged with the soul and the spirit. Some will find repose in the kingdom of heaven, but others will be punished alive forever (Epistula Apostolorum)