why aren't femanons pregnant? think about all the positive attention youd get from everyone everywhere you go
Why aren't femanons pregnant? think about all the positive attention youd get from everyone everywhere you go
Because I've never been further than eye contact with a man.
Because my children would probably end the world.
Speaking about it. I really felt sorry for this character. Poor woman. She only wanted to have a child.
>Because my children would probably end the world.
please get pregnant immediately
I was before but would love to be again. It was an amazing experience and I loved every minute of it.
can you be my pregnant gf and i can pamper you?
What kind of children can you father?
I want to but I'm not married yet and my bf and I are not economically ready to have children. Also the fact we're in the end times doesn't make me very eager to bring another soul into this fallen world.
I wish I could watch a girl get impregnated and then date her afterwards while her belly swells
Because most "femanons" are just disgusting trannies
>why aren't femanons pregnant?
I've already had two kids so I've done it twice.
>think about all the positive attention youd get from everyone everywhere you go
I found the attention to be overwhelming. The battery of questions and small talk from strangers, people trying to rub your belly. I just like to be left alone already, but that desire increased even more when I was waddling around uncomfortable already.
shut up, get pregnant again, and let us all rub your belly
Sause bitte
Who's gonna knock me up everyone pills put these days or wears condoms
What anime is that from, but stated in an original fashion.
You sound cute, have more kids.
Do the world a favor or the children you do have will be caught is there backspin of the consequences of not enough children.
Have been pregnant, found the attention mostly irritating because it meant being asked the same 3 questions for 6 months straight. Plus one delightful gentleman customer at work who asked me why I got "special treatment" in form of a chair to sit my heavily pregnant butt on for my 9 hour shift.
Nah, I legit hated having my belly rubbed. That and people telling me at the end that "you look like you could pop".
I'm 30, and for as much as I love raising kids - the two I have are exhausting. I have the best of both worlds, a boy and a girl. I already had complications with my daughter, so I imagine I'd be in the same boat if I had a third.
My mom has complications with her first and still had two more after that with no complications.
Two isn't enough, what if one or both of your children never make it to sexual maturity?
You have to take into account that there is a failure rate in the reproductive life cycle.
They say a nation needs 1200 births per 1000 women in order to stay at a stable, non growing population.
do your kids have friends? how many of their parents do you hate
I have schizophrenia and major depressive disorder, also autism and bipolar run very strongly in my family. About eight generations back in my bloodline a brother and a sister married each other.
When I was 11 or so I used to want to be a mother, and I wrote letters to my "future daughter" in a diary. But once my mental illnesses ruined my life my last message was "I'm sorry, future daughter. I won't ever have you." I can't justify bringing a child into a world like this one and I don't think someone like me should reproduce.
t. 29 year old hikki NEET
>1200 births per 1000 women
Don't you mean 1200 per 1000 couples?
excuse me but you have to hug me right now
No, they measure it by the limiting factor and the only measurable factor.
There is no way to tell how many children a man has.
The majority of children are born to couples. If 1000 women have 1200 children, that doesn't even cover the 2000 parents involved in those children coming to be. The population would fall.
You can have a hug user. I decided a long time ago that if I ever manage to get my shit together and really want a child I'll adopt an older kid because the foster care system in this country is terrible.
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That broke my heart user. I hope that things get easier for you, and even if you don't ever have kids that you go out and do things that make you happy.
I had gestational diabetes which is incredibly common to get after the first time. It's not hard to manage with diet alone, that's what I did and didn't need insulin, but I hate needles and the constant poking was awful.
The cost was insane too, since I had to see a specialist and then had to have additional screenings. The medical bills were the final tipping point for us and we elected to file for bankruptcy this year. 17k just for the pregnancy/delivery, that's the American healthcare system for you though.
>do your kids have friends? how many of their parents do you hate
My oldest is four, so the bulk of his friends are the kids of friends/acquaintances. He's in preschool and so he has some friends there, and it's more the parents there that drive me crazy.
>You can have a hug user
i am the happiest robot right now
i don't want to have a child biologically and i don't want to get married. if i ever had a child i would adopt one.
>inb4 hate comments
waiting for my hubby to get a good paying job. so we can be economically safe and raise our child in a wealthy enough environment.
i just jerked off imagining that im impregnating you both
and you cant do anything abou tit
enjoy, user! glad to help.
h-how do i get a gf that slaps my butt like that
What would your kids think if they knew you browse this place?
now i'm fantasising that you're my pet, locked away in chastity for being such a bad boy and having naughty thoughts (:
not smoking for 9 months would be really hard for me
please be my stinky smoking gf
>please be my stinky smoking gf
what are your top 5 favorite movies and top 5 albums?
>tfw fembot gf to impregnate and create new life with
Why live.
Jow Forums in general or Jow Forums specifically? I don't really think Jow Forums would surprise them, given the fact I am a huge weeb - to the point when my son sees I'm watching anime he'll declare "oh no not anime!" and refers to my Hatsune Miku figures as my princesses. My lack of non-family interpersonal relationships are also likely a red flag.
Jow Forums specifically though, I'm not sure. Honestly I don't even know myself why I keep coming here.
the good the bad and the ugly
apocalypse now
the room
the langoliers
mbv loveless
deerhunter microcastle/weird era cont
black angels passover
pink mountaintops outside love
should i be cooler and say i really like andrei rublev and ornette coleman?
I sometimes pretend to be pregnant when I'm delivering pizzas to get extra tips. I use one of those fake bellies and some baggie clothes, make hecka bank.
that is the most adorably evil thing i have ever read
Can I give you a real one?
>should i be cooler and say i really like andrei rublev and ornette coleman?
I don't care, but I would have wanted to watch movies and go to concerts with you.
please blow smoke in my face and let me yell at you for making me stink like smoke
I really don't like being yelled at, it makes my heart really hurt so bye
>wanting to further overpopulate the world
I already have one handsome son with brown hair and blue eyes with a girl I went to high school with.
Any femanons want one of their own?
come back or ill freaking sue you
deliver a pizza to my house you fucking pizza slut
would you really want to date someone who is hung up on someone else?
Because I make barely enough money to scrape by, I would rather not raise a child in poverty.
yea thats fine, we just need to move to the other side of the world
and if I'm not compatible with you? more importantly if you're not compatible with me?
we'll become crack heads and only have to worry about scoring more crack
Nurarihyon no mago. It is about giving a bitch abortion to prevent world from ending.
and if I kill myself a month later?
i got my ex pregnant 5 years ago
now i am a woman and i will never be able to get pregnant