Haven't seen one the last few days. This is the home of r9ks artists, post all your original content in this thread, from writing to drawing and even music.
/creative general/
Other urls found in this thread:
>decide to make more pics like pic related
>Never do it
>Decide to make a building corner themed series
>Never do it
>Decide to do mirrored stuff
>Never do it
I guess my creativity dipped
Don't have much to show. Been mostly working on my album. Almost done with the 7th song. Think I'm gonna go for maybe 9 songs over all. But I made a short thing recently
How does one become creative? I have a strong desire but lack any creativity. Will nofap fix this? I mean, 50% of the time all I can think of is porn.
Made this last night. I comed through my collection of photos and found one of a wooded area at my train stop. A little Photoshop later and new product. I will attempt something similar with flowers as a base for women's clothes.
If you have such a strong desire to be creative just start doing something. Creativity is a learned skill for the most part. First you start out by copying and then you make your own stuff
find the right medium
and nah, if anything my interest in creative shit has plummeted with nofap, i just want to go the gym, artistic stuff is feeling very unsatisfying in comparison.
well if jacking off is the only thing you do then reducing it to normal levels might help. Nofap is a meme though and only actual autists believe it
Resignation has really nice vibe and others songs are not bad aswell.Keep it up
here is my last track and rn im uploading mix of music
Hi I wanna make music for video games.
Today I have a special announcement.
Also, I made a music video. I hope u like it.
Sounds like some good vidya music. Ever tried reaching out to some developers? I'm guessing you could find people on twitter that are looking for a music guy for a project.
you could just make video games and put your music in them. i hadn't hear your music recently but the last one is good, just i would've liked somewhat of a key shift or textural shift halfway through or something.
also by "most recent song" i meant templ, not the kazoo one, though that is amusing. you seem to be improving though, i've more or less stagnated in musical growth.
How do I write lyrics bruhs? I have never felt as mentally blocked as bad as when I try to write lyrics . I almost want to give up
your music is very good. im going to follow you.
I make art. Let me know, what you think about this piece. I would be happy bout that. I might post more if you are interested
Personally I just get creative bursts from time to time where the words just flow out of my brain. Happens often when I'm sleep deprived at like 3 am or something. Trying to force it rarely works. Often it starts out with a particular phrase or idea and then goes from there. Aren't there any particular experiences or themes you want to explore? Or do you just don't like your phrasing? Anyhow, there's really no use in trying to force it. Do something else if nothing comes to you
I would've cropped out my signature if I were you. I like the style. The face especially is very neat to me for some reason. The subject matter is a bit on the nose
The last one sounds like something you'd hear on the character select screen in a Street Fighter game, nice
I can imagine this being art for a Lovecraft-style story where a new mind-altering drug allows a human's brain to become susceptible to eldritch beings, like a more evil version of DMT.
>tfw buying a shit-tier chinese microphone for my retarded YT channel idea has left me bankrupt for at least week and a half
...No one's gonna give me shit for starting Patreon from a get-go when it's done from necessity, r-right?
I think I have to give up guitar, anons. It's been over 4 years of consistent practice and I still suck.
>...No one's gonna give me shit for starting Patreon from a get-go when it's done from necessity, r-right?
maybe get a job nigger
I had one during summer, I can't make time for both it and uni.
Dropping out is not an option either.
Fuck off, dipshits.
>No one's gonna give me shit for starting Patreon from a get-go when it's done from necessity, r-right?
Holy shit, talk about entitled.
Thanks I am glad you like it. Appreciate it user
Have you reached a plateau or did you really not learn anything? It's fairly normal to stagnate for a while. Did you take lessons or what did you use to learn? What's your skill level?
This is such a nice and creative response. Thanks user.
>Fuck off, dipshits.
It's literally in OP's image, faggot.
i bet you're not even creating anything.
I've just been teaching myself with YT tutorials and Songsterr. I still fuck up constantly with songs that are rated for the lowest difficulty.
Not him, but you have to practice stuff slow and consistently.
Haha u hav smol brain
let me see y our youtube channel now user.
thoughts on this autism?
Pic related, for anyone who wants to be creative.
It is good, but work on the size of the hands. Could be slightly bigger.
I haven't started it yet.
I've bought my microphone from the Internet and it will be delivered only by the end of a week.
I'm only asking this because my financial situation wasn't great already, but there is a good chance it'll only get worse.
Templ has some annoying bits, but Doggo Dance is so good, I like it.
Sounds like you should've started changing your routine years ago. Going to a teacher might be your best option at this point
Also, is it just me or is the right eye a bit far on the side of the head?
Does anyone here know how to create ambient game music for tropical sadness sounding stuff? I know the description sucks but Donuts by Mogwai or radwimps without the vocals would be sort of what Im looking for, only more ocean/beach/island oriented. If you can Id greatly appreciate you posting your links to your tracks.
Honestly I can barely find the motivation to even practice anymore. It's been a total waste of time and me continuing just feels like this
Both theseI think her face looks weirder the longer you look at it. The nose is so long and then you've got that tiny ass OneyNG looking mouth down there
I was thinking about that, I'll try making the fingers longer as the character is supposed to look quite thin and delicate
Yeah now that you mention it, it's pretty visible on the thumbnail. I'd say the right eye/eyelashes are wider than the left one giving that impression, I'll play around with the eye width/position
What do you bots think about sketching? I've wanted to do art on Sai but I haven't been very good at it because reasons I guess. I'm also not very good at sketches either because my hand is rather shaky so I usually have to do it messily and then go over it again.
Pick related is a trace that took 15ish minutes.
What are you struggling with most? I looked up some "easiest difficulty" songs on Songterr and some even I would have trouble with (ex. Wake Me Up When September Ends) since, for one thing, I'm not personally a very chord-focused player. I remember the site I used to learn (off-line now) and it was focused on developing right-hand technique and left-hand technique separately then the end of each lesson focused on integrating the two which I think is a great approach. I don't know what youtube tutorials you've been watching/using but I don't know if I could trust their teaching expertise to be quite honest.
Whats your channel about? Maybe not all hope is lost.
Oh wait actually I found it zentao.com
>I think her face looks weirder the longer you look at it. The nose is so long and then you've got that tiny ass OneyNG looking mouth down there
I'm sorta trying to channel Leiji Matsumoto because I love everything that guy made so it's intentional, everything about this guys characters is long, thin and delicate but I haven't done that before so I probably need to play around the overall proportions more though I'm getting closer I think
Again, I haven't I haven't started it, so right now I have nothing to show you except from the general concept.
Some may remember me posting about it already on one of the previous threads, but I want to make heavily edited, nonsensical rants based on loose subjects.
Basically, I got this idea from russian youtuber Dawg and the videos he made before he abandoned his channel and became a streamer.
These are the problems I keep running into
>Always hitting extra strings by mistake
>Muting strings accidentally
>Fingers can't get into position quick enough to play the next notes
>Picking hand often hits the string too softly and barely any sound will be made at all, happens usually in faster sections of songs
As for tutorials I usually try to follow Steve Stine on Youtube. Although honestly all these videos feel kind of useless because these guys are all masters who have been doing it since they were 5 and they make everything look ultra easy.
So do it. Do you know after effects and some video editing software to make videos that pull the viewer in? I am planning on starting my own channel and think itd be cool to know other robots.
Video I made not so long ago about a post on here. It's not really that creative but some people liked it and that made me happy :).
This is fucking funny. Hearty kek
just played around and it was a combination of both, the right eye being slightly too wide and being slightly too far right, looks significantly better now
Thanks user.
I've decided tp hold on to creating Patreon at least before my subs at least hit triple digits.
I am also very concerned about how my voice is going to sound, due to accent and general volume of my voice, but hey, if someone like Forsen can become e-famous, then it could've been worse, I guess.
Actually you should hold on from making a patreon until quint digits, around 25-100,000+. It would give you a better chance of building a support base who would pay if you are not delivering a product but entertainment. Unless your entertainment is extraordinary, you must operate as an ordinary.
btw nice to see the thread is quite active, last few creative threads seemingly all just died after a couple replies
Thank you user, maybe check out my other video too? not really as funny but I just love the fucking song, it really takes me back.
I feel like I really could build a channel on the concept of creating funny video clips like these, but sadly I lack ideas to even have a remotely regular upload schedule
Those are all fairly common I think, I'm watching some Steve Stine videos and it seems like really vague advice or geared towards people who are really into theory, I personally just work off a basic working knowledge of theory, enough to there I know how to play a song in, say G Major or B Minor. You're absolutely right that he makes everything look easy and that's not really the way to teach imo. Personally most musicians I idolize were never classically trained or anything they just developed their own styles and methods which is exactly what I do, for example I pick with my thumb and middle finger rather than with my index since I feel it gives me more leverage, and my muting technique would probably make most professional guitarists cringe. I don't really have any advice I guess except that the site I posted is exactly what I used when I was first starting out, you may be past the content in most of the lessons but if you're having trouble it has a lot of helpful, ubiquitous exercises presented in a helpful manner not just "LET'S JUMP INTO SWEEP PICKING DIMINISHED ARPEGGIOS."
here is the mix
A poster for a club I made in Second Life. A vampire themed romance sim,with new age music,a ruined temple disco,blood rivers and a ballroom with a rotating dance floor.
Actually (still )
if you can find "Rock Discipline" by John Petrucci it has a bunch of cool warm-up exercises and stuff that would probably help with the muting and extra string stuff, maybe more towards your skill level, plus he's hilarious in it.
Looks like a metal album cover
what do I fix this is for a class
Ref pic is here
has anyone here grown up creating characters and still does it to this day? have you made anything out of it? I feel like I have a hunger for creating something but I'm too much of a coward do actually do it.
I'm like Marty's dad from Back to the Future except I may not have the talent, but regarless I don't want to die without putting something out there for the world.
Ill hopefully do that on my trip, but thanks for the encouragement! Right now im working on a game my friend is doing so im hyped for that.
I could, but I dont think i have any good ideas.
I mean, would you want a Fire Emblem esque, game with Gitaroo man Battles?
Though for templ, you are right its kinda stationary, but I wanted it to be more like, (you unlock more parts of the dungeon, the music changes subtly) Adaptive music is fucking neat.
I thank u
Some doodle/cartoon series I have started recently called "Ironik". This guy is named Micheal. He is heavily based on the 90's style of design and cartoons, and is inspired by parappa the rapper's artstyle.
Techno I made a few days ago called Robo Rock Me.
Character sketches for a short comic idea.
looks pretty cool t b h
Thanks. Here is another sketch I was playing with for it.
My best vid and the one getting the most views. Haven't uploaded anything in a while but that changes soon.
Both of your works motivated me to finally make a soundcloud account so I can follow people in here. Keep up the good work.
>valentines mix
sean is that you?