Sometimes I'll watch smaller youtube channels...

Sometimes I'll watch smaller youtube channels, usually of guys who are virgins just posting about their daily lives or the stuff they are struggling with. These guys are usually, weird, have mental illnesses or are just very shy of introverted.
Something I've noticed is that their videos tend to have quite a bit of women in their comment sections wanting to talk to them, usually on multiple of their videos.
What draws girls to guys like this? I thought they hated virgins and were disgusted by them, but without fail they seem to be seeking videos of these guys out and commenting nice things (most of the time, I have seen some girls making fun of them or putting them down but that's rare)

Attached: EEJJLN6XsAAL1Qv.jpg (1080x1350, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's because of the tiny amount of fame those guys have , girls are attracted to celebs

Some of these guys don't have fame though, these are really small channels where videos get like 200 views tops. Women still find them.

Maybe it has to do with the whole "Fix him up" thing some girls have. They see potential on the guy and want to realize it.

they're probably just collecting orbiters thinking they want to friendzone them

can you link some channels?

Same reason you see women constantly posting on r9k. They're equally as fucked up as we are or they're looking for people who are easy to manipulate which is probably a little bit of both

I've done so in the past and it usually just draws shitposter to them, and to small channels that can be bad.
Do a search on youtube and sort by view count or upload date, it's usually easier to find them that way.

This kinda makes sense I suppose, I was under the assumption that a "fixer upper" type of guy had to be desirable in other ways first. Like a Chad that might not have a job or something, not a lonely sad virgin.

Where'd you find that art OP? Reverse image search doesn't bring anything up and it's very pretty

that's a twitter file name, so somewhere on there

The other user is right that it was some twitter artist, someone retweeted it if I remember right so I don't know the artists name.

Here you go, I found it.
I'm not sure if this is the artist

That's too vague, at least give some search terms to look for.

What the hell is with these tweets? What's this guy's problem?

Attached: 0c7a430514dbe7945f8709b6186344890c5c951a5309b160a716c598d3d5d42c.png (278x345, 115K)

Seems cliche, but I think it's a tranny.

search for obvious things like "virgin" "lonely" "depressed", look for tags like #blackpill or #incel etc, some of these guys don't put those topics in their titles though so you have to find them by other means (usually under other channels in the related section, or looking at who other people are subscribed to). Another way to find them is to look at normal videos about virgins and check the comment sections in those, they often leave comments.

Honestly I'm glad it's harder to find these guys because the last thing they need is lots of negative attention. If you're a virgin yourself it shouldn't be hard to run into these vids..

Here's the actual one. The one on twitter is stolen.
Artist's name is: Ilya Kuvshinov

What makes you think those are women?

Thank you user. I thought I'd seen the artstyle somewhere before, couldn't put my finger on it.

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They have profile pictures, and often times videos of their own and instagram profiles as well.

isn't this the artist that was caught tracing stuff?

>They uploaded pictures and videos of women so they must be women

I find it hard to believe dudes would pretend to be women to be nice to these random guys, but I guess stranger things do happen,

Woman who occasionally posts on r9k. I'm the former rather than the latter.

I'm definitely "eccentric".

women like to target lonely or dumb men who are easy to manipulative

They want those random guys' money by pretending to befriend them.
Oh wait, women do that too. There's your answer.

vulnerability and being comfortable with yourself is attractive. The reason you think girls don't like this is because it is a projection of your own insecurity.

idk that much. this is def the original though. but even if its traced it still looks nice though. why should i care in the slightest bit

Links to channels? Sounds comfy to watch.

>The reason you think girls don't like this is because it is a projection of your own insecurity.

It's true I'm insecure about it, but this is because I've seen horrible reactions from women in regards to virgin guys.
I'm not sure about vulnerability being attractive though, maybe we have a different idea of what that is. Also a lot of these guys aren't comfortable with themselves and think very little of themselves, they often put themselves down..

Not all women

I don't want your money. I make enough of my own. That e-thot stuff really isn't hot or ethical.

100% yes. It takes vulnerability to connect and commit. You can only do that with someone you're comfortable around. It takes courage to let people in. To trust.

not all women believe theyre doing it but yes

Being vulnerable with women has only ever hurt me, so I'm very suspect about this advice (or maybe I've only ever met bad women). I think it's just something that's nice to hear but not what people actually want.

I find virginity attractive. From a health perspective I'm clean and it's important that my partner is too. I enjoy intimate "vanilla" sex and I prefer to just feel that it's natural and unrestricted. I'm looking to make love and engage in a commitment. I take effort in making someone's first time a shared experience that's enjoyable. I generally date virgins and I enjoy building up to sharing bodies. I'm a little shy and my trust is difficult to gain so it takes up a lot of courage for me to get naked (typically 5/6 months into a relationship)

I wouldn't say virginities are a fetish for myself but it's definitely a positive in my eyes compared to a negative.

I never got the option of giving my virginity away so I have a based view upon sex, intimacy and relationships

I agree with you for the most part, I want my first time to be with a girl I've spent time with and am genuinely comfortable with being around, who accepts me and knows where I'm coming from.
I haven't met one yet who had that kind of patience with me, they eventually can't put up my insecurities and get frustrated with me, which is understandable in a way. Most people have gotten past this stuff when they were younger, so it's my guess that they just want to get down and do the deed right away.
I really meet many women, so I feel like it's out of reach.

I mean to say "I don't really meet many women"*

I feel the same about being vulnerable with men. I've had some difficulty in my journey through life. I've got a little castle and I'm well protected. I want to let people in but people don't realise I'm the dragon not the princess.
> This is a cheesy fucking metaphor I'm aware but pic related.

I want to love, commit and be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship. I'm not looking for perfect, it doesn't exist. What I am looking for though is a man. A man who is traditional and domainant. I am non-traditional (doesn't want kids, might consider marriage) and submissive/dominant/switch. I'm independent but nothing would make me happier than to make my husband's packed lunches, grow him deliciously food, look after our animals and plan exciting and romantic activities, adventures and surprises. When I love someone, I'm full INFJ.

Lol mb stoned and forgot to attach
>Pic related

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The counter culture will be celibacy and volcel mentality.

What you want sounds like what I'd imagine most women want. It's strange that you'd expect a virgin to be that way though.

I'm sure there are masculine and dominant men out there that are saving themselves, but usually if a guy is a virgin he's going to have insecurities about it and typically not fit into that traditional role, at least not at first. I think he would need to be molded into it if it fits his character (once he's past his insecurities).

A girl I knew a long time ago described me that way which was very surprising to me, she said that despite my hangups, the interactions she had with me made her feel like I was masculine and dominant, I found it very strange because I don't see myself that way at all.

Can you elaborate? I'm interested.

Everybody fucks.

So you think there will be some social movement where more people will choose to stay virgins?

A masculine dominant virgin will showcase mind over matter. It is often more so a mentality, not a state of being. This individual will be the abnormal, the unique, and will be seen as worthwhile and valuable as a potential partner. It will happen, just wait. Any virgin can become comfortable with themselves, the only reason they dont is because they let societies judgement inflect. Its why so many men want virginal women, there is purity in an ocean of degeneracy. Women are slowly waking up to this after decades of deviancy.

I guess it's just the mentality that men get told to be? I've got a lot of masculine friends due to my hobbies (I'm a tom boy type but sometimes femme) and they all tell me they want to be dominant and traditional. I've spoken to other women and they say the same. A man who will rough them up. Give them a home, family, stability...
All my past relationships have been what I wanted from life. Submissive and non-traditional men. Men who enjoyed being made to be sissies and generally went against the grain of kids/marriage/religion. I figured it's maybe time to see what all the fuss is about. I want to find a life partner. Clearly something hasn't been working. The virginity really isn't a deal for me. Why wouldn't virgins be dominant and traditional? You can still enact those values in your day to day without smashing a side piece.

I don't like moulding men. I like to encourage them but never manipulation techniques

Maybe she was attracted to you? Who knows

It will only happen in the united states. The UK is long gone.

That's an interesting view and it's given me something to think about, thank you. I think you're right about societal judgement, a lot of my insecurity comes from "not measuring up" and comparing myself to men and women who have miles more experience than me.

About virgin women though, while nice it's not something I absolutely yearn for, if she's someone who is patient with me and understanding I don't see it as that big of a deal. I understand that there is a lot of pressure on women (especially peer pressure) to lose their virginity, and given that it's usually easier for women to do so..

By molding I meant more so molding himself through the experiences he will have, maybe under all that insecurity is a masculine man and he just needs to get past it.

When talking about virginity, Im more so talking about the mentality, not the fact of state. If you have had sex but have been long term monogamous with few partners or only one partner this could be considered as attempting to remain pure. Compare this to people with many partners and its understandable.

You know what my favorite part of being a 30 year old KV is? The realization that my genitals have passed their prime and that my body is going to start crashing soon. I spent my teens and twenties jacking off to anime butts and thinking I wouldn't end up a fucking loser. I've got ED. I'm ugly and have weird medical problems. But at this point, I'm trying to find a good way to do mental gymnastics so I can trick myself into not concluding that I should throw myself into a lake of fire.So far, my answer is approaching straight up suicide t b h

Attached: 1397495975710.png (402x517, 143K)

Yeah I get what you mean.
So it all comes down to how a man carries himself, even if he is a virgin.

I wish more people were understanding of this, but the societal judgment and negative connotations attached to you for being an adult male virgin are a hurdle to deal with, they have really effected me in a negative way and I'm still trying to figure out how to be happy with myself.

I rarely masturbate or even look at porn anymore, I simply don't enjoy it. Maybe it's because I got bored of it or maybe I want something more. A lot of guys seem to degenerate into worse and worse fetishes when they reach that state of boredom though, the male sex drive is pretty dangerous to yourself if you let it be, at least that's what I've learned.

Virgins need better role models, degenerates have theirs, where are the virgin superstars? Hard to find, especially outside religion.

I think that's because if a man is a superstar of some sort he's seldom going to be a virgin, women typically throw themselves at men like that don't they?

I think a lot of guys are looking for role models like that, if you look at this video and see the comment section, there are quite a few guys are identify with him.

Thanks for the link, very interesting. I really do believe purity and subsequent purity spiraling will come into the forefront. Have a good day, and remember, sex is meaningless without any real connection.

Bored? why not check this extremely hot active server, for the best lewds of females and trapss!

discord gg/3UK8V8W

I'm pretty much at peakfetish, and its approaching metafetish levels.

That's because sex and physical contact is more important to the male psyche. Men are supposed to be strong and dominant; not fucking pussies like us dinovirgins who can't assert themselves in any situation, let alone with a girl.

There are no male virgin role models because heroic, admirable, talented men all get pussy poured over their head like a bucket of vagina water. What's there to admire? " I never talked to a girl, I just stayed in my room and cried myself to sleep for ten years. But I managed to keep my purity, at least!"

What a bunch of fucking losers we are.

Attached: 1507343621672.jpg (850x1133, 172K)

>What's there to admire? " I never talked to a girl, I just stayed in my room and cried myself to sleep for ten years. But I managed to keep my purity, at least!"

We were just talking about how it doesn't have to be like this, we don't have to let society smear us just because we're virgins, we don't have to fit that stereotype of neckbeard basement dweller. Maybe we can be strong and dominant(would rather say assertive since dominance implies some ooga booga shit) despite being virgins.

But what do I know, it's not like I've figured this out. I'm in the same spot as everyone else here.

The topic of this makes you upset because youre solely materialistic and physically bound to body. You probably are homosexual or equivalence so these conversations make you angry because its absurd there are men who could have options yet never indulge in them. A man who denies all easy pussy in that kind of position is only more admirable and determined. Eventually he will find someone but to deny all the casual and deviant companionship on his journey for love? Respectful. Have a good day and I hope you get treatment for your obsession.

There are men in similar situations but don't have options for various reasons, I don't think they should be thought of any less either.

Most of the role models I can think of are either religious, like you said, or highly intelligent. Examples are Nikola Tesla and maybe Isaac Newton. But even those guys were kind of on the border between genius and insanity- not a mental space many of us are capable of occupying artfully.

Ya very true, was just pointing out if these virginal role models did not act on impulses it would only make them more identifiable as leadership than if they indulged in it. A man who is a virgin for whatever reason can still be just as valid.

No, it makes me upset because it reminds me of what a fucking loser I am, obviously.

>ill call him a gay materialist lol that'll show him
Doesn't even make sense you cunt; if losing your virginity was just a physical event, no one would care this much about it.

I hope you get eaten by a fucking raccoon outside

Attached: 1507941849335.png (720x585, 623K)

Gotta make sure everyone else knows that a well-adjusted, virtuous virgin he is! He's an alphavirgin; he leads the pack. His little brown virgin brothers just need guidance.

Attached: 1530146084700.jpg (1280x1707, 572K)

Good point on intellectuals, however corny that may sound. One thing to note is that insanity only exists for society, not really for he individual. So if someone like Nikolai Tesla seems too far off hes actually not, hes a mortal man like you and as such can be understood by you. When you look at great men or even just good men around you that are better than you in some way, the man often finds inspiration, not jealousy like the woman. If you are finding jealousy you are still material, like a female. I suggest taking inspiration from anyone who could be seen as such in our predicament. That starts by working on yourself.

It's just that I find a lot of women make that distinction and it just further perpetuates insecurities in men
>"he can be a virgin so long was it was by choice"

He may as well had not been a virgin, right?

Youre only a loser if you care what society thinks, user. And gay men are very materialistic, and youre posting anime traps. If youre not a homosexual then I apologize but even you state in your own posts youre materialist.

You don't need to tell people, this is more about how you feel about yourself, because in the end that's what matters in terms of how you carry yourself. It's not about being "alpha".

Do you have discord :3
Originally please

Im more so trying to point out that virgin men often are in no real positions of societal status. Females are drawn to status, however finite. Once a virgin male has made something of himself he will often be able to find sexual encounters much more easily than say, being a loser in high school, a burger flipper, a neet, a failure etc. the virgin who is in these positions of power that chooses to deny degeneracy is a valid role model. I never wanted to insinuate you are only valid if you have options, many men will often find none. The ugliest man can still attain power and status, and from this he will achieve female gaze and interest.

Drop yours. I'll add. My tag ends in 5116

Going to bed soon though so try to be timely

I'm having trouble following a lot of your post.
>insanity only exists for society, not really for he individual
I mean Tesla had romantic affections for a pidgeon. Is that not individual insanity?
>When you look at great men or even just good men around you that are better than you in some way, the man often finds inspiration, not jealousy like the woman.
I'm not jealous, their achievements are something I aspire to. But do you think women are jealous of Tesla? I think they either aspire to his level as well, or just don't care about him at all.

That's not me if you're thinking it's who responded to you, I know it's anonymous but I don't want to be impersonated even still.

No, because sanity is a literal measure of conformance with a baseline level of acceptable societal thoughts, ideas and behaviors. A society is necessary to create a definition for insanity.

That poster is a fucking retarded cunt, though.

I've considered doing something like a voice/text only channel. Reviewing music, books, giving my general opinion on things. I've been told I have a nice voice so it'd probably be even easier. I've always just found it so interesting how people from all over can have such similar opinions.

Attached: 1542369574886.jpg (861x884, 57K)

I think you should, could be a fun hobby.
Personally I don't have the confidence to record video of myself and upload it, so voice is a good alternative.

>Fucking retarded cunt
Someone's put in their big boy pants on Jow Forums of all places.

I don't mind showing my face but I'd rather not to such a large audience if you feel me. A hobby is exactly how I see it, though. Something fun to pass the time when following a particular train of thought. Might actually move forward with it. Thanks, user.

Sorry if its hard to follow, Im much more coherent in talking and in my mind than typing. As for Tesla there is no such thing as insanity for the individual because only society tells him if he is sane. We look at illness like schizophrenia but even this is still apart of the self and if all you know is the self then surely you are your normal to yourself. Once you stop caring about what society thinks on a personal level, you will be able to judge more clearly on what you believe. Tesla may have loved romantically a pidgeon and we can only guess what, how, and why, but in the end he was in love. That love was probably more pure than millions of relationships have ever had. The pidgeon may never have loved him back but is it not still valid to feel those emotions? Its only mad if you deem it mad, ie you listen to society. As for being jealous, I didnt mean to imply it. Some men feel jealousy rather than inspiration so I was preparing you if you felt that way. It means youre materialistic and insecure. As for the female, I am just pointing out they are more materialistic due to biological urge for security and safety. Societal status could be considered a security issue. Whether or not they are jealous is perhaps bad wording on my part, because Nikolai Tesla has been dead for a while and hes mostly irrelevant now. The point is that when you compare a man and a woman, the women finds jealousy when looking at their betters, men find admiration.

Female gaze is as worthless as not breathing. What a joke.

That probably didn't happen. Stop believing Thomas Edison's kids.

Then it just means Nikolai wasnt in love with a pidgeon, and Edison is a dick.

Edison and his kids*

I am not saying you should care about the female, I am only saying the female will inevitably follow. How you react to that is up to you.

Thomas Edison is dead.

This is known. He is still a dick for stealing and raising asshats.

Good luck man, hope I run into your channel one day.

Flameflame #2024

the difference with fembots is that they can easily acquire mates because men will put up with shit women won't to be in a relationship, or will date women less attractive than them. women do not date downwards in socio-economic status or looks.

Something I've noticed is that men will always put down other men. It's very strange and sad how we've come to this. Men in the past used to support each other through thick and thin and have each others backs in life or death, now we shit on each other for female validation.

99% of people fuck

So if I want a GF I just need to start uploading shitty youtube content?

Shit, and I've been over here learning Game the whole time!

Surprisingly this does seem to work for a lot of guys

the phrase "carries himself" is meaningless.

if a guy is really down on himself it will show
if he's confident and ok with himself wouldn't he carry himself differently?

speaking of masculinity, recently a female friend exclaimed i was "so confident!" when i called over wait staff for our bills (not in a mean way or anything). ngl gave me a little thrill. still a 34 khhv neet tho

I've had something like this happen to me too in college.
Me and two girls had to meet with a professor to ask him stuff related to a project, both of them were very nervous for some reason on the way there. I just knocked, walked in and asked the question (related to all of us) and we were in and out in a few minutes.

Both of them gave out huge sighs of relief afterwards and treated me like I was the most amazing man on the planet, complimenting me, saying how confident I was, and thanking me. It was all so bewildering. I don't think I did anything special and I wasn't even thinking about them during.

i'm confident in my demeanor, dont have any problem talking to strangers of any gender, and i completely loathe myself and am suicidal all the time. it's not even a matter of hiding it, not everyone wears their emotions on their sleeve, so "carry yourself" is meaningless. confidence just means physical attractiveness.

i would rather it didn't happen to me again, lest i get ideas in my head from one or two instances that dont reflect reality and give me a big head

I take it you loathe yourself due to being a virgin since it's what this thread is about? If so the earlier discussion was trying to look for ways to move past that, I understand the feelings of self loathing and suicidal ideation (I have them too). I'm trying to look deeper into why we feel this way and place so much importance on it, and why we can't be appreciated as men simply for lacking that one thing. Is it really that important or have we been conditioned to feel this way?

The talk about role models was interesting, I wonder if things would be different if we had men to look up to who were similar to us.

You're 34 khhv and you have a female friend to go out and eat with? How did you manage that?

i have three close female friends (tbf one eventually became a lesbian). the secret is i realize they dont want to fuck me, so i dont try to fuck them. here's something even non-incel men dont realize - the chance of a female friend wanting to fuck you is very low, so becoming their friends to try and turn it into a relationship (fwb or serious) is basically a non starter. one of the two straight female friends has turned down like 5 guys she's been friends with who eventually made a move (after she told me this i told her i wasn't going to make a move)

Yeah it's pretty well known that once a woman categorizes you as a non-sexual person it's pretty much impossible to change that. Some men are delusional though.