What the actual fuck, this book absolutely SUCKS.
What the actual fuck, this book absolutely SUCKS
its because you are the angsty teenager the book is about. when you are older you will appreciate it
I notice a lot of narcissists have identified themselves with the mc. So the book is probably a good red flag detector on some occasions.
people only care because it killed king hippie, prove me wrong
>reading is a good red flag
the fucking state of roaties lmao
Of course the book sucks it's about a pedo
But this book IS a normie tier garbage for edgy kids
>implying that you should feel ashamed for feeling like you're living in an inauthentic world robbed of its innocence and empathizing with characters who are written to feel the same way
heehee yes you are simply going through an adolescent phase it is all in your head
this book is one of the most acclaimed novels of all time
>toasties taste
just one of those things they will never understand
It's garbage. I fucking hate the whiny MC. Was never like that when I was a teenager so that's probably one reason why I can't relate to it
Obviously Holden Caufield has some serious issues, but I understand his sentiment of wanting to be a catcher in the rye. I worked law enforcement for four years and I saw a lot of fucked up shit happen to small kids, and it broke my heart every time. I just wanted to help them and make their life better but I couldn't.
Idk, any other anons feel this way?
This is unironically my favorite book of all time
>This is unironically my favorite book of all time
based and cringepilled
"lol im so special, i don't conform and don't fit in anywhere" Just shut up and suffer in silence like the rest of us. That kid pissed me off so much, because like the user above me i just wasn't a whiny brat
I liked only because it was better than the other shitty books we had to read. Other than that, catcher in the rye was fucking boring. You can portray a message in your book while making it fun too jd
I hated this book, he complained about fucking everything
Did everyone in this thread miss the point of this book? It's not about Holden Caufield being a angsty teen (which he is), it's about losing the innocence of childhood and realizing that you can't protect the innocent no matter how hard you try.
its about his math teacher fucking his ass
based and NPCpiIled
It literally reads like a fucking child's book (duh, because it is), but reading literature like that just gets me off my nerves. I don't ever want to read something that is written like it was made by a 16 year old.
>I don't ever want to read something that is written like it was made by a 16 year old.
unless its twilight